022 LaughXLiving

It was a quiet 4 hours waiting for the operation to complete. Silver was meditating on one corner while Leorio was pacing back and forth like a father waiting for his first born.

"It was a success." Came the voice of Dr. Hazama. He will need to stay here for another 2 days then he should be free from his illness.

"Thank you! Thank you so much doctor!" Leorio can't help but sigh in relief.

"I just did what I was paid for." He looked at Silver and asked. "The payment?"

"I'll wire it to you. What will you have done if I didn't have the money?" Asked Silver.

"The blue wall of 190's, I doubt you lack any money at the moment. I watched some of your fights. Won some bet myself, thank you. A pity your odds are so low now."

"That they are, and will stay that way for a while. There everything has been transferred." Silver showed his phone transactions.

"Then I guess that's it, I'll be going now." 'Don't want to change the plot so much. Doing this might have already closed Leorio's path to being a hunter/doctor. Not that I care, this is my real world now and no longer just a manga story.'

"Wait!" Stopped Leorio. "I want to thank you!" Leorio bowed his body in 90°. "Thank you for saving Pietro's life. Give me 5 years and I'll pay you in full."

"Sure, see you in 5 years then." Silver exited the clinic cooly with his back against Leorio and the doctor while waiving. 'My job here is done.'

This time without further interruptions Silver returned to the Shingen-Ryu dojo where a blond teenager with twintails is waiting for him at the entrance.

Bisky has an irritated look and has been continously tapping the floor with her foot.

"I have been waiting for more than 20 minutes! You don't make a girl wait for you! Have you lost your etiquette after 7 months of training? Maybe I should instill it back to you today." Bisky rubbed her knuckles dangerously.

<30 minutes later.>

"I'm worry wisky-wama! I'll wever wo it awgain." Apologized by a severely disfigured blue-haired "kid".

"That felt good. Where were we, ah yes. Have you finally controlled you're eyes transformation as you have messaged me? Show me."

Silver showed his control over his scarlet eye, which means he has successfully met the requirement to train in Nen imposed by Bisky.

"Good. And you have kept your promise on not practicing nen for the whole duration. Why don't you show me your Nen now and see how you've improved."

"Osu!" Silver released his Ren. This is the only thing he currently knows to do since he unexpectedly opened his aura nodes 7 months ago.

"Amazing, you have improved this much in such a short time. You are currently exuding an aura similar to other 20 years old student in the dojo. And they have been training for years now. (*.* ) You can stop. Let's begin your training then." Bisky said as she licked her lips.


"So how do you plan to pay him 301 Million jenny?" Asked Pietro.

"Hmmm, I'm gonna be a doctor just like Dr. Hazama. With how much doctor charges their fee I should be able to pay him on time. And unlike Dr. Hazama, I'll take no payments for those who can't pay for themselves." -Leorio

"Hmmm... a noble dream. But, do we have the capital for you to be a doctor?" -Pietro




"Fuuuuuucccck!!!" -Leorio

"Hahahahahaha" Pietro laughed hard that day. He laughed more that day than his previous ill-self combined. He felt gratitude to both Dr. Hazama for healing him and Silver who made it all happen. Maybe they will meet again in the future.


Doctor Kuroo Hazama is a conjurer nen user that is also proficient in transmutation and manipulation. He conjures medical tools and manipulate them during his "Emergency Room" ability.