Have ever thought of what what would happen if one day, someone who you cherish, doesn't come home. I guess thinking about that, I'm always thankful that in the morning when I have to get something from my brother's room, I'm always thankful that he is there in his bed resting from a tiresome working night. Even though, some people would try to persuade that person to not get involved but I can't because if that's what he truly wants to do and he's happy doing it then I can't say anything also, he doesn't know that I know which makes it harder to say anything when, he thinks that only he knows and the rest of the family doesn't.

Well, that calmed me down. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Inaya and my brother is a gangster. I know, most people would think that having a brother who is a G would be cool, I think so too sometimes but I'm also worried that what if one day he doesn't come home what would happen to me, to our family. I love my brother a lot and I won't be able to survive without his love and care because no matter what happen when I see his face whether it's happy or angry at least I know that he would always be there talking to me just thinking about him not coming home and looking at me whether he is angry, sad or happy. If someone ever hurt him I swear I'll make their life hell!!!

As you can see I love my brother more then anything so, don't even think about ignoring my warning because I'm not joking I'm dead serious. Anyways back to the present time. I got out of bed and went to have a shower. After my shower I went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake," my brother, Hadi joked. Although his jokes sometimes made me feel like hitting his head against something, I was used to them and they made me feel like home. As I sat down at my seat, I looked into his ocean blue eyes. Anyone who talks to him by looking into his eyes becomes in trance and will not be able to look away. This was my current situation, I was so used to looking into those eyes everyday that if one day something which would stop me from being able to look into them happened, I don't think I would be able to handle it. I shook my head trying to shake those frightening thoughts out of my head.

" Ha ha very funny. Wait, don't you have work today. Oh, wait a minute it's Saturday isn't it." I had been so lost in my thoughts I had not realised what day it was.

" Well done my little sister has finally realised what day it is today." he joked.

"Well, this little sister of yours is smart if you haven't realised."

"Really, I never noticed." he sarcastically said.

I pouted at his comment wondering weather he was joking or not. "Chill, little sis I'm only joking it's quite obvious that you're smart don't let people tell you you're not." This guy really was my mental support pillar. He got me to be confident in who I am and in what I do. I don't know what I would do without him. I just wish he wouldn't go down the wrong path in life but I guess one day he will learn what is right and what is wrong.

"Thanks big bro." I replied and smiled at him.

After breakfast, I went to the mall with my mum and bought Adidas and Nike hoodies and trainers.

As you can see I'm obsessed with adidas and Nike. After we came back home, I saw my brother watching a horror movie and snuck up behind him and this is what he screamed, "Oh my f****** Gs! Inaya what the hell is wrong with you. Are you trying to murder me I know you didn't like the fact that I changed your iPad background to Teletubbies.....oops I wasn't supposed to say that I will be in my room if you need me." and then he ran off.

"You what?!!" and I ran after him. We had been running around the house for 2 hours and I still wasn't gonna give up. I finally caught him and started tickling him until he finally gave in and shouted, "I surrender! I surrender!" I felt proud of myself for making him surrender and he calls himself a gangster I thought to myself.

After that, we just sat down and watched 3 different horror movies and I didn't want sleep in my room alone so my brother came and slept with me in my room. For someone who is a gangster he is really kind and caring. I hope he stays with me forever and never leaves me.....and with that thought I took the flight to dreamland.