Prologue: Confiscated.. for study purposes..


Loud drilling noises resounded within the two storey accommodation. There, muscular construction workers stumbled about, carrying all sorts of materials in and out.

"The client is a big one boys, make sure we finish by today" One of the men shouted, followed by various grunts from inside.

It was an odd request, the supervisor thought. 'Suburban house remodelling, two day job, Soundproof walls and remodelled furniture.' The conditions were simple enough, but these modifications were very uncommon for a suburban residential area..

'It's almost like… no… don't question the client…' the supervisor cut off his line of thought, replacing it with his can-do service attitude. They were a small construction company, and the remuneration received far outweighed the costs of a temporary reallocation of personnel.

The client was odd too. At first glance she was a cute and dainty mistress who flashed an occasional smile, someone who looked like a princess from a fairytale.. the type that his team would literally fall over themselves to hit on.

But underneath that innocent look held a cold glint in her eyes, a glint that seemed to demand submission and obedience from those around her. This made it hard for the construction workers to approach her, much less deliver the cringy pick-up lines they had long since prepared.

"You look like you fell from heaven.. cough cough.. Heavens! The weather sure looks nice" The first and last attempt of hitting on her ended with a murderous glare and a choked up constructionman. 'Brave soul. Brave soul.' The supervisor internally complimented his fallen underling.

But between the odd request and the odd client, the state of one of the bedrooms was even odder.. It looked like it had been ransacked by thieves. Books were littered across the floor, furniture was overturned, even the wardrobe was not spared, revealing a messy mix of silky feminine underwear and revealing lingerie.

Constructionmen that walked past it quickly developed hunched backs to hide the growing gun in their pants, quickly earning gazes of disapproval from the few women in the team.

"Maybe they got robbed.. and that's why the client wants more privacy" one of the construction workers whispered, making the other guy roll his eyes at his low IQ. "Shh.. don't be so loud idiot, she's standing right there. And would you install soundproof walls to keep robbers out?" The worker eyed the client warily, she seemed to be in a bad mood.

Golden locks, puckered lips and a slight frown. Maya stood at the side of the doorframe, twirling her hair whilst lost in deep thought.

'Where did she put it.. If I was Ver, where would I hide my stuff..' Maya had already turned my bedroom upside down, going so far as to flip through every single piece of furniture in the room. But she could not find even a trace of my elusive history with the Underworld.

'5 Years. And you told me none of it.' Maya grimaced. 'I don't believe you didn't keep a diary, you dirty whore.'

Digging through my belongings, the worst Maya could find were several ballooned condoms that were filled to the brim, stashed amongst my secret lingerie collection. Sexy maid uniform? Check. Slutty nurse robe? Check. Kinky bunny outfit? Also Check. I had them all.

Maya's hands shook as she flipped through them one by one, the costumes becoming ever more revealing with each flip. 'Oh my God.. this is so naughty.. what's this.. and why is that spiky..' Gasps resounded through the room as her mind couldn't seem to decide between being very angry or being very turned on.

Eventually her hands landed on the ballooned condoms. They were fastened onto what Maya could only describe as a 'sticky Chinese slash Egyptian slave outfit'. The condoms were tied together to form a long necklace in a trophy-like fashion.

Her eye twitched as she dangled the object before her, staring into the silky white liquid held inside the stretchy rubber. 'This SLUT.. how many guys did she fuck to fill these all the way up?'

Maya had silently stashed the condoms away before the construction team arrived, fuming as she gathered them along with my other naughty items.

Amongst them was my favorite dragon dildo that was strategically hidden under the bed, complete with its separate anal extension and creamy finish function. 'Creamy finish?! Obscene.' Maya thought as she unhesitantly slipped the fat thing into her mouth, tasting the residue of my juices. "Hehe.." She giggled nonsensically, twirling her tongue over the tip.

Next to the dildo lay two small orbs that had been stealthily placed behind my potted plant. Vibrating nipple clamps, Maya recognized from the packaging and a quick google search. 'Milkers for the cow huh. Hmph. How smutty.' Maya curiously unbuttoned her blouse and tried them on.

"What the-" the two orbs instantly suctioned onto her sensitive brown tips, sending vibrations deep into her breasts.

Buzzzz- "Uhhhhh.. mmm.. mhmmmm.." Maya moaned, memories of last night's suction tubes resurfaced in her mind as her panties slowly deepened in color.

Her hands unconsciously drifted down towards her damp entrance, rubbing and teasing at the clit inside her wet panties. "Shiiiit" she groaned, flooding her underwear with a small gush of juice.

The moment of bliss lasted a few moments before Maya broke out of her trance. "Hmmmmph." She pouted as she pulled the orbs off her now erect nipples. 'These are dangerous..' She panted as she reached for a tissue to wipe off some of the juices. 'I'll confiscate these.. for study purposes..'

The last item made Maya's blood boil. It was a book hidden behind my desk. "69 positions to please your man" Maya read aloud before hurling the book at the wall. "FUCKING BITCH" She yelled, kicking the bed repeatedly in rage.

"Uuuuu" She groaned cutely, hugging her foot.

Her chest heaved heavily as she fumed "Hmph. You won't be needing this anymore Ver. Not on my watch.. and Certainly Not with that man."


A sudden noise from the living room snapped Maya from her memories.

"What the.." "What did you do.." A commotion started as the team of constructionmen gathered around the guy holding the drill. Instead of the drill going into the wall, the tip shattered a black metal plate that seemed to be embedded inside it.

"I didn't do anything! No one told me it was inside!" The constructionman gulped as he eyed the expensive looking metal plate, afraid that the expense would come out of his paycheck.

"Let me see" A feminine voice echoed in the room, making the group of workers part as Maya strutted into the room. Her eyes glittered as she saw the black plate.

'Tha- That's the front of the safe I saw Ver browsing before!' Maya wanted to jump in joy, but held it in to keep her professional image. If I was there I definitely would have applauded. She was learning to control her emotions.. My princess is finally growing..

"I- I'm sorry- I didn't know-" The man stood frozen on the spot, the client was right next to him observing the damage! But before he could say anything else, Maya interrupted him. "It's okay."

"Yes. Yes. I will pay for the damages. Huh?" "I said it's okay. I forgot to tell you about our safe. Could you please help me move it to my room?" Maya smiled awkwardly at her lame excuse.

The constructionman almost reeled back in shock 'Is she an angel? That thing looks like it costs three months of my salary..'

"Yes. Yes. Of course." The man agreed, quickly getting to work unbolting the safe with the drill in his hands.

Maya turned and flashed her signature smile to the rest of the construction team."Thank you~"

For the team it felt like getting hit by a fresh breeze in a summer garden, instantly making the crowd burst into laughter and cheers.

It was the smile of.. youth. 'We got it wrong.. how can a girl with such a pretty smile participate in shady activities..' 'Maybe she got robbed after all..' 'My Angel!'

The cheers and laughter slowly died down as the team slowly went back to their respective tasks.

Once again, the loud construction noises continued.

Maya eyed the safe as it was slowly carried out. 'Big.' Her first impression lay on the impressive size of the safe, it was so large that she could fit inside if she crouched. 'I can't believe she fit that inside the wall'

The safe was fit snugly behind the sofa, hidden behind a layer of white paint.

"Found you.." Maya whispered as the constructionman lowered the safe into her study before exiting the room.

"Let's see what secrets you are hiding from me.."