The round of strengthening was great and even though some people got more than others, the fact was that everyone made great gains from the endeavour.

Unfortunately, like the Dream Sand from the Dream Dimension, there was a limited amount their bodies could absorb before the refining of their bodies started to slow to a stop.

When it finished, all of them got up and Gideon let out a breath before stretching. His body felt as if it had received the best massage ever and calling it comfortable was an understatement.

"Phew, that was nice." Lisk stretched with a content expression. The others agreed as they all gathered.

"Victoria looks like a divine artifact." Nathan said with grin when the purple haired girl came close.

It was clear that out of all of them, her gains were the greatest, and not just her strength,but her body had also undergone some subtle but key changes. Her skin was fair yet firm and her muscles seemed a tad but denser.