Are You Really an Evil God? (2)

Chapter 17 - Are You Really an Evil God? (2)

After taking over the place, 'He' would rob off that Divinity.

"That is what I thought... My, My Lord, please forgive this sinner. I would never dare to have such a thought ever again..."

The small red orb seems to be trembling in fear. This fear is deeply engraved inside 'His' very soul.

Even if someday 'He' was blown and only left behind a strong resentment like before, even if this resentment without consciousness, it would never dare to touch the Almighty being before 'Him'. Not to mention hurting this Lord.


A few moments ago.

Ren as always, He 'dreamed' the foggy dimension.

This time He suddenly felt a strong resentment coming from the whole space inside the Throne Hall. Even he could feel it in a small radius around his Palace.

Then he remembered about the accident when a guest he call was attacked and nearly corrupted by a strong resentment.

It would be good if he forget it. But since this resentment lingering around become stronger and reminding him about that matter. The matter that should be forgotten now becomes a humiliation for the Divinity within Him.

After observing the whole space again. There is a tint of redness between blackish fog and white space that made up this monochrome world.

Although this redness gives a new color to the whole space. This tint of the redness has some consciousness, it would avoid his presence and advance. Once in a while, it would also try to devour the blackish fog and the white space.

But, isn't it somehow forgetting the fact about who is the Master of this dimension. Being annoyed, he made a hand gesture as if he was grabbing a basketball.

The whole space trembled a little.

The blackish fog that was previously static started to churn, then as if being sucked by his hand. The blackish fog in the area with a tint of redness gathered before his hand. Like being herding by a shepherd, the tint of redness assembles in the center area before him.

In second, it turns into a red orb glowing with a scarlet light.

With all scattered resentment gathered together, a rather weak but active consciousness could be found within.

It could be said, Ren already thought many words of complaint but His Divinity stopped him before it leaked out from His mouth.

Only cold and indifferent voices come from it.

"I let thee tell thou origin."

The red orb trembling slightly before it blabbering 'His' origin with a humble tone.

In the end, with slight disdain and curiosity, Ren asked, "Art thou really an Evil God?"

'This flying red orb is actually a remnant of an Evil God called Rat God. From the look of it, his Divinity was purified and after that, it was all dispersing becoming one with this space. What a pitiful fellow, but... to think He could still leave a backhand with his root's uniqueness.'

Rat God's remnant shivering, It being questioned about 'His' identity made It confused before falling into deep contemplation.

'Am I really an Evil God? or just an Evil Spirits?' For an unknown reason, he suddenly found three questions of life, 'Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?'

In a matter of seconds, It thought 'His' whole life experience. Then as if being struck by lightning, everything flashed before his consciousness.

As a remnant of an Evil God, albeit only a lesser God, It has thought acceleration at a thousand times level. This was already at the level of veteran Esper.

For comparison, 10 to 100 times thought acceleration was the range of newly awakened Esper. At 100 to 1000 times was the range of experienced Esper. While from 1000 to 10.000 times was the range of veteran Esper. Above that would be Epic level Esper and so on.

As a lesser God, except for special domain, they would at least have 100.000 times thought acceleration. So, for a remnant of God being able to retain that much already showing how special Its existence was.

It suddenly speaks in the manner of a sinner making a confession before its God.

"I... I was an accumulation of resentment that form an evil spirit from great sacrifice in the War of God's Throne. While the dead body of Lord God become Corpse God, an evil spirit born out of the strong resentment of the living being died in that war lingering in the mountain of corpse and river of blood."

"At that time I only have a weak consciousness with a strong instinct to revenge at those Outer Gods. But, I couldn't control my own strength, devouring a lot of blood and flesh of a living being for a long time. Until I was awoken by Sage from Druid lineage. I regret all those years of carnage. My soul was formed from countless living beings, but I also killed countless living beings."

"I just a lost soul at that time. I started wandering void space in the vast universe. Encountering many space creatures and not limited to High-level Star State beings."

"In the end, after thousand years of wandering. I encountered Corpse God by coincidence. No, it should be a fated encounter, after all, our origin had a deep connection. I was working for 'Him' after knowing him wanted to overthrow all those Gods."

"We made many disasters. We made an opportunity to cut Divine descend forever. Unfortunately, Deus Ex-Machina awaken from a separated Omniscient. I saw 'Him' taking over the Universe Creator authority again. Banishing all Gods from reality to another dimension. Separate all small world connections from reality."

"I wasn't even at the level of lesser God nor a Mythical grade being. So I was saved and my revenge was realized. Then, I am looking at the wounded plane and pained living being. Another terrible pain swept my consciousness, a madness corrupting my mind."

"I fell into a deep sleep. A few decades later, when I am awake I found out my soul was under the shackles of Divinity that control death corpse. Then I understand, this Corpse God identity was actually resentment of Gods from the past. 'He' was a fallen desire of those Gods, 'He' was the madness of Gods, 'He' was degeneration of the Gods. But, he had a trace of Creator mercy, only a trace."

"Not only that 'He' was... I know 'He' was... Huh? What am I talking about again? I am sure I know 'He' was..."

"I definitely know, 'He' was... EH! Why?! Why?!"

The red orb suddenly turns into a deeper color, from scarlet to dark red then to near blackened red.

Ren frowned at the huge change before Him.

'What the heck happened here?! What are shitty things did It gets into?'

He could only sigh at this pitiful soul.

"Just stop it. Thou needn't think about those useless things..."

"Thou art failure of Evil God. Thou art only foolish lesser God. Thou never an Evil God, to begin with, thou art not even qualified to be one."

"In recent days. Evil God is a classification for anyone it includes anything that reaches ascension to the lesser God level without Deus approval."

"But, the true Evil God art another name for those nameless Outer God who played with living beings. 'Cause, the truest Evil didn't have any desire, only subconscious action out of freewill within Them."

"The true Evil don't see who thou art... The true Evil doesn't care about the result... The true Evil didn't regret the past..."

"In the past, there were Three Thousand Demon Gods in Chaos dimension. In the early eons, They were the ones that reflect the meaning of true Evil. Being Demon Gods is equivalent to being Evil. But as time passed, Three Thousands of Authority bound them to the rule."

"It forces Them to know what desire was. It allow Them to know what divine authority was. It made Them fight for the highest possibility. The Creation."

"The Creation wasn't any divine authority. It never had any power. It also never had any consciousness. Before... the First War of Demon Gods started."

"The Creation consciousness affecting one of the strongest Demon Gods who still maintained a pure instinct and no desire. But The Creation consciousness becomes the first desire for Him. Not to take the Creation but to make his own Creation."

"At last War of Three Thousand Demon Gods. That Great God opens up Heaven and Earth, separating Chaos and turbidity. The first dimension of Order was created, The Primordial. From then on, Order and Chaos were always in disagreement..."

Rat God's remnant returned to the original form of red orb with light scarlet color after being stopped by Him.

Then hearing the chronicle of Chaos and Order, Rat God's remnant who had a root of evil spirit returned to Its original form.

Transparent humanoid form, without even a bit of trace of Ratmen form, could be seen from him again.

He could feel the strong resentment that made up his soul body already under his control completely.

It could be said, the former 'Him' was controlled by those resentments. While right now, he could control whether he want to use the resentments or hid them from others.

All according to his free will. The last shackles that bind him inside his very existence are broken and vanish with all related memories and information that sealed in.

He only heard a Chronicles of Chaos and Order, no. It should be the opening chronicles.

But it could return him to the origin and strengthen it from the root.

Also, that aside.

Is what happened in the Chronicles of Chaos and Order He told was real?

Is this also the true history behind those Gods' discord?