"Huff, Huff..." Gideon wheezed out as his lungs burned painfully. There was no part of his body that wasn't covered in an injury. Blood stained the floor, the bruises were too many to count, teeth were missing, one of his eyes got slashed. In short, his body looked on the edge of breaking down.

However, with his one good eye, there was a look of unwavering determination as well as tranquility like a lake. Despite there being dozens of magical constructs in front of him, Gideon was abnormally calm.

There were two reasons for this. One, Gideon realized that due to his severely restricted stats, a moment's hesitation could prove detrimental, something he'd learnt the hard way because he was shocked by the difficulty of his battle and froze for Les than half a millisecond which had him turned into a sieve.