For foreigners, life in Switzerland is not easy as one thinks, and it costs a lot to adapt to their customs and traditions, which are completely different from what they are used to, and at the same time, they have to get used to a life that never They thought they could live

That is the case with Adrián. At first, it took a lot for Adrián to get used to the customs and traditions that they had, plus the holidays and how they celebrated them, and finally, to being in a country without Augustine.

For Adrián, his life in Switzerland has been extremely difficult, for the reasons mentioned and there is also the fact that he does not have Agustín by his side, and that has made him feel vulnerable and fragile.

Agustín and Adrián have spent most of their lives together, sharing absolutely everything, and doing the vast majority of things together and if they have had any problems or setbacks, they have sought to analyze the situation and find the best possible solution when the problem they had to face together.

One of the things that Adrián found difficult is precisely learning the different languages ​​that they speak. The languages ​​are German, French, Italian, and Romansh, and it is for this reason that Adrián had to start learning those languages if he wanted to survive and live in Switzerland.

Adrián has always been able to count on his friends, at all times; especially when there is something inside him that has made him uneasy since he arrived in Switzerland, and he needs to have his new friends, to be able to vent and for advice on the matter.

One of those issues that have always been troubling him is not having Agustín with him, and not knowing how to mitigate that enormous sadness that he is feeling inside his heart.

Adrián and Agustín have always been together and they had already gotten used to each other's company, that now neither one knows what to do or what to feel about it.

Since Adrián is in Switzerland, he has done nothing but miss Agustín and sees him at all times and every second and that was driving him crazy.

His friends knew perfectly well that something was happening to Adrián; so, they decided to confront him to tell him exactly what was happening to him.

Adrián's friends summoned him to "Tamarind Hill Indian Restaurant", to talk without interruptions about what was happening to him.

At first, Adrian was hesitant, because he did not want to say out loud what was happening to him. Without trying, he told his friends absolutely everything.

"If you miss Agustín so much, why don't you find a way to have his phone number, so that you can take off all your doubts, the moment you're talking to him on the phone," said Eliana Neyra, while eating her Mediterranean Salad.

"I don't know if I should," said Adrián, as he sampled some Lamb Vindaloo.

"You have to do it, because it is the only way you can be calm and continue with your life, without looking at what you leave behind," said Daniela Béjar, while eating some Vegetarian Almond and Coconut Sauces.

"I don't know his phone number, or where he is living right now," said Adrián, as he had a bite of Palak and Dal Soup.

"Adrián, what are you afraid of?" Renato Cardigan asked as he ate some Malabari Fish and Prawn Curry.

"I am afraid to hear your voice and beg you to come to visit me. I am afraid that I have forgotten; above all, I am afraid to hear his voice "said Adrián, while he drank some of his wine called" Le Dos de Reynon "

"That only means one thing," said Gabriel Calvo, as he tasted some Nawaki Paneer.

"What thing?" Adrian asked as he tasted some Indian Summer Salad.

"You are in love with Agustín, and if you think about it, all your doubts will lead you to the same answer," said Gonzalo Delaveaux, while trying some Chicken Tikka Masala.

"What? In love with a man? It can't be "said Adrián, while he drank some of his wine called" Le Dos de Reynon "

"Not just any man, you're in love with Agustín," said Arturo Saldarriaga, while he tasted some Duck Madras.

"No, it can't be," Adrián said and said to himself while taking several glasses of wine.

"The best thing will be to leave this conversation in the air; until you discover yourself what you feel for Agustín and if he feels the same for you, "said Fiorella Martel, while tasting some Ranma.

They left the conversation pending and quickly changed the subject, so as not to put the atmosphere tense.