In the year 2058, a worldwide event occurred. Meteors rained from the sky causing large amounts of destruction to population centers and the landscape.

After this happened, a strange energy called Astral energy began to exit these meteors causing everything to mutate. Animals became ferocious and Savage beasts, plants became man eating monsters, the planet began to increase in size, spatial rifts with powerful entities appeared, and it was just chaos in general.

Due to all this, humanity's population had reached 1 billion and things seemed grim. But fortune and misfortune often go hand in hand. Humans realized that they could utilize the strange energy, albeit a chosen few, the were capable of creating powerful attacks that could kill these beasts which they called Astral beasts.

Soon, humanity had gained a steady footing in the new world and also made breakthroughs in technology massively.

Hence, the new era had begun.