006 HeavensXArena

"So how do you plan to train?" Killua asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I don't really have plan in mind nor do I have a trainer. If nothing else I might do a one punch man routine."

"One punch man routine? What's that?"

"Well. There is this very strong caped baldy in my old town that says the secret in breaking the human limit is to do 100 daily push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, plus 10 km daily running for three years"

"You gonna do that?"

"Maybe, I need to get strong in this life so I can be free and be the real hunter king! That is my dream."

"Hunter king, what a weird dream." ~_~

"Hey you shouldn't laugh on peoples dream, you know!" Reprimanded Silver. "And you, what's your dream?"

"Dream... I don't have one."

"Well, if you do get one. You should tell me." Silver said with a big smile. "Right, how do you plan to train? If it is not a bother can I join?" Can't have this opportunity to learn from the Zoldycks go away.


"Ehem ehem. Excuse me Master Killua, but the family secrets should not be shared to anybody." Gotoh intercepted out of nowhere.

"Wha- who are you? And where did you come from?" Silver asked guardedly.

"I've always been around." Answered Gotoh as he adjusted his glasses.

"But Gotoh, I don't have anyone I can train with." Killua rebuked.

"This is one thing I cannot acquiesce to your request, master Killua."

"Bummer, I really need to learn how to fight properly." Silver interjected.

Killua with a sudden light bulb moment. "I know! We can do some sparring, I don't necessary need to share some secrets at the same time you can learn how to fight!" Killua grinned at Silver then at looked at Gotoh with an expectant eyes.

"Sigh. Very well master Killua. But I'll be closely watching so that you don't slip up."

"Yes!" Killua and Silver agreed at the same time.

"Time Skip 1:13:42.778"

"Wow!!! ( °O°) I know it's tall but looking at it in close distance is another thing." Silver exclaimed.

"Hmmmm... But it looks like our state stands higher than this." Killua commented from the side. During the hour long walk, they talked about their background. Silver shared that he is one of the only three survivor of his clan. Killua shared that he came from a family of assassins and lives at the top of Kukuroo Mountain.

"Dude! Dial it down a bit. Let a man have his moment."

"You're not a man. You're just a brat!"

"Why you!" Silver jumped on Killua out of nowhere and tackled him. The two struggled on the ground as they both want to take the higher position like the kids that they are.

'Maybe coming in Heaven's arena at this time was the best decision the patriarch has ever made.' Gotoh thought as a smile escaped him for an instant.

"I give up, I give up." Silver shouted. "Man you really are strong. I am getting excited on our coming spar." He grinned. "Now what do we do next?"

"Gotoh?" Killua asked to his butler.

Gotoh adjusted his glasses as he is about to do his practiced monologue. "Heavens Arena has 251 floors. Inside, thousands of martial artists compete daily in order to test their skills and advance to higher floors.The annual spectator attendance is over a billion and the building is fully equipped with service facilities, including restaurants and shopping."

"Competitors are allowed to fight and defeat their opponent using any means, but weapons are not allowed on the first 199 floors. Competitors are given prize money for advancing on each of those 199 floors and after reaching the 100th floor, competitors get their own private room."

"I had rented out a gym with residence near here for the rest of the year. We should first check the place."

"A few minutes later"

"Master Killua, you'll be in the master bedroom. Mr. Silver, feel free to take any of the guest room. Now, please excuse me as I prepare some meal."

"Thank you Gotoh." -killua.

"Thank you Mr. Gotoh! Sorry to intrude." -Silver.

The two settled on their rooms and went down in which a full meal is waiting for them.

"Wow. This is luxurious! I've never eaten this kind of meal in my life!" Silver exclaimed.

"Really? This kind of food wouldn't even pass as a regular food in our state." Killua chimed in.

"I'm sorry Master Killua. Given the lacking wares, this is the best I can prepare at the moment. This servant apologise." Gotoh bowed in 90 degrees.

"Grrrrrrr." Silver grunted and jumped on Killua again as a familiar scene manifest in the dining area.

"After the meal"

"Please retire yourself for the day. I shall go to the arena and register Master Killua. How about you Mr. Silver? Do you want to register too?

"No, I shall train for a while and maybe watch how Killua fights. As I am now, I'll just lose and gain nothing."

'What a mature way of thinking. You'll be a good influence to Master Killua.' Gotoh silently acknowledge.

"Ehem." Silver shyly added. "If you don't mind. Can you bet this 50k Jenny I have on killua?"

'I'll take that back. You are a bad influence.'

"I sha'll do as you bid" Gotoh answered gritting his teeth as he looked at Silver who for a moment have a Jenny symbol on his eyes.

"Then Gotoh, can you also-" Killua wanted to add something too.

"Noooooooo!" He yelled as he immediately vanished.

"What's wrong with him?" Killua asked.

"Hmmmm. Must be that time of the month." Silver nodded knowingly.

"???" -Killua.

"That day Killua started betting along with Silver behind Gotoh's back"