027 AbilityXMagician

"I did it, I created my own ability!" Silver triumphantly exclaimed.

Then, as if a flood of memory came into him explaining his own ability.

1. Can copy any abilities the user can see using the scarlet eyes.

2. Once copied, it can only currently be used using the sharingan ability until the ability is fully learned/owned.

3. Ability that has been fully learned/owned can be used without further use of sharingan.

4. Sharingan can only copy 1 ability at a time.

5. Learning/Owning the ability depends per ability.

6. If owner can not fully own the ability, he can forget the ability and try a new one.

7. If owner failed to copy the ability once, he can no longer attempt to copy it again.

8. If the other person enhanced his ability, sharingan will take it as another set of ability and owner can then try to copy again.

"It is perfect. :)" Then he blacked out.

<3 days later>

"You fainted again. I should call you blue faint instead of silver uchiha. Get it get it? Because your blue and you always faint. Hahahahaha." Bisky laughed histerically.

"Bisky! I did it! I did it!" Silver jumped to his feet and excitedly said to bisky. "I created an ability that can fully copy other's Hatsu."

That stopped Bisky's laughter as a serious face replaced it while she took in the words that came out of his mouth.

"What gave you the courage to do so? You could have ruined your future! That is the reason I never taught you Hatsu!!!" Bisky's angrily spat. The one thing she hate the most is her gems to lose their luster. And currently Silver is shining so brightly.

"I felt it, I just felt it and I knew it is the one. So I trusted my instinct and created it. Come on let's try it! I want to have my own Cookie-chan."

'Instinct? Was it a divine intervention? What am I thinking. It is absurd.' "Alright, I'll indulge you." Bisky then summoned Cookie while he observe her student.

"Sharingan!" Silver's eye turned scarlet under the lenses and he looked at Cookie." Then while his ability is active he summoned another cookie identical to the one Bisky have by her side. And as if it is his own, he knew how his cookie works.

Then without warning. He heard the voice of Jim Almighty.

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

To own the ability:

• Pat Bisky in the head.

• Call Bisky old sagging grandma.

• Accompany Bisky in her hunter mission

• Create modification to Cookie

• The conditions must not be told to the owner.

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks

Magical Beautician: Use different massaging techniques and a Nen-transmuted lotion to relieve fatigue and restore vitality to anyone it massages. It can also burn off excess fat and cure arthritis, muscle tension and locked joints. It is particularly useful for training/recovery purposes and to treat aging ailments. }

Silver gulped and sweated coldly. 'This. Is my ability trying to get me killed?'

Noticing the sudden stillness of his student. She worriedly asked. "Is there something wrong?"

"Uhmmm. No, everything is great and working as expected." He denied. "It's just..." He gulped again.

"Is there a condition?" She further inquired. To which Silver just looked at her with determined eyes. She deduced that to be able to copy other's activity there must be a price. "Is it fatal or detrimental? Would I lose my ability?"

"No to all of them." 'She is indeed a master, in an instant she knew there is a condition and can tell I can't talk about it. I'll risk it.'

Silver walked in front of Bisky. "Do you trust me Bisky-hime?" 'I need to lower her punishment albeit a little if possible. I don't know her actual age but from the time she's been training me I know she hates talking about her age.'

She looked at this student of hers who is acting differently in amusement. 'Should I trust him? She said it is not fatal and detrimental and I won't lose my ability. Fine you are the best of my student afterall.' "Go ahead."

She watched as Silver slowly raised his hand to her head. She can't feel any malice from it so she fought the instinct ingrained in years of training and fighting to evade the hand and retaliate.

Then silver patted her head and said. "You are an old sagging grandma."

"So you've chosen death!" As Nen overflowed Bisky and she transformed to a hulking figure of a woman.

Then everything blacked out.

Feeling the ominous aura Master Roshi is so familiar with in his years being in this dojo, he shivered and faced his students. "Uh oh, it's time to run. Everyone run away! Survive!"

Outside, the students and masters are looking at their dojo that would shake every now and then followed by a shriek from what would seemed to be a man or a pig. No one can really tell.

They light up candles as if mourning for the fallen ones. "Another one bites the dust" says Charanko.