025 TrainingXWeek

'Gyo? That is interesting, let's see if this changes things.' She smiled inwardly as she watched this aquamarine shine stronger and stronger the longer she watched.

Silver focused his Nen to his eyes. He knew this is used in the anime to observe Nen so he might as well try it. And when he opened his eyes again. The same experience flooded his nerves. And as if he has done it before, he shouted. "Ken!" Then aura eveloped him much like Bisky.

"It worked!" Silver who is currently enjoying his success continued. "It came to me that the normal scarlet eyes can copy non-nen technique, so what if I added Nen to my eyes? Could it now copy Nen techniques? And it worked!"

'Those eyes of yours are truly impressive.' "Don't get carried away now. You know that you still have to practice it to make your own. There are much more you have to learn before you can call yourself a nen master. Your eyes can only bring you so far, you have to crawl your way to the end."

"Yes, sensei." 'I know it too well'

"Then start using those eyes of yours. We'll be speeding things a lot starting today."

<1 week later May 22, 1995 14:26:15.762>

"You're finally awake. Here is today's food." Master Roshi's voice came from the side.

"What happened?" Silver asked with a hazy head.

"You collapsed, that's the short story. From what I heard your practice with Grand Master Bisky went so intense you overdrafted your Nen and collapsed."

"I see. Urghh... My head hurts."

Bisky demonstrated all the advanced technique of Nen to Silver. That included Shu, En, In, Gyo, Ko and Ryu. After which they tried to move to hatsu but realized that Silver's eyes can't copy any hatsu abilities even their basic forms. Bisky deduced that similar to using Gyo, it might take an eye hatsu technique to learn other hatsu techniques and mentioned that it is far advanced for now.

So that day they focused on Nen techniques sustainability. With Silver's current level, he was able to maintain Ken for 10 minutes which is far 5 times longer when Gon 1st tried it. With a quick healing massage from cookie-chan they were at it again to check how fast Silver can transfer his aura from one body part to another using Ryu, which isn't much great. He can copy the direct technique but when it comes to experience he still has to do it himself. He was also able to extend his En by .5 meters and maintain it for 30 seconds before he collapsed again.

So they practiced and practiced Nen flow and other nen techniques intensively the whole week. He would collapse every now and then but would get back after some healing massage. Then rinse and repeat.

"Too slow! I would have crushed your arms by then."

"Too little Nen, were you trying to tickle me?"

"That timing is just perfect... If you were trying to kill a sloth."

"Gyo! Always maintain Gyo in a nen battle!"

"You only use 100% Ko if you're going for a one hit kill. It leaves your other body vulnerable."

"Huh? You fainted again? That makes it the 16th today."

"Why are you running? Why are you running?"

"In is used to hide, maybe you should hide and not stay still like a sticking thumb."

"Now that is a great size for En! If you're catching a fly!"

"Yes be angry! Let the hate flow through you. It will make you far stronger."

"Hey, that is the 69th time you fainted for the seek. Let's stop here."

The number he fainted that week laid the foundation of what he is now . Which isn't much to be honest.

"How long did I faint this time?"

"A whole day. The grandmaster already left, she said for you to continue your training with me and charanko. She is currently called for a job from the hunter association."

"I understand."

"So where are you now on your progress?"

"I can mainten Ken for an hour before collapsing. Increased En size to 2 meters. Use Ryu, Gyo and Ko in all parts of my body, profficient in extremities and vitals but other body parts might take a while."

"I see, then we proceed with your training tomorrow. Today you are to meditate and recover. Bisky's ability might be useful on intensive training, but your mind should also take time to recover. From what I can deduce, your 1 week training is worth 6 months to a year of progress." With that Master Roshi left the room.

'A year's worth huh? It was indeed intense. Master Bisky's Cookie ability is a cheat in terms of training. A pity, only if I could copy it. Come to think of it. I never really known my hatsu type. Although they haven't told me how to check Hatsu I know it is possible with a water divination. After filling his stomach, Silver took a leaf from the garden and went back to his room with a glass of water.

"Here goes nothing!"