069 EcholocationXPlan

"How long will your ability protect us from the pheromones of the female Nagas?"

"3 hours, I can hold my ability for 3 hours. As long as you've taken the shot, it will be in effect as long as I hold my ability. Well, assuming I don't fight."

"That's more than enough for a fight or flight decision. Who will be our lookout then? It will be trouble if a female suddenly emerged from the river right besides us." Marco commented.

The group was silent for a while thinking of good way to detect them.

Lara is somewhat hesitant. He knows Silver can do this but for some reason Silver is hesitant to share. She looked at Silver and smiled when she saw him nod.

"Silver can take that role. He's the one who detected the anomaly in the basin the first time and he is also the one who warned me of the ambush this time too." Suggested Lara with confidence. If she could guess it might be related to his ears. She then looked at Silver. "You think you can do it, buddy?"

The others look back and forth between the two but remained silent. They put Nen training and the conversation together and deduced that Silver might have a detection ability he recently learned.

"Yup, I can." Silver confidently said. "I can make sure nothing can pass within 100 meter without detection every minute. Then, 50 meters in between those minute."

"100 meters and 50 meters. 100 meters are doable but 50 meters is tight. What are the two of you hiding? I don't like you both keeping a secret from the group." Marco looked at them questioningly.

"To be fair, he doesn't know anything of ours as well. He just recently learned it after all." Lara defended him and relieved Silver from the group's suspicion.

'That quick!?' Was the group's collected opinion.

"Fine, it is not common to share your Nen Ability to others since they can use it against you. However, in our case we are expecting to be working together for a long time even with this new development so it is customary that we have a basic understanding of each other." Marco explained.

"For me, I can transmute my Nen to flames. You already seen and experienced Grylls Survivor Ability and Lara can summon an eagle Nen beast." Marco explained one after the other which garnered Silver's growing eyes for every ability he heard. He is a good actor after all and shall act as one.

Marco then turned to Slade without talking.

"I'm good at fighting close distance combat." Slade answered.

"I got bat's ear. I can hear frequency normal human's cannot hear and use it to create a mental image for me. It somehow resembles 'En'?" Silver looked at Lara in doubt.

"Yes, it is En." Lara confirmed.

"With it, I can detect large movements specially the splashes of water when Nagas swim even if underwater." He then activated his bat ears for everyone to see.

"Does it improve your hearing then?" Slade asked.

"It is a bit difficult to explain, can I hear you talking 100 meters away from me? No, but the subtle noise of yours create a disturbance that I can detect to form a source of you, in a manner of speaking, 100 meters away from me." He lied, with his ears he can hear them perfectly fine and create a mental image 200 meters away now after opening both his ear nodes.

He still wants to have a little bit of advantage over them. After all Bisky said that I should only share what is necessary and keep the rest for my advantage.

"And how is that exacly gonna work on Nagas underwater in a flowing river?" Slade ask skeptically. "I don't want to die because you overestimate these new ears of yours." Slade rebutted.

'God, stop asking! I'm running out of lies!' "How should I put this." Silver rubbed his head in comtemplation for a few seconds. "I got it!" (Light bulb moment)

He picked up a conveniently placed stick on his side and started to draw wave lines on the ground. "Imagine this is the river and how I see it as a source. If something moves within such as fishes, stones and anything else they create a disturbance and a new source themselves." Silver demonstrated by placing small dots in between the wavy lines.

"I can tell they are fishes and stones because the source they create are small and in a way follow a pattern or lack there off. Fishes are small and can move up or down the stream as well as rise higher or dive lower. Stones are small, stays at the bottom and never travels upstream. Now imagine a human size source suddenly came in swiming to our direction, it will be very noticable and alarming for me. I can then definitely say that it is either a Naga or a very big fish." Silver finished. Then, he saw Marco pick up a stone and throw it at him from his 'blind spot'.

He evaded the stone by tilting his head to the right in which the stone continued until it stopped and caught by Slade in the front.

"Well at the very least you are not lying about your senses being sharp." Marco concluded. "I will trust you on this one. Tomorrow  we all go to the river. Lara and I will do the digging. Silver will be the look out. Slade and Grylls will be on stand by. If pheromones started spreading, Grylls you are to create a vaccine as fast as possible for the three of us, then stay away from the fight." He pointed to Slade, Silver and himself. "Slade will only go once he is vaccinated. And Silver is to guard you while you have your ability active. As for me, I can burn the pheromones in front of my face as I go back to get vaccinated. Bradford you-" he paused for a while "stay and protect the camp."

He then looked at Silver. "We need to create a set of signal for different circumstances such as when Grylls is nearing his limit so we can escape on time."