
Chapter One

When she opened up her eyes, she was laying on a ferny bed with trees all above her. She tried to move, only to find that something was holding her down. She tried rubbing her eyes, but her arms felt so heavy that she couldn't lift them.

"She's awake." A male voice said near her head. When she finally could see more than rough shapes, she looked around. She saw her classmate, Lucas, and a couple of his friends. They were all sitting in a circle, just watching her.

"Bruh, not gonna lie, but that's kinda creepy that y'all were just staring at me like that." Kyra tried again to sit up, only to see that some kind of rope was tying her down. "Also, why am I tied up? Please tell me that you just were trying to help me not move and hurt myself more?" She had just finished asking when she heard a cry and about 10 people came charging into the camp. They left their faces covered, but they all seemed familiar. Two of them ran towards her and the rest attempted to divert Lucas and his friends. Lucas's two friends, Harold and Coron, both were distracted, but Lucas ran to Kyra and grabbed her, running off into the forest.

"He has her! Don't let him escape!" Kyra immediately recognized the voice as Rune's, and that was when she started flailing around to try and free herself.

"Dude, unless you want me to hurt you more than that plane crash has already done, you need to stop." Lucas hissed at her quietly. She saw that he had a rock in his free hand.

"Kyra! Yell if you can! We're coming!" That time, it was Jayson calling out to her. She was just opening her mouth when she was dropped on the ground, a hand covering her mouth. Quicker than she could notice, the hand was replaced by a gag and she was picked up again. She had lost sight of her friends, but she knew they had to be close.

"Lucas! Meet us by the river!" Harold yelled from an unseen location. "The rest of the tribe will be there too!" At this point, Kyra had reached a level of confusion that she had never realized was possible. She noticed that they were no longer running, but walking very fast. She was impressed by how silent Lucas was as he walked, even though the ground was covered in sticks. He started heading up a hill when he stopped. He quietly whistled, imitating a bird almost perfectly. A ladder dropped down, and one of Kyra's classmates, Sokan, climbed down a little and pulled Kyra up into a treehouse. Lucas emerged shortly, took Kyra from Sokan, and nodded quickly. Sokan lifted the ladder back up as Lucas took Kyra down a series of leafy tunnels and branches.

"I know you might be wondering what happened. You were out for quite a while, probably because you got smacked in the head pretty hard when that piece of plane landed on you in the water. Basically, this island is like the Bermuda Triangle for planes going anywhere in this part of the Pacific. When we got here, there was this really old man lying up here in this fort thing, really close to death. He told us that he had been on a plane that had crashed about 40 years ago. He had said that there were supplies created by his group hidden around the island. There had been others who have crashed, but usually they get rescued. He never did because he felt it was his duty to help other crash victims. He died about an hour after we found him. We buried him, and found all of the stashes that he told us about." Lucas came to a wall and pulled a rope, bringing the floor they were standing on up. "You can't ask questions right now, thank goodness. You ask a lot of questions normally. Anyway, after we got on the island, we found out that only our classmates had survived, or at least made it on the island. We were all together for a while, but we eventually started having fights. We split up into two tribes, one is led by Jayson and Jade, and ours is led by Tiffany and Sokan, for now. We have Tiffany, Sokan, Harold, Coron, Marko, Lukia, Kairo, Laila, Lemon, George, and a few others. Everyone else decided that they didn't want to live under the rule of Tiffany and Sokan, so they are with Jayson and Jade. You will be with us. Too many people want you, so we're keeping you nice and safe here." Kyra shuddered as he said the last sentence, for a glint in his eyes suggested ulterior motives.

"Hey, Lucas! Are you coming? Everyone's waiting for you!" Sokan yelled from another section of the fort.

"Sokan, do you want me to bring the special parcel or not?" Lucas glanced at Kyra briefly.

"Sure, sure. We wouldn't want the Moras to find it!" After Sokan gave the okay, Lucas grabbed Kyra and walked through a maze of bridges, tunnels, and platforms until they reached a room with the whole tribe. Lucas reached the center of the floor and dumped Kyra on the floor. As he did, he looked around at everyone else.

