066 WhistleXGyo

An hour already passed since Lara and Silver separated.

'Silver really is great at hiding. I've been alert for an hour yet I still can't find him.' Lara tried to look at the trees in the forest yet she couldn't even get a glimpse of the blue haired kid. 'If not for that weird chirping sound he makes every 5 minutes, I'd say I really lost him there.'

*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*

'He really is enjoying the whistle. Different set of sounds every time.' She tried to look for the source but still couldn't find him. Eventually she gave up and proceeded with her exploration.

Another 3 hours later she stopped what she was doing. She have covered a relatively long stretch of the river. In her own estimate, it might take 3-4 days to cover this part of the forest's river. For now she felt hungry. He walked away from the river bank and called for Silver.

Silver has been training with his Bat's ear. He thought instead of just being a lookout, he might as well train the nodes in his ear. Every minute he would use Gyo on his ears and focus on the node exactly how he did with his left fist (unsuccesfully) and his brain. He wasn't getting tired because after using Gyo for a few second he would use Zetsu to help recover what he lost.

During his training he realized that focusing on both ears are hard for him at the moment so he decided to only focus on his right ear. After hours of training he has yet to control the node on his right ear.

Then suddenly his mental image of Lara started walking towards his general direction. 'Did she want me for anything?'

"Silver, it's time for lunch." He heard her shout. Immediately deactivating his ear ability then showed up in front of Lara.

"Did you brought any food?" Lara asked.

"Yes, I've brought what Nellie cooked for us." Feeling suspicious. "Hey this is my ration! You eat your own." Guarded Silver.

"Idiot, I also have a food of my own." Lara rolled her eyes. "But we can try something else. Why don't you hunt some game?"

"Hunt some game? You mean catch some animals to eat?" Silver asked with furrowed brows.

"Yup, any problems with that? You are strong, you should be able to do it."

"I- I- I can't." Silver shook his head.

"What do you mean you can't?"

'How can I say, I can't hurt anything for a week!' "I can't hurt animals." Answered Silver truthfully for now.

Lara widened her eyes to that answer. 'So innocent. From what all he's been through, I forgot he is still just a child.' "Don't think about it then. Let's us eat for now." She then saw Silver heaved a sigh of relief. 'I wonder, was the story behind the war-gorilla even true?'

They then started eating and had some banter back and fort. After a while, Silver mind went back to training. "Hey Lara, you mentioned different people can sense different nodes. What nodes did you learn to control?"

"Me? The main one in the brain and the two minor nodes in my fore fingers."

"The finger's? Why didn't you go for the center of the palm first?"

"I can't feel them. Not everyone is lucky like you who noticed them early on. Some of us has to train years just to just feel that they are there, and some even don't realize their existence. I always use my forefingers to shoot my guns, and maybe that is the reason I learned to control them first."

Lara spread her palm and look at them. "Since then controlling Nen has somewhat became easier, especially on my forefingers. You might be thinking just because you can sense them you'll eventually learn them. Hate to break it to you kid, but that doesn't work that way. It is very possible you'll only be able to control the main one you got last night." Warned Lara.

"Uhmmmmm, how should I say this. I learned to control the one on my right palm last night when we separated." Silver demonstrated by showing his right hand going to Ten, Ren, and Zetsu without the rest of his body undergoing changes.

*bang* "ouch! Why'd you hit me for?" Complained Silver as he gently touches a new bump on his forehead. "Ow ow ow... that hurts."

"Nothing. I suddenly just felt I want to hit you. How did you train?" Curiosly asked Lara.

'Should I tell the truth? Might as well. I have gained a lot from her teaching.' "I just focused my Nen on my right fist." As he demonstrated Gyo. "And try to feel how the Nodes react to such command. Then I just learn to control it."

"Gyo! What you just demonstrated is a technique called Gyo. By focusing your aura on a part of your body you improve their function. Gyo on the fist makes your punches significantly stronger. While the common use is Gyo on the eyes to improve your sight and see hidden Nen abilities. I always use Gyo when aiming to increase my accuracy." Lara demonstrated by using Gyo on her eyes.

"However what you mentioned is not unheard of. In fact that is also how I train my other Nodes. It's just that not everyone is as talented as you." Lara couldn't help but admire Silver's talent.

"You can focus Aura in the eyes?" Acted surprised by Silver. 'I'm pretty sure I'd get an Oscars for my performances. Oscars? Where did I hear that again? Weird.'