Something Gideon noticed was that the strength of the opponents he fought no longer increased, at the very least. Not regularly anymore.

Before, the strenght of the opponent would rise every five levels, but then it became eight, then ten, then fifteen. Until their strength no longer grew.

However, despite this, the levels still got harder.

What the enemies lacked in strength, the now made up for in skill.

When Gideon reached the sixtieth level, he was forced to use poison aura because he could barely keep up with his opponents movements that reminded him of a ghost. If not for him using mirage step at the last moment, he might have received a heavy injury or worse.

After that, he started taking the fights much more seriously, as in addition to the added skill, the species of the opponents also varied. On the sixty sixth level, there was a monster that was basically a mass of tentacles.