080 RockXRoll

"What's the hold up, Bradford? We've been staying for half an hour now." Marco asked.

Bradford looked at the downward direction tunnel and an uncanny protrusion on the right wall. "If my guess is correct, there is a large spherical rock on this side of the wall. If we go down and activate whatever trigger is in there, the rock on this side will roll us to death." Honestly said by Bradford. "I cannot say if activating the trap here will permanently close the entrance below trapping us at the mercy of the rock. So I have been trying to locate the switch that will disable the rock to fall on us."

"Silver, what can you see below?" Asked Lara.

"The path turns both right and left about 80 meters from here." -Silver.

"80 meters. Hmmm... we can definitely outrun a rock but we can't be certain of the opening staying open." Marco agreed.

Silver knew from what he can see from the echolocation and after observing Bradford do his thing, time and time again that there really is a big boulder trap on the right side of the wall and a pressure trigger 20 meters in. The trigger is large and will most probably trigger if the group is not careful. There is also a thin line of thread 30 meters in probably for double measure.

"If I may?" Asked Silver while raising his hand.

"What is it?" Asked Bradford. He has been teaching Silver for an hour or two now about traps as they go along and thought he might have something of value to contribute.

"I have been studying how you identify traps by listening for a while now and I somehow applied it using my bat ears." Silver started while holding his right ear. "From what I can tell, there are no trigger for the first 19 meters but something is definitely weird with the floor on the 20th meter. It is as it is lightly raised and causing the echo reverbrate on a similar way those pressure triggered floors we passed by along the tunnel."

"That is indeed of value. Anything else?" Bradford asked.

"Nothing. I might be too far."

"How confident are you?" Asked Lara.

"I'm confident I can walk 19 meters in without activating any traps."

"Why don't we go together and see the trap. The rest of you, please stop the rock if ever it started activating." Bradford requested.

"We will see what we can do." Marco nodded.

The duo Bradford and Silver slowly walk down the 19 meters. "You are right, there really is a trap here." Bradford confirmed. He then flashed his light further down the rode and saw a small reflection 10 meters further in. He then tried to pass through it again and again with his flashlight. "This is bad. There is a second trigger. Let's go back for a while."


"Silver was right, a pressure trigger floor is found 20 meters in. However there is a strip wire 10 meters further. If my analysis is correct it is a failsafe. If we activate or deactivate any one of them the trap will trigger."

"The only way for us would be to thread lightly and not activate any of the two trap, and any traps further in until we reach the turn."

"Why are you worried about that? We just need to make sure the boulder doesn't leave this wall right? Survivor." Grylls summoned his cast wraps and created a wall made of it on the trap wall. "There, this new wall should be enough to handle a fall of the boulder. I don't have to be a trap master to do this." He added while looking at Bradford.

"Show off. Let's go then."


50 meters in, Silver saw a dagger entered his vision and strike the trigger at the same time a silhouette came in to his vision from the back striking the cast wall into oblivion with ko.


"Run!" Silver started running as a large rumbling sound came from the back. The others took a second to decide but eventually followed suit.

"Which way?"

"Left" "Right" -Marco/Lara answered the same time.

Silver jumped to the left followed by two more then the wall closed on them followed by a large sound from collision.



"What the hell happened!?" Shouted Grylls.

They then looked back to where they came from and is greeted by a wall that was not there when they jumped in. Silver knocked on it a few times to here the thickness. "It is thick and the big boulder is also just behind the wall. We won't be able to go back in there in a short while."

They then look around only to see there are only three of them. Silver, Grylls and Lara.

"So we were separated. What happened in there?" Lara looked at Silver.

"Someone activated the trap and destroyed the wall made by Grylls." Silver answered honestly.

"Was it her?" Lara asked knowingly.

"I can't tell, it all happened so fast."

"What are you guys talking about???" Grylls can't help but be annoyed being ignored.

"When was the last time you used Survivor to get rid of venom/poison for yourself?" Asked Lara.

"I don't know, 3- 4 days maybe? What are you on about?" Guardedly asked Grylls.

"Then why don't you try it again just for good measure." Suggested Silver.

"What is going on?" Grylls can't help but asked further.

"Just do it, Grylls! You talk too much." Lara reprimanded. As she positioned herself on the other side of Silver for a pincer attack in case he is part of the conspiracy.

"Ok ok. Geez, you don't have to be all grumpy. Survivor." Grylls summoned his vials and took a blood sample for himself. "I swear if this is a prank, I'm gonna-" he stopped himself after seeing the vial didn't turn green after the first shake. The second shake, the third, the fourth, the fifth.

It took 5 shakes for the vial to turn green which surprised Grills as he stand there without moving. "How?" He asked no one in particular.

"Just inject yourself already." Lara commanded to which Grylls happily obliged.