090 FieryXStrike

*bang*... "Damn it! How many time do I have to plant my face into a barrier!" Yelled Silver.

*swooooosh* Silver evaded a fire beam aimed at him. 'Not this time.'

"Hey Marco! Fancy meeting you here." Silver greeted the Man in black walking straight at him.

"Ah the boy wonder. Is that how you look like using your full ability? An enhancer then." Marco concluded. 'But why is it similar to Manbat of the ten Shadow Beast?'

"Screeeechhh" A giant spider 3 meters tall and 5 meters wide materialized in the center of the barrier. It has massive fangs which are dripping of venom. Its limbs are pointy at the tip.

'Another monster!' Silver eyes lit up.

"Annoying bugs! I don't have time for you." Marco extended his hand and created a flamethrower. Feeling the heat, the spider evaded to the right. "Useless!" Marco simply followed the spider with his hand.

The spider run around to escape but the fire keeps on approaching it. The spider trip on itself from frantic running and watch the fire goes near to engulf itself.


A large gush of wind came and pushed the fire away for a couple of seconds enough for the spider to gain its balance and escape being burned.

From the sky is Silver flapping his wings strongly to create the gust of wind. Marco used Gyo and saw that Silver's wings are both covered with Aura compared to the other parts.

"What are you doing?" Asked Marco.

"Isn't it obvious? I was saving the spider." Sarcastically answered by Silver.

"Why?" Marco continued as he looked around to find the escaped Spider.

"I won't tell you." Joke Silver as he stick his tngue out. 'Stupid, as long as the Spider survives then Lara can take her time to get the Dagger.'

"You're delaying things. You don't want me to kill the spider so we are trapped here while Lara take her chance with tbe dagger." Marco answered for him.

"Bingo, but you don't get any prize." 'He's good.' Thought Silver.

"Good plan, but very foolish." He again created a flame thrower but this time it is aimed at Silver.

"Fat chance!" Silver flap his wings to push the flames away at the same time create distance. "You may be able to create flame and somewhat control it, but you can't control the wind directing the flames."

Marco narrowed its eyes to that. "Hmmmph, I don't have to bother myself with you."  He turned his back and looked for the missing spider.

Silver followed while keeping his distance. He then hurriedly dive down and maneuvered to the right as Marco tried to catch him off guard.

"You can't hit me, you can't hit me!"

"Tsk... Annoying."

Then a spider web was shot and struck Marco's right shoulder. He held his ground and grinned. "There you are."

Marco rushed to the spider while burning the lines connecting him to it. The spider seeing its prey approaching raised it limbs in attack posture and attacked.

Marco dodged the coming spike from the left by going to the right. At the same time he readied his right hand for a flame strike. A punch powered by flame to create explosive effect. "Dodge this."


The spider was hit and was launched all the way to the barrier.

*Screeech* the spider cried.

"You can do that?" Silvers eyes sparkled as he watched the original user use his ability.

"It didn't die? Well, nothing a second strike can't handle." Marco again rushed to the spider who has yet to recover from the flame strike and readied another attack.

"Can't let you do that!" Cried Silver.

"Too late, kid. You're too far." Marco continued his rush but suddenly felt a familiar sensation coming from his back.

"Flame breath!" Roared Silver as he fly in like a fire breathing dragon (bat), sharingan already activated.

That stopped Marco on his place and turned around to counter it with his own strong flame.

*boom* an explosion of fire generated at the impact point.

Marco looked back at the barrier, only to find the spider missing. "Tskk... You are getting on my nerves kid." Gritted Marco. "And that ability, it looks familiar." He continued as he narrowed his eyes.

"What can I say, I also like to watch the world burn." Silver smile and created distance as he saw the spider hide again.

"So this is your real ability, copying the ability of others? Then the bat form you are using is also a copied ability. I guess it should be Manbat from the Shadow beast."  Marco looked at Silver for any signs that says he is on point.

Seeing no reaction, Marco continued. "I heard he died a year ago, that means you copied it from him more than a year ago. And seeing how you are able to copy mine without killing me that means, killing is not one of the conditions. Also your flames are much weaker than mine, that also means you don't fully understand how my ability works yet."

"Woah, you are very good at this. The question now is, how many more do I have in store?" Silver said mysteriously.

Marco narrowed his eyes further you could barely see his eyes anymore. "You are becoming more of a nuisance every minute. I should have never let you join the expedition."

"Hey, you can't say that! Without me, it would have taken you longer to find out about the Nagas, or you could have fallen for their trap and died. I am also the one who found the entrance, in case you forgot." Silver argued his importance to the expedition.

"Indeed, and now you have outlived your purpose. Now die!" Fiery aura was focused on Marco's feet and was released with a mini explosion. *boom*

Marco 'flew' so fast in front of Silver and attacked with another flame strike.

'Fast! KEN!!!' Silver thought, the next moment Marco is already in front him preparing to strike.


Silver was blown rapidly to a pillar. *kaah* Silver can't help but cough up blood from the massive blow. He also suffered spread burns all over his body. Without caring of his injuries, Silver flew away from his current location. Next second, a fireball was thrown and exploded to where he was before.

'Can't really underestimate any Nen user. But now, I know how to do it too.' Silver grinned.

*boom* Marco used another fiery flash step to appear infront of Silver. He prepared for another flame strike. But before he could punch Silver, he heard an explosion and Silver seemingly vanished from his sight.

"Woooohooo! This is amazing!"

*boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*

Silver also used the mini explosions to propel himself faster than regular flying to escape from the 'fiery flash step' Marco is using.

'This kid needs to die.' Marco gritted his teeth so much blood started to leak from his gums.