The day came and went pretty well and overall, the siblings had a very nice time. At the very least, they didn't need to worry about Zephyr accidentally turning them to ashes from a handshake since he seemed much more calm.

"You two are fun, you should come around again next time." Zephyr smiled gently at Gideon and Victoria.

"Sure." The two of them responded.

"Well, if we're all set, then let's go." Upon saying that, the ground opened up and the three of them fell inside before it closed up again.


Once again, the three of them travelled swiftly underground. 

As they moved, Victoria could no longer reign in her curiosity and directly asked.

"Um, why did you and Zephyr act the way you did when I asked if you were rivals?" The moment Victoria asked that question, some of the surrounding earth wasn't pushed away and and they nearly flew into them Luke missiles.