Needless to say, Korin and his partner were absolutely stunned when they saw the group beat the remaining two pirates around like sandbags.

"This, are we even needed?" His partner said while scratching her head as Gideon sliced the last living pirate leader into small cubes.

Korin didn't say anything, but he was still shocked to say the least. He would be lying if he said that he had full faith in the group initially, and simply thought that they would be enough to hold off the pirate leaders at the very least, but he didn't think that all of them would be absolute monsters.

"Well, that's done, now let's go deal with the remaining small fry." Lisk said as she retracted her scales.

"Huh? Oh, sure." Korin snapped out of his stupor and said, a little dazed.

Gideon saw this and snickered in his heart.

'Yeah, be in awe of our power and make our reputation grow.' He thought.