085 SnappingXTortoise

"What is it this time?" Silver complained as he is again met with a barrier. He increased his vigilance as he wait for his adversary.

A large tortoise then appeared in the middle of the barrier. Its size is like a regular pickup car/truck. It stared at Silver as if looking at its prey.

"A tortoise? What will a slowpoke do in this situati-" Then his spider sense tingled as he dodged by jumping high right in time to avoid its head with an extended neck of 10 meters. "I take that back. You are dangerous."

Silver run around as he dodges the bite from the extending head. "Well, if your head extends then I should just go where it couldn't touch me." Silver jumped high on a pillar after evading another bite from the tortoise. He used spider setule to stick to the pillar side then focused his aura on his feet.

He then released it as he jumped horizontally directly to the tail end of the tortoise. "Heh, now try biting me from h- oooff." Silver was launched to the side as an extended tail sweep him.

The tortoise now have its head back to the shell but its tail is extended instead.

"How did I not think of that?" Silver dejectedly said to himself. "Fine, I'll cook your sorry ass too! Double flame thrower!!!" Silver extended both his hands as he both activates sharingan and fire bender to eject fire beams out of his hands and burn the turtle alive.

The turtle felt hurt and reigned in all its limbs, head and tail inside its shell.

"Niyahahahahaha.. burn all creation to ashes, Ryujin Jakka! Ryujin Jakka? Who's that? Where do I get all this random stuff?" Silver laughed like a madman as he watched the tortoise burn.

"Huh, what's this?"

At the center of the fire he could see the tortoise spinning on the spot. The whirlwind it creates pushes the fire away from the center.

Then the spinning tortoise moved and went to the direction of Silver. "Hey!! That's cheating!" Silver stopped his flames and is again running away from the tortoise attack.


"A snapping tortoise this time. Well nothing a three fingers draw cannot penetrate."

Lara calmly draw her bow with three fingers as the extending head approaches.


The arrow penetrated the tortoise from head to tail without suspense. After the arrow exited the tail, the tortoise started disappearing.

"Oh... If I have the bow, how would Silver beat his opponents?" Lara looked at the bow she is holding. "I'm sure he'll find a way. Something like this won't stop him."


*booom* An extended tail smashed on the wall made of cast wraps.

"Man this is not working well for me."

He tried a spear, a bat and a harden ball to destroy or penetrate the shell but could not even damage it.

"I should find a way to disable him first or a soft spot for my attacks to penetrate." Grylls evaded another tail sweep then extended his wrap to coil at the back left foot of the tortoise. He then shorten the length of the wrap and propelled himself to the left side of the tortoise.

Now at the side of the shell, Grylls used Ren to increase his strength to lift the tortoise out of balance and tipped the tortoise over.

"Would you look at that, a suspicious figmentation at the plastron. It would be a pity, if something untoward happens to it." Grylls moved a way to the now trashing tortoise as he create a large cone with a sharp tip over his head.

The tortoise panicked as its weak spot is showed for its enemy to see. It trashed it self for a while with its extended tail but was unable to reach and hit Grylls.

Taking the absense of the human near its vicinity it calmed down and used its tail to lift one side and tried to recover from its situation.

"Oh no you won't!" Grylls jumped high on the sky going to the direction of the tortoise while both of his hands are raised as if carrying something. On top of him following his movement is a large cone made out of cast wraps.

"Cone crush!!" Grylls shouted as he brought down his hands in a overhead two hand throw motion.

The cone followed his movement and crushed at the figmented plastron of the tortoise effectively penetrating it and crushing anything inside the shell.

*booom* dust clouds were raised. When the dust settled the tortoise along with the barrier is nowhere to be seen.


"Just another monster. Burn." Marco extended one hand like what Silver did and created a large flame thrower. Larger than both Silver's hand combined. If compared, the flame thrower created by Marco is twice the size of Silver's two hand flame thrower.

After a minute. The burning stopped and the tortoise vanished. "Tsk, a minute has passed. Need to be faster next time."


In another battlefield, a tortoise had his neck and tail tucked in the shell. Slade walks slowly and confidently towards it while holding his katana as the tortoise slowly backs a way. It's feet is covered with deep slashes and if it was not a nen beast, blood would have painted the area red.

Although it is a Nen beast, it acts as if it lost so much blood already. Its movement is very slow and its eyes are draggy. On top of that, the turtle is now less corporeal. Then mustering all its remaining strength, it went for a final bite. The tortoise extended his neck pretty quick for the last time. 2 meters from the head to its neck a very deep laceration that almost cut the neck in two can be seen.

Slade dodged by side stepping quickly seemingly without effort and positioned himself just around the deep slash. Then with a quick work, he attacked on the same spot for the fifth time and fully cut the tortoise neck. If one is to observe clearly they could even say it was cut by 1 quick stroke even though it was not the case.

"That took longer than expected." Slade.






The large  tortoise finally collapsed and started vanishing. "Niyahahahaha, no matter how big and strong the monster that comes, they will all fall from my poison." Himiko laughed histerically.


"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Where to go, where to go?" Bradford kept running to different direction while thinking where to go. Then he stopped and looked at the direction of the Pyramid. "Everybody thinks I'm in this side of the map and probably forgot about the pyramid. If i go there I can see where everybody is and can decide where to go."