115 ButlerXCroft

"Lunch is available for your consumption, Lady Croft."

"And the papers?" Asked Lara.

"Already waiting in the table, it is the Daily Bugle just as you like. A package also came in this morning. Do you want to look into it after lunch or during?"

"You can bring it during lunch. I want to look into them as soon as possible."

"As you bid."


"Here is the package, Lady Croft."

"Thank you, who cooked the lunch for today?" Lara asked.

"It would be me, my Lady. Do you like how they are cooked?"

"Passable. You have improved your cooking again, I see."

"Glad you like them. Is there anything else you would have me do?"

"No. Stay here as I open the package."

*knock* *knock* "Sorry to intrude, little Lara. But another package just came in." Winston entered the dining area with an envelope.

"Hello Winston, have you checked my bedroom if it has been cleaned thoroughly?"

"It is indeed cleaned thoroughly." Winston answered.

"The garden?"

"Trimmed and swept clean as well."

"The halls?"

"Not a spot missed."

"Color me impressed. It would seem it is only fitting to finally approve of you being a qualified butler."

"Haaaaaahhh~~~~~ That was intense." Silver breath out a lung full of air after he had forgotten to breath.

{You have own the ability Kuroshitsuji:

1. Be a proper butler under Winston's guidance. X

2. Receive recognition from a lord as a proper butler. X

2. Maintain a estate as a proper butler. X

• The condition can be told to the owner. X

• Sharingan is not required to be active while completing the tasks. X

Kuroshitsuji: Summon Sebastian, a black butler, to serve you. He is a talented chef of all cuisine the user already tasted once. He is as competent a butler as the conjurer.}

*Ehem* "I don't think, that is the proper decorum for a butler." Lara corrected him.

"Ahhh. I quit! This is hard work! I can't ever think of myself ever becoming a fulltime butler. I salute you Winston." Silver sat on the table and laid his head while stretching his arms out.

Silver has been Lara's butler for a week now and came with it is for him to be fully in the black butler's outfit. He still wearing the Byakugan lenses and Neiji's long brown straight hair though.

"I will take that as a compliment, young Master." Winston smiled on the slouching Silver.

*Tsk* "Should have up'd my standards more." Regretted Lara. "Anyhow, here, these packages are for you." Lara pushed the packages to Silver's direction.

"Huh? What's this?" Silver sat down straight and looked at the two packages doubtly. One is a box he received earlier this morning and another is an envelope. He thought he shouldn't receive any packages cause Silver Uchiha is dead and he has never set foot out of this estate ever since they entered 2 months ago.

"Don't just look at it, open it." Encouraged Lara.

Silver nodded and first opened the box. Inside it is two familiar wrist watch. "Isn't this the web thrower?"

"Yes, it is. It took quite a sum, but Peter Parker eventually sold us 2 pairs and the blueprint. No webs though, he wants to keep the technology to himself. Not that it matter for the both of us." Lara said while pulling out her long sleeves and showing a wed thrower of her own. "Still trying to learn how to use it, but my assumption proved to be correct. My All-Ammo ability works perfectly with this one. If you ever destroy the pair again, you just have to phone in Winston, and he will get you a new one."

"Have you told him about me?" Asked Silver.

"Hmmm. He said the only Silver Uchiha he knows is the one in the Heavens Arena 190th floor. And apparently, he is dead."

"Thank you, big sis. Now for the next one." Silver opened the envelope and took out what is inside. He then froze as he saw the prints in the papers.



Name: Silver Croft

Birthdate: March 3, 1989

Father: Richard Croft

Mother: Amelia Croft

Birthplace: Croft Estate


"This-" Silver don't know what to say.

"The long lost little brother of Lara Croft has finally been found after 9 years. Double Hunter Lara Croft started searching for her brother 2 years ago after learning that she has a little brother lost in the world. Finally, after 2 years of search she returned with Silver Croft. Lara, however refused to comment on how her brother was lost and would like to keep the details within the family." Lara read the Daily Bugle article in the lifestyle section and gave it to Silver.

"I- I don't know what to say." Silver shook his head in shock.

"You don't like it?" Asked Lara.

"I- I like it. Thank you!" Silver tears dropped. He has lost his whole clan, bar two and have no family for 3 years now. His only coping mechanism has been training/Nen, then Killua for a year, his dream to be a Hunter and then the adventures with Lara.

But deep inside he knows he can't go on alone forever. "Thank you." *sob*

"Now we are officially brother and sister." Lara stood up and hugged Silver.

"Your Hunter application is also included there. If you leave tonight, you will be able to reach the port just in time for the last hunter ship. I won't tell you where to go, finding the right location is already part of the exam. A suggestion, keep Nen to yourself as long as possible."

"Yes, big sis." *sob*

"Awwww. Such a cry baby." Lara again shuffled his hair.


End of Volume.

Sooo tired. will be taking a break for a while, a month or two maybe. Just downloaded FF7 Remake. Will be back once I'm done with the game. Thank you for reading my story.