Victoria was like an unstoppable force.

Out of everyone in their group, She was the one who poured majority of her focus on pure attack power.

So much so that even Gideon who was recognised as the most capable in their group would much prefer to not take a full powered attack from her.

And that was just with her Aquafire. Now add in her unique skill, then coupled with Nathan's Annihilation and light magic.


A huge wave of force spread out in all directions creating waves of shimmering golden sand. And in the center, Victoria could be seen, her fist appeared to slowly pass through the barrier surrounding the scarab.

The locked eyes as her fist made way.

It seemed slow, but in reality, they were moving in microseconds.The scarab moved back to avoid Victoria's fists, still wary of that strange energy that was able to rip right through its shields that were strengthened with laws.