Gideon got some clothes from his inventory and gave them the the nude Lisk. Though even though they were large for her, they didn't do much to conceal her curves.

Gideon also very quickly noticed that Lisk was very clingy. This was found out when they did their best to reattach the moon.

While they moved the huge broken off piece towards the main body, Lisk would constantly do things like hug Gideon's back or jump on him from behind, each time squeezing him with her chest.

And Gideon wouldn't lie, it actually began to get a little annoying. But he couldn't tell her off because he knew she was the way he was since that's how Lisk stuck with him when she was a snake. So he couldn't just tell her off and simply put off with her antics. That and the sensation of her body wasn't half bad.

Though everytime she did get clingy, Victoria would look like she wanted to eat her alive, though Lisk ignored her.