"You will owe me a single favor in the future." The moment the Patriarch said this, Gideon's eyes narrowed.

"I refuse." He said without any hesitation.

You'd think that owing someone a single favor in return for being sponsored was a big steal, but that wasn't the case, far from it. It was basically saying that I'll sponsor you, and in the future, you have to fulfill any request I ask of you.

Gideon wasn't dumb, he knew that something like that could be potentially dangerous. He could be asked to do something against his morals, or put a loved one in harm's way. And simply not holding up his part of the bargain was probably not possible.

Such a long term deal would require a vow at the very least, and then, Gideon wouldn't be able to break it. So without even thinking twice, Gideon rejected the offer.