040 RumorXPast

The next five nights, the two Nen users met again and again then apprehended more thugs and evil doers. Rumors were spread about wall crawling hero scanning the dead of the night and putting criminals behind bars as easy as pie.

Silver has been using Peter's ability to reach the roof of a building when he want's to get a better vantage point and thus therefore mistaken to be the same guy as Petter. After practicing a bit, Silver is able to control his spider setules a little better.

"Boss boss! The wall crawling hunter is back at it again and has been making trouble on our men on the street. What should we do?"

"Imbeciles! Can't our men set up a trap to kill him?"

"We already tried, boss! But after the first attempt the guy has been very vigilant."

"Trash! All of you are trash! Call Herman, tell him I have another job for him. Also reach out to the Don's. Tell them we request a help from the Shadow Beasts. Tell them that the enemy can crawl on the walls. We want to make sure the enemy can't escape the trap."

"Yes boss! Will send our men right away."

'This is a waste of time. We've captured a lot of thugs but still found no clue of the crime three years ago. Maybe there are other ways to gather information than interrogations. I doubt these thugs will tell anything in front of some officers.' Then while looking down from the roof, Silver managed to see some activities.

A group of four men in black rode a car and drove off. 'Are those one of the mafia members?' Doing these for six nights now, he has apprehended a fair share of mafia members doing something nefarious.

'Nothing to lose if I follow them then.' Silver followed them by jumping from one roof to another like some blind superhero does in one comic.

They stopped in some bar and entered. Silver attempted to enter the bar but was stopped by the guard. The guard told him that no minors are allowed inside. He wanted to knock the guy out and enter anyway when he stopped himself and realize, the guy hasn't done anything wrong. He really is a minor at the moment. And if he force himself in, he would stand like a sore thumb in front of these party people.

He then backed away and climbed the other side of the building to wait for the other guys. While waiting he saw one of the rooms in the third level of the bar light up and lo and behold the four men in black entered with a fifth person.

He looked at the fifth guy and somehow found him familiar. 'Gyo!' He focused his Nen to his eyes and looked at the group. Using Gyo not only allows him to find hidden Nen abilities but also improve his eyesight to the next level. He now recalled the fifth guy to be Herman Schultz, the guy who beat Peter last week in their duel.

'Urgh, I really want to know what they're talking about. I know! In!' He used In and silent gait in tandem and jumped to the roof of the bar. He then used Peter's ability to climb down and stick to the wall of the room.

He then stuck his ear on the wall to try his luck. Unfortunately he still can't hear anything from the inside. 'Urghhh, I really want to hear them inside. Only if I could improve my heari-' stuck with an idea, he immediately tested it. 'Gyo!' He added Nen ability to his ear this time instead of his eyes. If Gyo in the eye can improve sight, Gyo in the fist can improve his punch then why not adding Gyo to his ear to improve his hearing? The result astonished him.

After using Gyo in his ears and putting it in the wall, he coukd hear them talk but in a murmur level

"-tomorrow night, I'll deal ---- ---- crawling pest. ---- Rottfeli ---- rate is triple than three years ago. This time --- not ---- dealing with a cop but a Hunter --- -- ability user nontheless."

The four left Herman in the room without haggling on the price. Their job was to hire Herman and it's the boss problem to pay the numerations.

"A hunter huh. I wonder ---- it feels ---- to fight a hunter. ----- I should get a hunter license ------. I'll ----- of that tomorrow, tonight -- drink." Herman said to himself.

'Three years ago? Don't tell me he is the reason Uncle Ben is dead? Ohhh... That's a twist. That's very twisty.'

Silver returned to the roof of the other side of the building and called a number. "You should come to the 'Bar with no name' I got news for you." Silver cut the connection like a badass without waiting for a reply.

<30 minutes later>

"Come here you little shi-. You're not the boss of me!" Peter knock some sense or two to Silver for a while before asking. "What are we doing here and what was the news you were talking about?"

"Two things, one I saw Rottfeli's goons met with Herman Schultz in the bar in front of us. I think they hired him to deal with you tomorrow. Two -" Silver paused and looked unsurely to Peter.

"What is it?"

"Herman might be related to Uncle Ben's death three years ago." Silver finished.