"People of the Boka tribe! Today, we have a great opportunity! We have, what has been deemed so by the real chief of the Mora tribe, the Love of the Mora. We watched as The Rune of the Moras pulled her onto the beach, saving her life. We looked on as he rescued as many of us as possible and returned to the beach, immediately running back to where he had last seen her. Lucky for him, the Jay of the Moras had scooped her up before anything bad happened. For the first week here, we were all together, but when things fell apart, they took her and ran into the woods. But we know all that, we know exactly what happened next. The High Bokas asked me and my elite team, the Boka Rangers, to cause a little trouble. We snuck into the Mora camp in the night, took their Love, and we ran into the woods with her. We were followed by a few of the Moras, but did they succeed in gaining their Love? No!" Lucas paused, looking at all the Bokas in the eye. "I took their Love and fled into the forest. Sure, she did cause a bit of trouble, almost got us exposed, but I took care of that faster than a cat can catch a mouse! Once you silence Kyra, she will submit!" A roar of triumph filled the room as Kyra realized that the Love of the Mora was her, and Lucas was bragging about kidnapping her. She started fighting slowly against her restraints, and moved her mouth until the cloth covering it slipped down. She saw everyone cheering as Lucas stood triumphantly over her.

"Well then, Lucas, I guess that the gloating should come to an end, as we have more pressing matters to discuss. We have a problem: the Moras are starting to find some of our best hideouts." As Sokan started to take over the meeting, Lucas lifted Kyra up and set her against the wall, leaning close to her ear. His glasses brushed against her skin as he began to whisper.

"Don't think I didn't notice you slip that gag off." His dark hair brushed against the honey skin of his forehead, his brown eyes gleaming. "I'll let it slide once, as long as you don't cause trouble." He walked back to the crowd, and Kyra leaned up against a small gap between two boards.

"I'm telling you, Chief Rune, they aren't anywhere around here. We need to look for them somewhere else." Kyra heard the sound of Jayson's voice, floating through the gap.

"Jayson, I need you not to ask questions. I have the feeling that she's somewhere around here, but I have no idea where. I have to get my Love back." Kyra's heart lit up as she heard that, for she knew that the love that she had been hiding for years was reciprocated. She moved her mouth so it was right against the gap and let out her loudest scream. The whole tribe of Bokas stopped talking and looked at her. She rested her head so her ear was against the gap.

"Jayson, did you hear that? That was her! I know it! If she hears us talking right now, she needs to scream again to let us know she's around." Kyra smiled, looked at the Bokas, and put her mouth against the gap and screamed again. Lucas ran over to her and slapped her across the face, and she let out a loud cry of pain, loud enough that Rune and Jayson heard.

"Lucas, I swear if you hurt her anymore than you already have, I will kill you. Get your butt out here with her right now!" Rune shouted, and a rustling in the leaves revealed that he was climbing the tree to find her.

Lucas grabbed her by the arm and yanked her to a platform overlooking the trees. He pulled out a knife and put it against her throat, pulling her golden blond hair to reveal her bare, pale neck, her blue eyes glinting in fear as she looked at Rune. His dark brown hair flopped into his hazel eyes as he glared at Lucas.

"Let… Her… Go!" Rune yelled, climbing up towards them even faster.

"You take one more step and she dies right here and now!" Lucas pressed the knife against her throat even harder, and a thin red line welled up. Rune stopped, his eyes changing from pure rage to fear.

"Please, Lucas. Let her go. I will do anything." Rune bowed his head down, ashamed for what he had said.

"Rune, I know you love her, but listen to yourself. You can't afford to give anything to them." Jayson brushed his dark hair out of his blue eyes.

Lucas laughed. "Who would have imagined that I could get the chief of the Moras to be begging. Sorry, but I don't think that Sokan and Tiffany would appreciate it if I gave her away." He started backing into the hut, but Kyra wouldn't move.

"Lucas, this might be fun. Hand her over to me." Sokan walked onto the platform, and Lucas reluctantly handed her over to Sokan.

"Please tell me you want the knife. I mean, it's great for-" Lucas was cut off by Sokan.

"Yeah, yeah. Hand it over." As soon as he had the knife in hand, he rested it on Kyra's arm, "You know, Rune, things like this knife are dangerous. One wrong move-" He quickly moved the knife, creating a small cut all along Kyra's arm. "And someone could get hurt." He pressed the knife harder on her skin, causing silent tears to fall down her face. When Rune saw, he slowly climbed down the tree.

"If you hurt her anymore than you already have, I will destroy you and everyone you love. I will be back." He looked at Sokan, meeting his eyes with a steely glare. "I will be back, and mark my words, there will be so much to pay if you even lay so much as a finger on her that is out of line." With that he walked away, into the night.

"He's gone, Sokan. What now?" Lucas jumped up off of the railing and walked toward Sokan and Kyra. "I mean, by the time he comes back, she would be mostly healed up." He reached out to grab Kyra, only stopping when Sokan slapped his hand.

"We aren't going to do anything to her, at least not right now." Sokan handed Kyra to Lucas. "You know what would be interesting? Playing a little Rapunzel with her. Stick her in the highest hold in the trees. Even better, go to the top of the mountains and stick her in the cave there. Actually, just put her in the hold like I said." Sokan walked out of the room, and Lucas started pulling her.

