097 PillarsXTiamat2

Lara sweeped in with her eagle ready to discharge her bullets. Tiamat sensed the danger coming and turned her head to face the human and eagle charging at her.

"You never learn do you?" *haaaaa* The two hydra heads breath fire to the duo.

Aquila and Lara seeing the fire coming didn't shy away. Instead, they flew faster into it. At the last second before the fire could hit them, Aquila lightly changed its direction and did a slip (flying sideways) and perform a quick barrel roll next, to avoid the upcoming second firebreath from the other head.

Lara held unto Aquila to avoid falling aboard as they close in on Tiamat. Tiamat's saw them approach and quickly swept her tail from the left to bash them.

Aquila dove down as the second head which is still breathing out fire followed her down. Aquila maneuvered herself out from the fire and circled behind Tiamat to avoid being fired at.

At the same time when Aquila dove down, Lara jumped high on the air. Taking the chance that the focus of Tiamat is on Aquila, Lara was able to get near Tiamat.

"Take this!" Lara shouted while aiming at one of the head.

"Would have worked if I have only 1 head!" Says Tiamat as she opened her mouth to swallow Lara.

"It wouldn't matter." Replied Lara as she pressed the triggers. "I'll take whatever head comes at me."

*booom* *boooooom* The bullets entered Tiamat's opened jaw and exploded inside the neck area.

*Graaaaagh* Tiamat roared in pain as its neck is ravaged by the bullet.

Lara was pushed back by the recoil as she somersaulted and landed perfectly at the back of the passing Aquila. She then looked at the wailing Tiamat and was expecting to see another severed head only to be disappointed.

The damage she was able to inflict, although heavy, was not enough to totally severe the head. "That hurts peasant." Tiamat roared as the healthy head looked at the dangling head beside it. The neck is almost severed as half of the neck was destroyed by the explosion.

"This is getting really annoying!" She focused her aura on the almost severed neck as it heals and regenerate. In return, the third lump which is already growing started to shrink in size. "You will pay for that!" Roared Tiamat.

"What are you gonna do about it, kill me?" Taunted Lara. 'She has become stronger again. Even my charged gun can no longer fully severe her head. What are these pillars for, and why is she getting stronger the more she destroys?' Lara thought to herself as she tries to understand Tiamat's ability.

'Just you wait!' Gritted Tiamat. She then looked at the shrunken lump on her neck and can't help but get fuss again. 'Tskk. All that effort for not.'

She then proceeded to the next pillar and swung her tail.

*baaam* "huh? That didn't sound right." Tiamat looked at the pillar without any damages. "???"

She then again used her tail to sweep the pillar. *baaam* Tiamat narrowed her eyes and used Gyo. She then saw an invisible wall separating her tail and the wall. Her eyes followed the aura and it leaves a trail to the other side of the pilar. Her two heads each took a direction to the other side, one from the left and the other from the right.

What she saw is a man in tattered and bloodied clothes waving at her. "Hey! If you could, you know, stop destroying these pillars. It will be very much appreciated." Says the man.

"Imbecile!" She roared as one head breath fire and the other catapulted for a fatal bite. The man jumped backward and connected her wraps to the other pillars in the back and pulled himself to that direction swiftly.

The head aiming for a bite tried to follow the man but since the two heads split evenly on the pillar, it got stuck and was unable to follow through.

"Graaaaaaaaa." With all her strength Tiamat destroyed the blocking her pillar and chased after Grylls.

Grylls find himself swinging from one pillar to another which infuriate Tiamat. On top of that he would put walls on pillars Tiamat is trying to destroy which delayed the destruction of the pillar from 2 swings to 3-5 swings.

Lara didn't idle away either. She charged and would shot her double eagle to try and severe another head, however Tiamat has been very careful. She no longers treats the duo as ants but foes who have a possibility of killing her if she is not careful. She tries to evade fatal/charged shots but due to her size it is proving to be difficult.

And despite the effort of Grylls and Lara, Tiamat still managed to continue to grow, albeit much slower.

"Lara! I think you should see this!"

"What is it Grylls?" Answered Lara while shooting her pistols.

"That wasn't me." *booom* Grylls answered as he swings to another pillar evading a sweep from a tail.

"Huh!?" Lara asked in puzzlement.

"Over here, Lara! At the top of the pyramid." Sounded the voice.

Lara looked over and saw Bradford waving at her. "What is it? We're kinda busy over here!"

"It has something to do about the pillars. You may want to look into this one!" Urged Bradford.

"Something to do with the pillars!? Grylls! I'll leave this place to you for a while. Don't die on us know." Lara informed before dashing off to the summit.

"Hey, wait!"  Grylls called out before being left face to face with a two headed hydra. "Tiamat dear, what big teeth you have."

"The better to eat you with that annoying ability you have." *chomp* *chomp*

Grylls jumped to escape from the two heads coming at him from both left and right. He then used his ability to wrap the two heads together by their necks and hardened it.

"These trick of yours won't hold me." Tiamat said as she tries to break the case holding her two heads together with sheer strength. Few seconds later, cracks started to appear in the cast.

"And what if there two of them?" A voice asked as another set of wraps reinforced the already cracking one.