092 FightXEnd

"What do you say, bud? Let's finish him together?" -Silver

*screeech* The spider screeched in agreement.

"You two are dreaming if you think joining up will help you kill me." Marco threw in a large firebreath to start the battle.

Seeing the fire approaching, the spider started to waver. "Don't fear, bud. With me around no flames can reach you." Silver flapped his wings hard and redirected the flame upward. He saw from his mental image that Marco is charging fire aura to his feet behind the large fire ready to dash.

"Jump!" Silver hurriedly commanded as he generate wall in front.

The spider was first confused by the command but followed anyway after seeing the wall infront of it explode.

"You gotta react faster than that, bud, or we're both gonna die."

*screech* *screech*.

"That's ok, next time then." Silver accepted the apology of the spider. Although he can't fully understand the monster yet he could feel the changes of emotion it has.

"Dodge!" This time the spider was a bit faster.

*booom* The duo heard another explosion as Marco chased after them. Although the fiery step is fast, the problem with it is, it can only go straight. Moving to the side will generally save them from harm.

*swoosh* Marco passed both of them with annoyance clearly on his face. The moment he landed on the ground, he turned 180 and threw in a fireball 2 meters in diameter.

Silver threw in a fireball at it as well but only half its size. Even if it was weaker, it had done its job when the two collided and exploded.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh" Marco fired flamethrower in a frenzied manner. He is annoyed, he is very annoyed.

The spider evaded the fire as Silver flapped his wings to the ones that are getting dangerously close. He also fired a few fireball himself to retaliate.

Silver flew as the spider climbed a pillar and hid. He then used mini explosions to circle and distract Marco. With each explosion, Silver's speed increases.

Marco tried to shoot him down but by the time his attack arrives, Silver is already far ahead.

When Silver was at his peak speed, he used Shu on his wings and glided over Marco. "Wing Blade!"


Marco felt danger from the attack so he evaded. A moment later, Silver's wing passed through his chest and drew blood. This is the first blood he got hit from his enemy attack for the day.

Silver circled in for a second attack. Marco faced him and shot a fireball. Silver didn't budge and flew straight at the fireball and sliced it in half. He then proceeded to slice Marco. "Funny thing about fire, if you're fast enough it doesn't do any damage. Wing blade!!!"

Marco groaned at that and evaded to the right. Silver tried to follow him but could not, instead his wing made contact with the ground and created 1 long smooth and straight gush.

Silver again circled for another attack.

"If fireball can't burn you then this will!" Roared Marco as he throw a flamethrower to the approaching Silver.

Silver knew he can't repeat the same technique so he had to maneuver around the flames. Since he can't get close enough, he let go a few fireballs. Adding to his initial speed, the fireballs were faster as well.

The speed of the fireball coming at him gave no time for Marco to defend so he jumped to the right in a hurry.

Unbeknowst to him, a spider is waiting in ambush. The spider came from above and dropped on him threatening to take a bite.

Seeing the venom dripping out of the fangs, Marco rolled over from the spot however a sharp limb pierced through his calf. *Guuuurrgh*... He heated the limb with fire and the spider had no choice but to raise its limb.

Given the momentary freedom, Marco used fiery explosion to propel himself outside the Spider's attack zone. Once eacaped, he immediately cauterized the open wound. *ghuuummmm*. He groaned from pain.

He wasn't given a time to rest as Silver swooped in for another wing blade. Marco couldn't do a thing other than use his fiery steps to escape again. But this time, the distance he could go is a bit shorter than before. He is clearly suffering from the wounds he have incurred so far.

2 more minutes passed as he could do nothing but escape. His situation has turned from being the hunter to being the  hunted.

The longer the battle continues, the angrier Marco becomes. He needs to do something to finish this situation because every second that passed is another second for Lara or Nellie to reach Bradford before him.

On the other hand, the longer Silver fought with the spider, the more familial he felt. For some reason, he thinks they could understand one another without talking. Their coordination was getting better and better too as they landed more hits on Marco.

"Why don't we finish this, bud?" Silver asked while circling Marco. *screeeech* The spider gleefully replied.

Silver went full speed. For the past 2 minutes, Marco's evasion became slower and slower as the damage piled up. 'With this speed, you can't escape unscathed.'

*swooosh* Silver dived in for the kill.

Marco felt angrier than ever as he felt being looked down upon by a kid and a monster. "Don't look down on me, kid! You're just another insignificant little bug! You cannot beat me! Hurryaaaaaahhh."

A fiery aura envelope Marco's whole body.

"Not good!" Silver felt danger coming from Marco with his spider sense. However he is flying too fast and could not avoid a collision. When the two were face to face and just a meter apart, Marco's piled up aura exploded.


Silver tried his best to defend with Ken but he was hit hard and and tumbled multiple times before finally hitting another pillar.

*booom* "Die you bastard!!!" A bloodied Marco flew out of the smoke in hot pusuit of Silver. His clothes were tattered beyond repair from the waist up and from the knee down. His flesh shown a burnt body but not from any recent fight.

But before the flame strike could connect, a huge spider came in and knocked Silver away.


"Noooooooo!" Cried Silver as he was flung further from the explosion.

*haaaaa haaaa haaaa* Marco breathed heavily. The last set of attack put a heavy toll on his already wounded body.

He looked at Silver far away with murderous eyes and looked back at the big spider who is beginning to vanish. "One down, one more to go." He looked back where Silver was but could not see him any longer. "Tsk, he escaped."

Without further delay, he rushed to the pyramid. He can't let Lara get the dagger.