The hell that the vast majority of the victims have been experiencing and among those victims were the Landaeta Sandoval family and the García Garcés family, it is due to an important event that occurred years ago.

This event has as protagonists the Mendoza family and the Puyol family. They have always longed for power, fame and fortune, and to be one of the most powerful families in all of New York.

But on their way to power, the only obstacles they had are precisely the two families mentioned above, and those obstacles, they did not want to have any longer.

The Mendoza and Puyol families knew that they had to devise a plan, to be able to free themselves from them, and at the same time, they could seize the fortune of the two families.

As proud as the two families are, because they felt that they were above all humanity, they could not understand why they are poor; instead of being millionaires and powerful.

While they were devising a plan to end the two families, both the Mendoza family and the Puyol family looked with pride, anger and envy, how millionaires could spend all the money they wanted and without worrying about being poor or about get in debt.

They also felt lust and gluttony for carnal desire; so, they decided to exchange partners; so that, they can satisfy their darkest desires.

What they did not know or had no idea, is that every act that they did and still do, has its consequences, and this time, it would not be the exception, because in every act of evil that they committed, there was a demon present with they.

1. Lust: Asmodeus

2. Gluttony: Beelzebub

3. Greed: Mammon

4. Sloth: Belphegor

5. Anger: Amun

6. Envy: Leviathan

7. Pride: Lucifer

But at all times, Valak and Can Cerbero were with them, enjoying the show they were giving.

Despite having some money, both the Mendoza family and the Puyol family are greedy and stingy, because they hated and still hate sharing what they have with others.

The moment came when they had managed to devise the plan, to assassinate the two families, and the first thing they had to do was buy sub-machine guns, pistols and all possible weapons, in order to massacre the two families.

Once they had managed to buy all the possible weapons, they did everything to know exactly which routes the two families would take, to be able to wait for them on any of those routes.

The moment they managed to get the Landaeta Sandoval family and the García Garcés family on the routes they had chosen, they began with the massacre, regardless of whether there were witnesses, because they would all end up massacred.

What they did not count is that several people would survive, who would give testimonies of that fateful day.