"Come on now, your legs aren't tied. Hurry up." Lucas yanked her along, causing a small whimper of pain to escape Kyra's lips. "Shut up, or I'll hurt you even more. I really don't care what Rune or Sokan say, I do what I want." He pulled her up a set of stairs when they suddenly stopped.

"You don't care about what Sokan says, am I right?" Tiffany was standing at the door of the room that Kyra was about to go in. "I mean, he is the co-chief. And you are the lieutenant chief, if I remember correctly, not one of the co-chiefs. You might want to listen to him, unless you want to be an Outlander."

Lucas sighed. "Fine, fine, whatever. I really will do whatever you want, but sometimes I can get a little carried away. Can't blame me if an accident happens."

Tiffany smiled. "You know I really wouldn't care what happens to her. Just have fun. That's what the Bokas are all about, right?" She smiled and walked down the stairs. "Oh, and Kyra? Don't forget that you are a prisoner here, and we know how to tie knots very well. Have a great day now!" She turned a corner and left with a flip of her hair, and Lucas dragged her into the room.

"Don't put up a fight, and you won't get hurt. I mean, a lot can happen if you slip up with a knife." Lucas looked at her with an evil grin. He went to her left ankle and proceeded to tie a series of intricate knots. After he had tied up her ankle tight, he tied the other end of the rope to a small bar on one side of the room. He did the same thing to the other ankle, tying it to the other side of the room. He then cut her arms free, and tied them up in a similar way, only making them so they were raised above her head, sort of like a starfish. He looked her in the eye, a look that could create fear in anyone's heart.

"You know, anything could happen when you have a knife. I mean, I love to practice my carving." He traced the point of the knife on her skin. "Accidents can always happen." As he said that, he pushed the point hard into her skin, creating a deep cut and causing Kyra to cry out in pain. "Oh, Kyra. Did that hurt?"

As Lucas said that, the door swung open. "Lucas, I told you not to hurt her! You insubordinate swine!" Sokan was red with fury. "You don't even know what I had planned."

"Oh, Sokan, it was just an accident. I promise you I wouldn't do it on purpose."

Sokan sighed, looking at Kyra, who looked back, a defiant look on her face. "I guess that accidents do happen. Fine, I trust you to look after the Love of the Mora, and go ahead and do what you want with her. I really don't care, especially since the Mora won't be getting her back anytime soon."

Kyra sighed as Sokan left, all her firepower and will gone.

* * *

Rune sat back at the Mora camp, defeated. The only person he cared about was taken away, trapped in the Boka camp. He knew he had to save her, but he didn't know what he should do. Many of the others of the Mora came up to him, trying to cheer him up, but no one could find anything that could get him out of the blues. It wasn't until Jayson came up to him that he noticed anyone.

"Dude, what the heck? You've been blowing off everyone else all day, even though they need you!" Jayson sat next to him. "I know you'll be worried about Kyra, but it's going to be okay."

Rune sat up. "Did you see the way they were treating her? She isn't going to be okay! Nothing is going to be okay until she's back in my arms, back in the safety of the camp. We need to get her back, and we need to do it now. They won't be expecting us back so soon." He stood up, and ran over to one of the other tribe members. "Hey, Neptune, you're smaller, strong, and quick. I need your help with something, and you're the only guy up to the job." Neptune stood up, brushing off his pants.

"What do you need, Chief? I'd be happy to help." Neptune stood up.

"You know how our Love was stolen from us, right? I need your help getting her back. I found the Boka base, and I'm worried about what they might do to her." He looked Neptune in the eye. "Are you down to go right now?"

Neptune looked at him. "My guy, you realize that they probably have someone there with her, since they think that you'll be coming back. You need to wait a bit and come up with a plan. I know Sokan and Tiffany, since Sokan was one of my best friends. I don't trust them to run a tribe without cruelty. You are fair, just, and kind, which is why I joined you. You need to wait to get Kyra back, especially if you want to do it with as little damage as possible. They will be expecting you back today." He shook his head a bit, and then continued. "They probably moved her to a different spot in the fort, so if anything, we need to scout it out first. I will help you with that right now if you want."

Rune started walking off into the woods, Neptune close on his tail. Jayson sat back, watching them for a while before turning back to the rest of the tribe and continuing his conversation with the others.

