064 NenXNodes

"Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be." -Silver assured.

'Should I show all my progress? They might get suspicious if I show all my strength. I'll just show them what it was the first time I opened Nen.' Silver then focused on his Main node and slowly command it to release his bottled up Aura.

*haaaah* Silver flexed while sitting and released half of his Aura output.

'This- this doesn't feel like an Aura from a 9 years old. Feels more like a young man in his 20's. Is this really his first time training in Nen?' Lara started doubting Silver. However, she let go of that thought as she knows better. She has been training Silver from the start albeit a short one.

From his tent, Marco felt the disturbance and hastily went out with Gyo at the ready. He looked at the Lara-Silver duo in shock. 'What talent. He just learned about Nen a week ago! And this, this Aura output.' He clenched his fist and went back inside. He looked at the Seraph Key and human skull with more determination.

Grylls who, as usual, is chatting with Bradford stopped mid-speaking and looked at the Aura he felt. 'Gyo! This kid really is talented. He learned Nen just like that while I had to almost die just to have a glimpse of it. What an unfair world we live in.'

Bradford although not able to fully feel Nen, could feel the oppressive presence now coming from Silver. He looked at Silver with envy in his eyes. He has been training for a decade before finally giving up, yet the kid only needed a week. He heard rumors about forcibly opening the Aura nodes from his years of training but the stories accompanied with it terrified him to even try. 60% aged quickly as fast as the eye could see, 30% outright die from aging and 10% of successfully controlling them. He thought to himself, if he has no talent in opening them in 10 years what confidence does he have to survive and learn it forcibly. Thus he could only congratulate Silver silently.

Slade woke up from slumber and exited the tent ready to fight. He is the hired bodyguard after all. It is his duty to be first on the fight and judge if they should escape from the fight.

He immediately used Gyo and Ten for protection and detection. He surveyed their surroundings and had his sight stopped at the duo. 'One week.' He let go of his Ten and maintained Gyo. 'Better than I was. His current output a third of mine. Not yet a threat.' He then released Gyo and went to sleep.

A snoring sound can be heard from Nellie's tent.

Silver maintained Ren for about 5 minutes before letting it go. "I feel like I'm about to pass out if I continue any further." Silver lied. He could maintain Ken for 6 hours thanks to his training along with Beautiful Magician ability and he doubt a normal Ren will be any less than half f that time.

"That would be normal." Lara calmly answered, although her heart is pounding with excitement. She has found a gem in this kid. "We will end tonight's training here so you can rest. You can use Zetsu to recover quickly than normal. You may practice Ten and Zetsu before sleeping but not Ren. You have disturbed the peace in the camp enough for a single night." Lara finished and started walking back to her tent.

"I understand." Silver knew with his improved senses that he disturbed everyone in the camp. He even alerted Marco and Slade to ready up for a fight. He even felt Nellie changed her sleeping posture from 1 side to another. If that even counted 'disturbing' her sleep.

He then stood up and said his good night to Lara, Bradford and Grylls before going back to his tent.

Inside his tent, he excitedly went back to training. Earlier he learned about the nodes and is now excited learning to control them similar to the main node on his brain. He concluded that if he can learn how to control the one on his brain, then he can, with enough practice, learn the other nodes as well.

Earlier during his training with Lara, he tried to control the other nodes with the same attempt but found out it was not that easy. Maybe he just lucked out with the main node because he always used overall Nen switch all the time every time he uses Nen.

He first focused on the node on his right fist, then gently tried to use Ryu/Gyo on his fist with In, so he doesn't disturb the others, over and over again. What surprised him was that he was able to control the first time he tried similar to his Main node.

He then tried to do it on the left fist but found it difficult. 'How come I only needed one try in my right palm but am having difficulty on my left palm?'

He tried and tried again with his left fist until 5 AM the next day. Tiredness took over him and felt the need to rest.


"You look happy and smugged." Grylls commented after breakfast.

"Of course, today I'm partnered with a beautiful lady and not with a grumpy old man." Silver jested.

"Ouch, that hurts. And here I thought we're like brothers after all we've been through." Grylls acted hurt as he clutched his heart.

"More like father and son, or maybe grandfather and grandson." Lara added to the conversation.

*Critical Strike* An invisible arrow just passed through Grylls' heart.

"Chop chop, is everyone ready? We still have a schedule to meet. Let's break up." Marco broke the banter and commanded they start their exploration.

Silver and Lara separated from the group and went to the direction of the river. As discussed, they are to follow along the river stretch while Silver will act as life saver, if needed.

Lara Croft is currently wearing tight fitted green tank top and brown pants with combat boots. The customized desert eagles were strapped on each of her thighs. Her long brown ponytail hair reached her waist and her eyes were covered with sunglasses. She is wearing a brown backpack.

Silver is currenty wearing a green tank top and a cargo pants. Still carying his blue backpack that contained food, water, clothes and first aid kit. On his left wrist is a watch like device with a small vial attached to it. If Peter Parker saw it, he will be proud that Silver has finally worn his gift.


Bonus chapter for reaching 200th library the story has been added.