Every child dreams of having a normal childhood and adolescence, without worries or setbacks. All they want is to be happy and worry-free.
Their respective parents have always done everything, so that they never lack anything, and that they are healthy children enjoying the things that any child at that age would enjoy.
But this is not always the case and that is when we must see the harsh and cruel reality, which they have been hiding from us for years and that is the case with Andrea.
When Andrea was twelve years old, a series of events happened to her at the same time, which changed her life and forever. In addition, Andrea would become the key piece in the lives of Adrián, Agustín, their respective friends, and the families of each of them.
The reason why she would become the key piece in this chess game is that she and like her family, would be the witnesses of the deaths of the relatives of Adrián, Agustín, and friends of each one of them because they would have the murderers in front of them, and it would be difficult to forget those faces and the terrible events that happened years ago.
The Skarsten family were in the car, heading to a park called Legoland New York when they heard several shots, and out of fear, they remained motionless and did not know what to do.
Ten minutes had passed, when the Skarsten family saw four people running in the direction where they were at the time.
The moment the Skarsten family saw them running in the same direction where they were, they didn't know what to do, and the only feeling they had at that moment was fear.
Instinctively, they knew they had to help them, and when they were about to do it, they see that behind those four people, forty armed men come out and start shooting at them.
On the other hand, they shoot all the people, who were near or walking in their surroundings, and at the same time, they shoot all the people who had a bad idea of leaning out of the window.
The Skarsten family, seeing that horrible scenario from which no one gets out alive, told Andrea the following: "As soon as we tell you to get out of the car and run without looking back, we want you to do what we ask you to do.
Don't worry about us, because we want you to worry only about yourself. Please, my daughter, save yourself and if you manage to save yourself, you will have to hide, so that the murderers do not find you.
As I told you before, in one of my drawers, there is a notebook, which you must follow step by step, so that you have total control of your fortune.
When you get to the bank, a person will be waiting for you, who will be in charge of our affairs, and that person will know what to do at the right time.
My daughter, always remembers that we love you and that we will never stop doing it, and on the other hand, we want you to keep in mind that we will always be with you and that you will never be alone.
We will always be watching over your safety, and whatever happens, always remember that we will be with you as your guardian angels "said Andrea's father.
The moment Andrea's father finished saying that, the murderers had finished massacring those four people and all the people who were nearby, they began to shoot the people who were in their respective cars.
The Skarsten family, seeing that they would not leave that place alive, told Andrea to run, without looking back and to find herself because she was far from that place.
They also told Andrea that, as soon as she is far from the place, to hide so that they do not find her because they did not want to kill her. What they wanted is for their daughter to survive to tell everyone the truth of the events and not the lies they knew the murderers would tell.
So did Andrea. The poor woman had no choice but to run, and without looking at her loved ones or what she was leaving behind and was barely far away, she hid so as not to be seen by the murderers.
Due to the tension, she couldn't take it anymore and began to cry uncontrollably, seeing that she had to watch her family being murdered.
Andrea cried, even more, when she saw that the murderers began to dynamite the scene, not to leave any loose ends.
With this, Andrea would become the only survivor and witness of that massacre, and she knew perfectly well that she should be hidden for a few years until the murderers stop looking for her and she has done so until today.