004 WhiteXHair

"Why don't you come with us? We have candy. Lots of them!" The ruffian smiled.

( O.o)... "Sorry, I was told to never receive candy from strangers."

"That's a shame. Let's get him, boys!" The man said as they encircle Silver.

Silver felt distressed. He is currently barely in 2 weeks in the hunter world yet encountered 2 unfavorable circumstances. The massacre of the Kurta clan and now this, kidnapping.

He just recently turned 6 years old last week and assumed that he is not strong enough to defend himself against five grown men, malnourished or not. Although in his memories he was trained in some martial arts when he was 5. But that barely mattered since the memory was from the previous owner, who at that time was only doing it for fun and not really learn how to fight.

And so with no other options left, he did the only thing he can do at the moment. He mustered all the strength he could and do a roundhouse kicked to the baby maker.

"Oooof" (×.×) The man infront was kicked a couple of meters back and buckled to what seemed to be the most pain he has ever felt in his life. His eyes rolled over and turned white as he fainted.

The rest of the ruffians was as a lost as they all shivered for a moment and felt a phantom pain in the middle section seeing what happened to their companion.

Silver, seeing that the man nearest to him and blocking his path fainted after the kick, took this chance to run away. He ran as fast as his 6 year old body can, hoping to seek help from anyone.

After a good 5-10 seconds of disbelief, two of the 4 men looked at the running kid and chased after him. 1 man went to the fainted guy and tried to wake the other up.

The last guy felt scared and ran in the opposite direction. He may look like a coward but he knew that in this world there are people that shouldn't be messed with regardless of age. As a thug leader 30 years ago, he once saw a kid with white hair wearing a purple-blue sleeveless ninja outfit and a wristband jumped of the roof of a 4 story building to the street without suffering any injuries.

The fear he felt back then as the kid stared at him with purple cat-like eyes was like the grim reaper with his scythe on his neck. He never recovered from that fear and that started the down spiral of his thug life. He became alcoholic and is always fearing the grim reaper to reap his pathetic life at any moment.

And now here he is, just a shell of his former self watching another kid kick the life out of the other guy. He knew that the kid is anything but normal. How could a normal 6 year old kid kick a fully grown man a few meter back. Hell, he'd be happy if he could kick a man a few meters himself. So he ran with all his might away from the kid to the other end of the street.

And as the man was just around the corner he was stopped dead as he saw the sight he wish he never see again. A kid with white hair wearing a purple neck long sleeves jumped of from the roof and landed 5 meters ahead of him.

The kid looked at him with calculating purple eyes and he felt dread. "He's back to take away my life! I've escaped death for 30 years but I guess my luck finally ran out." He felt so much fear watching the white haired kid that he aged unaturally quick, the eyes could see the tranformation. His hair turned all white and his body shrinked as if sucked dry of blood by a mosquito. And then finally his heart collapsed from the stress and he died.

"Hey Gotoh, what happened to this guy? And have you seen that child who ran away?" The kid asked to no one in particular.

Then suddenly a silhouette of a man appeared at the back of the child. The man is well-groomed, from his black formal suit to his combed-back black hair. He had a trimmed beard and wore glasses with pointed frames. "Master Killua, you should not matter yourself with the problems of these lowly lives. You are sent here by the patriarch to climb the top of the arena. Everything else is of no importance."

"But he looked like a kid my age. I wonder if we can become friends. We don't have anyone to play with me." The kid answered as he looked longingly at the direction the kid and two other men ran away to.

Gotoh can't help but sigh. 'You are still young, Master Killua. One day, you'll realize that in your family business there is no room for friends.' He muttered silently to himself.