035 SuperXHunter 3

<5 Haaaa! Chapters later and 10,000 words of flashbacks>

"Haaaaaaaa!" Silver ended his shouting while Cookie gave him a super saiyan three look."

Then he did the thing. He spread his legs and cupped hands are drawn to the user's side and Nen is concentrated into a single point between the cupped hands.

"Ka! Me! Ha! Me! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

A strong beam was ejected from his thrusted hands and obliterated another large rock.

( °¤°) -Master Roshi.

(°¤° ) -Charanko.

{A voice that only he can hear came to him.

You have claimed the ability " Kamehameha". You can now use it without Sharingan and Can re-use sharingan to copy another skill.

• Give Roshi one of Bisky's underwear. X

1. Shout "Haaaaaa!" For a 5 minutes while using Beautiful Magician to change hair color alternately between black and yellow every 5 seconds. X

2. If task #1 is done, do Kamehameha 1 time. X

• The condition must not be told to the owner. X

• Sharingan needs to be active while completing the tasks x}

"Wooohoooooo! That was exhilarating! This is good stuff!" Silver looked at the scattered stones across the yard.

"Is it done? Asked Bisky.

"Yup it is now mine. I finally have a battle ability of my own."

"Don't let it go over your head. To me you're just another brat. And Roshi can easily increase his aura output to outpower you."

"Osu, I shall train diligently!" Silver guaranteed.

"Now I shall teach you, rock breaking training. It just happens we have a lot of stones lying around."

Bisky pick up a few stones and demonstrated the training, rock breaking. With the stone in her right hand she smashed the stone lying on the ground without breaking the one in hand. "This is enhancement focus training level 1."

"For enhancement training: Your goal is to smash 1000 stones with 1 stone in 1 day."

"For emission training, let's jump ahead to level 5, I think your aura capacity and output is at that level already. You just need control."

Bisky then jumped and landed on her right hand in a one hand stand. She then concentrated Nen at her palm and burst it downward effectively pushing her 5 meter upward.

"For emission: Your goal is to leap 3  meters with nen alone. It's the lower version of kamehameha of Roshi, so you should find this easy."

"For Ken training: you should be able to maintain it for three hours and don't stop there. You have Magical Beautician to recover your vitality so go for the limit."

"For En training: you should at least maintain 1 meter radius for 10 minutes."

"For transmutation: You should be able to to go from 0-9 in 5 seconds."

"For Manipulation: You should be able to control 3 Nen balls rotating in different direction for each hand.

"For conjuration: It is a bit special. What you want to conjure will be the one you will be training with. For example, if you want to conjure a katana. You will have to always bring the katana with you at all times. So we leave that for last once your ready."

"For specialization: you have to understand your ability more. Right now you are lucky to have me arround. But I will not always be there. You should watch fights in the 200s. Since you only have 1 chance each ability, start with the ability you don't like and leave the good ones when you are strong enough to guarantee success. If the condition are easy enough, go for it. If the condition is hard, skip it. If it is a weak ability, it doesn't matter if you have it anyway. Only start with the good ones when you have passed all my requirements."


"I trust you will complete this training?" Seeing the determined look from Silver, she could not help but Shed a tear a little. "You have grown so much this past year. I expect more good news from you when we see each other gain. I still have a lot of things to do so don't slack off! I'll beat you if you do." She threatened with a clenched fist.

Till next time!" With that Bisky ended her long list of instructions and proceeded to the exit.

"Bisky!" Silver shouted stopping Bisky from living.

"Thank you so much! I would be lost in this world without you. You are like a family to me! Take care!" Silver bowed until Bisky can no longer be seen.

"Yosh! I shall not disappoint Bisky!" Silver continued his training regime without stop. He has his own Magical Beautician to increase his training intensity to the max and he plan to fully utilize it for his dream to roam this world and be the Hunter King."