
They both came out of the bathroom, and Gen took the clothes that he had on before the bath and started putting them on.

Raja then said, "Gen, are you crazy?"

And Gen said, "What is it, Raja? What do you mean crazy?"

"You just took a shower, and you're going to put on these sweaty clothes that we had on?"

"That's right, but I forgot my new clothes in my room."

"You're no good, Gen, hahaha."

"I'll go change. I'll leave the passages open for you."

Gen then started to go towards his room, but Raja said, "Wait, Gen!"

"What's wrong, Raja?"

"... Well ... I forgot my clothes there too, haha."

"You ... Let's go then."

Raja then went towards him, and the two headed towards Gen's room. Upon arriving, the two started changing clothes.

When they were done, Raja said, "Come on, it's time for Oasis."

And Gen said, "Easy there."

"What's the matter, Gen? Is there something missing?"

"Yes, and you know very well what it is."

Gen then went to the kitchen and picked up the bottle of wine they had found.

Raja then said, "That's right, the wine ... Gen, I know I've said this a few times, but-"

"Don't even waste your time, Raja. Let's go before we're late."

"Ahh... All right, let's go."

The two then left Gen's house and headed towards the Oasis. After they arrived at the part of town where the restaurant was, Raja looked around and saw the crowded streets and a lot of people laughing and shouting.

He then said, "This part of town is very different from the others."

And Gen said, "Well, it couldn't be any different. After all, there are only bars and restaurants in this part of town."

The two then continued toward the restaurant, and on the way, they saw several other bars and restaurants.

Raja then said, "I thought Oasis was the best restaurant here by a large margin, but that doesn't seem to be the case. There are several places here that are on par with it."

And Gen said, "Yes, this part of town is packed with good restaurants. Oasis is only the best known of them."

The two then continued walking for a while longer and then arrived at the restaurant.

They then heard, "Gen, Raja, here.", and then they both turned around and saw that Cris was calling them.

She was standing in front of the restaurant, and along with her was the rest of the group. They were all dressed up for the occasion.

The two then approached the group, and Lina said, "What took you so long? It's been about five minutes since we got here."

Gen then said, handing the bottle of wine to Raja, "Raja said he needed to stop somewhere before we came."

"Somewhere? What place? You couldn't have stopped by later?", said Lina, staring at Raja, who then swallowed hard.

Gen then said, "Well, you better hear from him."

Raja then looked at Lina, and said, "I bought this wine for you as an apology for what happened this week. I hope you like it."

And Lina said, "A bottle of wine?"


Raja then handed her the wine and walked away as fast as he could.

Lina then asked, "You don't think a wine will make up for everything you put me through, right?"

And Gen said, "It's not just a wine Lina."

"It looks like a normal wine to me."

"Well, Raja didn't tell you this, but this wine is a few hundred years old."

"Hundreds of years?! Are you serious?!"


Everyone then stood in shock, and Lina said, "Well, if this wine really is hundreds of years old, it will be enough to forgive you for what you've done."

Gen then nudged Raja, and he said, "... Thanks, Lina."

And Lina said, "You're welcome."

Gen then said, "Well, since we're all here, let's go in."

And Lina said, "Yes.", and they all headed for the door of the restaurant.

When they got there, a woman stopped them and said, "Good evening. Which floor do you plan to go to?"

And Gen said, "To the Oasis."

"Okay, come with me."

Raja then asked, "How does she know what floor we are going to?"

And then Stanley, who was standing next to him, said, "What do you mean, Raja?"

"Gen just said it was Oasis. How does she know what floor he wants to stay on?"

"Ahh, that's true. Sometimes I forget you are not from the city."

"What do you mean?"

"It's simple, Raja. This whole building is the Oasis restaurant, but each floor has its name."

"Each floor has a name?"

"Yes, the first floor is the sand floor. The second floor is the plant floor. The third floor is the water floor. The fourth floor is the shadow floor. And the fifth floor is the Oasis."

"How different."

"Yeah, it's that division by floors that made the Oasis so popular."

"I get it, but why does each one have a different name? Do they have different services on each floor?"

"Exactly, each floor has a type of service."

"What are they?"

"Well, the sand floor sells typical desert food. It's not very attractive to people who already live around here. Usually, most of the people who go there are merchants and adventurers who have come from far away."

"Hmm, this floor must be pretty empty then."

"Not really. Although they serve typical food from here, there are still many people here who like to eat the same old food. That's what makes this floor busy."

"I see."

"Anyway, the plant floor has several types of food made with the most exotic plants that exist in the desert. This floor is ideal for those who want to try something different or for those who don't like to eat meat."

"Well, this floor should be less crowded then. After all, most people like meat, and there aren't that many eccentrics around."

"Actually, it's pretty busy too, hahaha."

"What do you mean? Do you have that many people that don't like meat?"

"No, you're right in what you said. This floor is only busy because most of the people who go to this floor are women."

"Oh yeah? Why is that?"

"That's because the food there is good and not too fattening."

"I see, that makes sense."

"Yes, and besides, a floor with so many women-"

"Will definitely attract a lot of men.", Raja added.

And Stanley said, "Exactly. Some of them won't even eat the food they order."

"What about the water floor?

"The water floor, on the other hand, is nothing more than a bar."

"A bar? Interesting."

"Yeah, it's a great floor if you're not too hungry and want something good to drink."

"Do they only sell drinks there? What if I get hungry?"

"No problem, they have some snacks that come with the drink as well."

"Wow, what about the fourth floor? If I'm not mistaken, that's the shadow floor, right?"

"That's right."

"What's up there? All the others, I could imagine something, but this floor, I can't think of anything.", "The fourth floor is a spa."

"A spa?!"


"Isn't this place a restaurant? Why does it have a spa on one of the floors?"

"It's because the purpose of this floor is to take the stress out of everyday life, so some types of massage are offered there. Ahh, and when I say massage, I really mean massage, just to make it clear. Later, if you want, I'll show you other places that do 'massage' too, but let's talk about that another time."

"Okay. So, on the fourth floor, they don't sell food since it's a spa, right?"

"No, they do sell food. There are several kinds of food there that help to relax the body."

"I see. That sounds like a good place to go, but the fifth floor must be better since we chose it, right?"

"Yes, the fifth floor is the Oasis. In the Oasis, you get the full experience of all the other floors at the same time."

"It has everything from the other four floors?"

"Yes, the names already say that. Sand, plant, water, and shade all make up an oasis."

"It really was a very well-thought-out place."

"Yes, now, continuing the talk about the fifth floor."

"There's more?"

"Yes, but it's not much. I just want to mention that in addition to having the experience of the other four floors, the fifth floor also has a private team for each group."

"A private team? You mean a chef just for us?"

"Not only that, besides the chef, we also have a bartender, a masseuse, and much more just for us."


"Haha, yes. That makes sure the food doesn't take long to arrive, and you can enjoy the full experience of this place."

"Wow, now I understand why this is the most popular place in town. How do they pay for all this stuff you said?"

"Hahaha, just wait for the bill to come, and you'll understand."