038 HunterXHero

7 men in black are surrounding a pretty woman. "Stop running woman and give us all your money."

"You should stop screaming, no one is coming to help you. Hehehe."

"Do not fear young lady, your friendly Hunter is here." Peter Parker jumped off from a window where he was hanging and landed in from of the lady facing the offenders with both his feet spread apart, his right hand barely touching the floor as his fingers balancing him while his left arm is bent ready to take action at any moment.

"A hunter? You might be a hunter but there are 7 of us and one of you."

"Hey boss, he fits the description of the hunter who is capturing our men lately."

"Then what are you waiting for! Kill him!"

The 7 men rushed together to Peter while taking their knives and makeshift metal rods. The 1st guy thrusted his knife to Peter's head but Peter evaded the knife and let it pass through his side and punched the guy in the face knocking 3 teeth out.

The next guy swung a rod which Peter caught and took away from him. Peter then maneuvered himself in front of the guy and bent the rod as a makeshift rope to tie the guy from his waist along with his arms.

He then jumped high just as a punch from the back came and hit the face of the guy he just disabled. Then while in the air, he kicked the face of the guy who tried to punch him, knocking him out.

"3 down." Peter then jumped on the fourth guy who was shocked seeing his gang being knocked out one by one. Peter took hold of his neck, pulled it down and did a knee strike to the stomach. That put the fourth man down.

Taking it no more, the 5th and 6th man ran away from Peter leaving the boss behind with his knife. "Mo-mo-monster! Don't come near me!"

"I'm not a monster, I'm a crime hunter!" Peter walked slowly to him with his arms wide open. With a quick punch to the stomach the boss fainted.

He clapped his hands signifying his work is done and put his warm smile on and looked at the lady he saved.

"You are now sa-"


"This voice! Is it Peter?" Silver run faster when he heard it.

'He is also a hunter similar to Bisky?'

While running to the location, Silver came across two men in black escaping from the direction Peter's voice are coming from. They were so afraid they didn't bother stopping for the kid they passed through. Silver reached the scene and was just on time to see Peter walked confidently to the last man. And announcing he was a crime hunter.

However what puzzled Silver was that the woman was also sneakily following Peter walk and pulling something from her handbag.

Feeling uneasy, Silver opted to intercept the woman. His choices was proven correct as the women pulled out a gun and aimed at Peter's head.


Peter heart skipped as he saw the smoking barrel pointing just a little over to his side. Silver, in a nick of time redirected the muzzle and then gave a chop to the neck of the woman to knock her out.

"Tha-thanks! Never would have thought the girl is part of their gang." Peter thank Silver for saving his life.

"You're welcome. I think this might have been a scheme." Silver contemplated.

"A scheme huh? So who are you and what are you doing here?" Peter asked guardedly.

'Crap! Indeed what am i doing here?' "I- I am Yamcha and I lost my family from a gang. And I ran here as fast as I can when I heard a woman in need of help."

"I see." Peter lowered his guard. "Well, let's call for the police and hand over these guys."

While waiting for the police some of the guys woke up and Peter interrogated them. As a crime hunter interrogation is not really new to him. Although he despised killing, he has no qualms of hurting them. Peter is one of those guys who do-not-kill but send-you-to-hospital on critical condition squad.

"Who are you guys and why set this trap?" Peter asked calmly.

"We are not afraid of you! We won't tell you anything." Spat one of the guy.

"Oh no no. You might have misunderstood, you don't have to be afraid me. You only need to know pain." Peter held one of his hand and then broke a finger.


"Let's see the next guy then?"

"I won't tell you a thing. You can hurt my body but you can't damage my soul."

"Oh we got a philosophical one here."


The guys refused for a while, but after a thorough convincing, they eventually spilled the beans.

They learned that they are part of the Rottfeli family and this was truly a trap to lure Peter and kill him. The reason, he has thwarted their drug distribution for too long now. Peter also asked if they knew anything about the incident that occurred about three years ago in this city that killed a policeman named Benjamin.

The police came in and arrested the 5 men and the lady. They left soon after with a reminder to Peter to be careful cause they don't want to lose another Parker.