Everyone knew that people are homophobic when they refer to gays, and that is why they feel a strong rejection towards them.

People are like that because they are square-minded and do not want to be open-minded towards them. On the other hand, some people are fans of famous people who are gay and force them to tell the truth publicly.

For those and many reasons, Adrián and Agustín want to keep their relationship a secret, until people put aside their homophobia towards them, and they can all coexist in perfect harmony.

They were lucky that they were already living together; so, they can love each other in secret and without anyone filming them while they are loving each other, but not all gays have the same luck.

Every night, Adrián and Agustín make love. While they are doing it, they tell each other how much they love each other.

"What I feel for you scares me a lot. I am very afraid that you will leave me "said Adrián, in an excited tone, because they had just finished making love, and he was and felt that he was in paradise.

"I also feel the same. What I feel for you scares me a lot, and I am also very afraid that you will leave me, but if we want to be happy, we have to put aside our fears and love each other intensely "said Agustín, in the same excited tone than Adrián, because they had just finished making love, and he too was feeling that he was in paradise.

"When are you going to talk to your family, to tell them the truth about the death of your grandparents and your great-grandparents?" Adrián asked, while he stroked Agustín's back.

"This weekend, because it is the first time, that everyone has agreed to have this weekend off. And when are you going to have the reunion with your family? " Agustín asked him, while with a finger, he caressed Adrián's lip.

"It will also be this weekend and for the same reasons, you just gave them to me. Love, I'm going to miss you a lot "said Adrián, while he caressed Agustín's face.

"So, we have to enjoy this love to the fullest, and all the moments we can have alone until the weekend comes and we each have to be on our own," said Agustín, while stroking her hair.

"That's right, love, and from this bed, you don't get out until I tell you, okay?" Adrián said as he got ready to be on top of Agustín.

"It's OK love. But we have to tell the office that we are not going to work, and we have to do it separately so that they do not suspect that we are already a couple, and our excuses for not going to work have to be different "said Agustín, while hugging Adrián.

"I'll speak for both of you, and forget about excuses separately because I don't want to hide anything. Yes, we have indeed agreed that, for now, no one would know that we are a couple, but a very different thing is that we have to find different excuses to be able to miss these days, that is if I do not agree with you, love. We have already gone through the hell of being apart, over these long years, to do this separately. I am totally against this," said Adrián, pouting, as if he were a five-year-old boy.

Adrian was right. During those years of absence, the two have lived through a true hell, and that is something that Adrián does not want to experience again.

"Okay, my spoiled little boy. We will do exactly what you say, and at this moment, all I want is for you to kiss me, I only want that, because I don't want to think about anything else "said Agustín, while hugging, to be able to kiss him.

As if they had agreed, the two began to kiss and ended up making love again.

The next day, Adrián had called the office, saying that both he and Agustín would work virtually because neither of them felt well and that they are in their respective homes, not at all rest, unable to receive visitors.

"Ready love. Excuse list. Now, to love us without restrictions" said Adrián, while he kissed Agustín's neck.

"You win" was the only thing Agustín could say.

After that, they made love again, without worrying, for none of the work.

"How are the relatives of your girlfriend the murderers of your grandparents and great-grandparents?" Angel David Landaeta asked, exploding with anger.

Adrian's family had learned the truth and were bursting with anger.

"It's true, dad. Everything I told you is, unfortunately, true" said Adrián.

"Not only we have suffered this hell; but also, Agustín's family," said Ana María Sandoval.

"That is also true. Now, we must know the reasons why the grandparents and great-grandparents of both families were murdered," said Ángel Landaeta Sandoval.

"Little brother, you are radiant. You may know, why is it that you are like this? " David Landaeta Sandoval asked.

Adrián knew that the time had come to tell the truth because he could no longer hide that from his own family.

"Family, I'm gay and Agustín is also gay, and we're a couple," Adrián ended up saying, and he was relieved because he no longer had secrets from his family.

Suddenly, Adrián became afraid and began to imagine the worst scenarios, but seeing that his family were not upset, Adrián managed to calm down.

"We already suspected it, and we fully support you, my son, and we are happy to know that Agustín is your partner, and that makes us immensely happy," said Ángel David Landaeta, while hugging his son.

"Little brother, we will all support you and support you in everything, because that is what the family is for," said Lucía Landaeta Sandoval.

The moment they saw Adrián cry, they decided to give him a group hug, as a sign that they support him in everything. The same was happening in Agustín's house, who was also receiving the same support from his family.

"We must speak with the Landaeta family, and together, we must put a stop to so much evil," said Antonio García.

"We are going to do that, but for now, let's enjoy this moment as the family that we are," said Juana Garcés.