073 AbilityXRevealed

A few minutes later, Silver was now able to think clearly and now no longer as muddle headed as before. "I can't help but ask, but why should we risk our lives here? We could escape now and no one will be able to stop us."

"Sigh... I wish it was that simple." Lara looked at the cave entrance from afar with seriousness. "There are items in this world far dangerous than anyone could imagine. They could unleash apocalypse or mass extinction events. And I fear the Dagger of Xian to be one of them. And I made it my goal to hunt these items so that they wouldn't fall into anyone or any groups' hands. So I can't escape." She then looked straight at Silver's eyes. "You, however can. Nothing is holding you back and I can cover your escape. No one will chase you around, that I guarantee."

"If you put it that way, then I can't escape either. After all, if I wanted to be the Hunter King then I shouldn't shirk myself away from official Hunter business." Silver grinned widely.

"I'll hold you to that. Having you around would be a boon, future Hunter King." Lara offered her pinky for a pinky promise.

Silver patted it away. "Hey! I'm not a kid." Complained Silver.

To which Lara just giggled and ruffled his blue hair. "But you are, I'm your big sis Lara after all." Then she gave him another wink.

"So what's the plan?" Silver asked.

"The plan. Hmmmm. Go in gun's blazing, of course." Lara joked.

"Huhhhhhh?" Silver can't help but asked with a surprised face.

"Just kidding. We work together until we get in. From my experience, there will always be strong monsters guarding such artifacts and we might need their help to defeat them. We then beat them to the punch or just outright steal it from them if they got it first. That always works." She bragged. "You told me you can copy abilities, do you want to copy mine? Additional ability will always be welcome."

"I want to but I can't yet. It would be cool to ride a flying mount but I can only copy one ability at a time. And I still need to meet the last condition for Survivor before I am able to copy another again. It says not to hurt any animal or human for 1 week. It could either be this afternoon, if it counted the days before I tried to copy it. Or three days from now." Silver explained.

"Conjuring an eagle Nen beast is not my only ability, you know." She smirked. "Surprised?"

To which Silver nodded. He didn't know anyone can have multiple abilities, he thought he is just special because he can copy others.

"Even without ability such as yours anyone can have multiple abilities. It is just that it is normally hard to make one. Your heart, mind and spirit must be aligned and your mastery over Nen is high enough to create further abilities. In theory, anyone can have all the abilities they want." Lara paused for a while to let Silver take in what she just said.

"The first two is the easiest it is usually driven by desire and need, and your Nen answers your call. The third and so on will get harder and harder but not impossible. After all you can't lie to your Nen, it is you but in a deeper level." Lara explained.

"My other ability is 'All-Ammo', I can arm any loadable weapon with any 'Ammo' and imbued it with shu for further damage. The bigger the Ammo needed the more nen I need to use. So it is not infinite or something but close enough." Lara disclosed her other ability.

"In theory, anyone can recreate this ability, but for anyone not me who is fascinated and use guns all the time they will need to have extended knowledge of all loadable weapons that ever existed and have high enough mastery to conjuration to conjure an ammo for each type of weapon. All that for a fraction of what my ability can do. Do you get it now?"

"Yes I do, in simple terms. I am blessed." Silver grinned but put to heart what he just heard.

"Smart ass." Lara just rolled her eyes. "My last ability is 'Exploding Lara'. I use all my remaining Nen and the Nen I will be able to recover the next 24 hours to protect myself and create the strongest explosion my Nen is capable. After that, I cannot move for an hour nor can I recover Nen for a day. If I use that, it will be either the enemy dies or I die if they managed to survive. So when I tell you to run, Run As Fast As Your Little Legs Will Carry You. He he he." She laughed evily.

"Then what abilities do you have in your arsenal?" She continued.

"Me? I got Manbat to transform myself to a human bat, the ears I have right now is part of it. I can fly and see in the dark. Got it from a mafia Nen user." -Silver

"I know of him. Manbat of the shadow beasts." Lara acknowledged.

"Beautiful Magician from Bisky. She is a jewel double hunter and my first Nen teacher."

"I know her, had the opportunity to work with her on one or two of my runs. Her Beautiful Magician really is left to be desired. Good for you."

"Kamehameha, an emission ability. The longer I charge and the louder I shout the stronger the ability becomes."

"Wait! You didn't get Bisky's other abilities?"

"Other abilities?" Silver asked in confusion.

"Nevermind. Go ahead."

"Spider bite, improve my senses and allows me to stick to any surface. And lastly, Survivor from Grylls." Concluded Silver.