Agustín's friends play a very important role in his life because they will help him make the most important decisions of his life, both personally and in love.

Rodrigo and Mariano are gay and they are a couple. They have a stable relationship of ten years and they are aware of how difficult it is, the whole process, from coming out of the closet to introducing their potential partners, be they stable or temporary.

They sadly recall what it cost them to be together and face opposition from their respective relatives when they learned the truth that they are a couple.

After seeing them together, seeing how in love they are with each other, they decided to give them permission to be together, approving the union of the two and their marriage.

They were immensely happy with the news, that they couldn't take it anymore and began to cry with happiness, because they had the approval of their respective relatives and they felt that they were in paradise.

On the other side, there were Roger and Mathayus. They are gay and have been a couple for eight years and every day is for them as if it were the first time.

The same beginnings that Rodrigo and Mariano had, Roger and Mathayus had, but they faced their relatives, friends, and acquaintances together and held hands.

The four friends have known each other since kindergarten and from that moment on, they became best friends and have always told each other everything and for this reason, they have always known that they have been able to count among themselves.

Due to the experience that the four of them have thus far, they know that or have a suspicion that Agustín is gay and they will not tell him until they find the right moment to tell him.

For now, they want to enjoy his friendship to the fullest, and they also want to enjoy it to the fullest, that the four of them are finally a couple and that everyone knows that they are gay.

The last story of Agustín's friends belongs to Teresa and Esperanza. They met at school and at first, they weren't friends, because each of them had their friends.

Little by little, they started the deal and realized that they had many things in common and one of them is that they were born in the same year, the same day and that they are the same age.

With the passage of the months and with the daily living, they became best friends and had the necessary confidence to tell each other their problems and all their ups and downs.

Little by little, they began to realize that there was something within them that was changing, and they did not know what was changing.

They did not know exactly what had changed; until one of their friends, whose name is Lucía Sarfati, told them that they seemed to be in love.

At first, they flatly denied it, because they did not want or could not believe that they were in love, but little by little, they discovered that they were in love.

Before that discovery and without having agreed, they decided that the best thing would be to get away because they could not believe that they were in love with a woman; instead of, falling in love with a man.

They were apart for two months because they wanted to see if what they felt was love or just an illusion because they had many things in common.

After two months, they realized that they were indeed in love and could not help what they felt, because what they were and still feel is extremely strong.

Then, Teresa and Esperanza surrendered to that love that was only growing and decided to release everything they were feeling, without caring what people talked about them.

For the first time, they gave themselves body and soul to this love that was only growing, and from that moment on, they decided to be together, not caring about anything or anyone.

The following story belongs to Cristiano and Cristina. For generations, both families have known each other since they were babies and since then, they have maintained a strong and close friendship relationship, which has grown stronger over time.

Cristiano and Cristina, grew up in that environment where everyone knows each other and there are no secrets between them and that is why they could not conceive the idea of ​​falling in love because they have seen each other, all this time, as brothers and not as something else.

During that time, they realized that they had many things in common, such as sports, swimming, and learning languages.

They also love to watch and play softball and baseball and are excellent at both games. On the other hand, they share the same circle of friends and that is what has united them the most.

Little by little and without realizing it, Cristiano and Cristina were falling madly in love with each other, completely forgetting all their obstacles.

Before they knew it, they were madly in love and could do nothing about it and didn't care about obstacles anymore; far from it, all the problems they had to face because of that immense that they have.

At the moment they decided to be in love, the first thing they did was, tell their respective relatives that they are in love and to their surprise, they had a positive response about it.

At that moment, they realized that, during all this time, they had fears without motives, because everything was resolved in a positive and favorable way towards them, and from that moment to the present, they are immensely happy.

Gastón Thorton and Carlos Peñaranda had to experience something similar to that of their friends when the moment came when they had to come out of the closet, and they had to first confront their respective relatives, to tell them exactly what was happening with them.

They remember that it was not easy to speak with their respective relatives and tell them the truth, because they were afraid of their reaction and with good reason, because the moment they heard that they were homosexuals, they threw them out of the house, denying their existence. of the two.

Both Gastón Thorton and Carlos Peñaranda left the house, knowing that they would never achieve the acceptance of their relatives and at the moment they told their friends, including Agustín about what happened, they decided to intervene so that they would stop suffering.

It was not easy for them to confront the relatives of their friends, but for them, they decided to do it and after several hours that explained, step by step, the whole truth, they managed to get them to return home and received them with open arms.

All his friends had stories similar to theirs, and they know perfectly all the obstacles they have to break down if they really want to be immensely happy.

As they go through all these trials and obstacles, they know perfectly what to do about it or how they should act in the face of adversity, and how they should be advised.