"Neptune, I can't thank you enough for helping me. I know many of the others in the tribe, probably you included, really don't like Kyra, but are willing to help me. I promise I will make it up to you. Now, let's think. Sokan would probably put her in a place he thought I couldn't get to, like somewhere higher. He might have even moved her from where they had her originally. We need to fully scout out their fort before we do anything." He looked around. "We're close. I'm going to climb up a tree to see if I can find any of their little tree houses. I can keep in touch with you through whistles. A jay whistle means I found her, a robin whistle means there's danger, and an owl means that the area is all clear." Rune dashed up the nearest tree, his speed like a squirrel. Neptune ran over to another tree and did the same.

Rune reached the top of his tree, only to see a huge network of buildings and bridges. There was a tall tree that had a small hut on the top. He was about to start heading over to it when a scream of pain filled the air, followed shortly by another one. Rune's heart raced as he leapt from tree to tree until he reached the tallest hut, the one where the cry came from. He jumped onto the roof and put his ear up against it to listen in on what was going on.

"I never thought that I could be in the position I was in today." Lucas said, as the sound of a knife breaking the skin was faintly heard, followed by another cry of pain. "I never thought the real chief of the Moras would be begging for mercy from me." Another knife slash was heard, along with a faint whimper. "It isn't that bad, Kyra, it's just a little cut." A maniacal laugh filled the air around them as a long scream filled the air. Rune clenched his fists. He let off a quick jay call, followed by a robin whistle. He heard a rustle in the branches in some trees at the other end of the fort, followed by another one. After a couple of minutes, Neptune joined Rune on the roof.

"What's going on? Where is she? And what is the danger?" Neptune whispered quietly. Rune put his finger to his lips and gestured to the roof. He returned his ear to the roof, and Neptune followed suit. After listening to Lucas torture Kyra for a few more minutes, Neptune looked at Rune.

"I think you might actually be right. We need to get her now, or who knows what they'll do to her." Neptune said quietly as the sound of a door slamming indicated that Lucas had left the room. "If we get others to cause a distraction, do you think we could pull it off?"

A branch rustled behind them, causing both of the boys to turn around. There stood Lucas, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, it must be my lucky day! I get to catch both the Mora chief and his little attack dog!" Lucas leapt off of the branch and started running towards Rune and Neptune.

"Rune, go! I can take care of this. I'll be fine, so get out of here!" Neptune ran to Lucas and proceeded to tackle him, almost sending both of them off the roof. Rune went to go help, but Neptune glared at him.

"I don't want to say this again. Go! Get out of here! I will be alright. Save Kyra and run!" As Neptune yelled that, another person jumped from the branches of a nearby tree and landed next to Rune.

"Looks like you were right, Lucas. They were here again. Thanks for the tip. I'll take Rune, and you can take Neptune, that traitor. Sound good?" Sokan stood there, an evil smile on his face. Rune finally decided to take Neptune's advice and run.

"I'm sorry, Kyra. I will be back." He jumped into a tree, looking back at Lucas and Sokan. "I will be back, and don't you forget it. There will be pain inflicted on each of your tribe members for each time you hurt her." He jumped through the leaves and disappeared.

"Dang, we lost him. At least we have this one now." Lucas was on the roof, Neptune pinned under him. There was blood pouring down his face. "Where should I take him, Sokan? The Pit? Oh, or how about the Cave? Those both have some pretty nasty-"

"Lucas, enough. You're worse than Roger in Lord of the Flies. Just put him in another secluded room. I think it's about time I had some one-on-one time with the Stolen Love." Sokan jumped off of the roof, grabbing its edge as he fell, and swung into the room Kyra was in. "Hello, Kyra. Remember me?" Sokan grinned. Kyra just looked at him, the hope of her eyes shattered. She hung her head back down as he walked towards her.

"Kyra, I won't hurt you like Lucas has. You see, I actually care about you, and I wouldn't dare hurt you. Please trust me. I'd even let you join the tribe, at least if you learn to behave well enough." Sokan stroked her face, causing anger to flash through Kyra's eyes. As his hand reached her chin, pulling her head up towards his face, she lashed out, biting his hand hard.

"Ow! You little-" Sokan ripped his hand away from her as a fierce fire lit up her eyes. "I guess we'll just have to teach you how to behave when you're around your superiors." He stalked towards her, his eyes like those of a lion hunting its prey. Kyra stared him down, her eyes full of anger and fury.

"You know, I didn't want to hurt you at first, especially because I don't underestimate the ability Rune has to destroy, but now it's your fault." He grabbed a knife that Lucas had left in the room and unsheathed it, showing off the clean, glinting silver blade. "Things of great beauty like this are the things that can cause the most destruction. Now, let's see if Pretty Boy Mora still likes you if you have a scar marring that beautiful face." The last thing Kyra heard was her own screams of pain as Sokan slashed his knife all along her face.