056 TrainingXNen

"Yes!" Silver agreed readily.

"Well said." Agreed Lara while Slade silently nod with approval at him.

"There are aura in all living things that one can control to protect and strengthen oneself. The way or method to control these aura is called Nen. Those who can control them are called Nen-users" while pointing to herself, Marco, Slade and Grylls. "While those who can't are non-Nen-users." While pointing to Bradford, Nellie then finally him.

"Anyone can learn to control the Auras through Nen, but not everyone is gifted to actually learn Nen. To put it in perspective out of every 100 people training Nen, 55 of them can't learn Nen safely and succesfully even after years of training. 25 of them will be successful after years of training, 15 of them who are gifted will learn it in 6 months to a year. 4 can learn them in less than 6 months and 1 can learn in less than a month." Lara emphasized the difficulty in learning Nen.

"If you are unable to control Nen properly it will lead to exhaustion or possible death. I saw people physically aged from teenager to their 80's on a matter of seconds because they tried to learn Nen. There are even instances that they just through out died. This can happen even under the guidance of a teacher. One can train in preparation but it is still possible to not learn nor control it in your lifetime. Do you want to risk your life to learn it?" Lara asked Silver seriously.

"Yes!" Silver resolutely responded. 'I already know Nen. This is just an excuse to use it in the future without breaking their trust in the past month we've been together. There are possibilities of seeing monsters on this forest and I don't want to die because I didn't use Nen.'

"Are you certain? You might die." Lara asked for his second confirmation.

"I'm willing to bet my life on it. If I want to be the strongest, I am destined to learn Nen." Silver nodded.

"How about you two?" Lara looked at Nellie and Bradford.

"Not me. I'm just a chef. I don't need it to cook good food." Nellie rejected the offer.

Lara wanted to refute that statement but Bradford beat him in responding on time.

"I have been trying to learn Nen for more than ten years to no avail. I might not be talented for it and just a part of those 55 out of every 100." Bradford answered dejectedly.

Lara nodded in understanding. "I accept your decisions." She then looked at Silver. "You already know how to fight so will skip that training. You will finish your survivability training with Grylls during the day and I will teach you how to sense Aura during the night. Any question?"

"Yes, can we start tonight?" Silver smiled like a kid.

"Sure, after dinner."

Putting Nen at the back of the group's priority, they then proceded with their lively dinner and discussion on their discovery for the day. They updated the map that they have with what they saw adding things like wolves, bears, caves, fruit trees, sheeps, rivers etc.

When they are finished they have only updated less than 1% of the overall forest. "Whelp. It looks like we will be here for more than three months if we go on with this rate." Silver whistled and commented while his hands are at the back of his head.

"We'll find it eventually." Marco affirmed while clenching his first. 'Three months more is nothing compared to the years I've waited for this opportunity.'

"You should first learn how to empty your mind. You will not be able to focus on your aura if your mind is running amok." Lara started while watching Silver enter a meditative pose.

Having done it before, Silver emptied his mind on breaking speed.

'Such a talented kid. It might look like simple but many were barred just entering this state.' "Familiarize yourself on this state for a while."

<10 Minutes later>

"Now focus on my voice and try sensing my presence." Lara released her aura in large capacity.

While Silver has his eyes closed, he focused his senses to Lara's general direction. Just with his senses alone he can determine a source of aura similar to a flashlight being directed to him. 'So this is the normal way to learn Nen. I've taken it for granted because of the happy accident in my spar with Charanko.' "I could sense where you are." Silver pointed accurately to her location.

"Good, now try again." Lara reigned in her aura to mimic a normal person with elevated unconscious aura output.

Silver furrowed his brows. This is harder than he thought. He then shook his head. Without the use of En and his Bat ears, he is unable to locate Lara's direction.

"It's okay. The purpose of this exercise is to not actually sense my direction but be familiar with Auras. And eventually sense your own aura. Let's try it again." Lara showed her aura again and then reigned it in.

Silver concentrated on Lara's spiking and receeding Aura. Eventually, he appreciated this training. If he could master this sensing ability then he doesn't have to always be on guard with Gyo to know if someone is using Nen or not. So, he fully committed to sensing the aura.

"Let's stop here. Tomorrow is another day of training for you." Lara stopped the training after 2 hours. She is exhausted and needed to recuperate for the night.

They separated as they both went to their own tents. Lara directly went to bed to recover while Silver sat on a meditative stance. He hasn't used much Nen for the day and he is as fresh as he can be for the night. He continued with the sensing training.

He would focus on the uncontrolled Aura on his hands then stop. He would then try to sense the aura of the people outside. At the moment he couldn't sense any but that did not discouraged him.

He tried for hours to no avail.

2 hours before the sun broke out he remembered his fight with the wolves. 'Zetsu! Grylls said that I was using Zetsu to better sense the aura of the wolves.'

Silver then concentrated and reigned in his aura. And when everything has been absorbed he tried to sense aura on his surroundings.

It started with nothing and darkness. Eventually he could feel himself, his breathing and the miniscule auras leaking from him even though he is using Zetsu.

'I guess i have yet to fully reign in everything when I'm using Zetsu.' He then able to feel light sensation from the different sources in the camp. Most of them are stationary while two source of aura is moving about. 'There it is.' Silver can't help but smile.