Victoria, Nathan and Kosmo were stunned when the huge green orb suddenly appeared in their vision. It was so big that it encompassed the whole battlefield and it had formed so quickly that one of the were able to react until after it actually appeared, and when they did react, they were all shocked.

"This is...!"

"He didn't."

"There's no way!" All of them said simultaneously and looked at each other.

"A Domain!?" They all exclaimed.

"But how?" Nathan said.

"I understand that Gideon's talent is monstrous, but there's simply no way for him to create a domain at his current level. His body nor his energy has reached the requirements to create something so complicated. So how?" Nathan said with disbelief and Victoria was silent, she was just as bamboozled as him.

"Actually, I might have an explanation." Kosmo said and the duo looked at him.