Understanding the world!

After the smirking face of the damn goddess disappeared, I was once again got surrounded by eternal darkness.

I waited for some minutes before I felt a heavy headache and numb body. This feeling was so much similar to heavy hangover.

I closed my eyes tightly and when I opened them again , I was facing an unfamiliar face.

No doubt the face was too cute and beautiful that I wanted to stare at it but when some of memories darted back in my brain, I suddenly felt a ton of guilt for thinking something like about my own mom.

"Subu chan...are you okay?" A beautiful woman in her early 30s with black hairs and red scarlet eyes was staring at me with concern filled in those alluring eyes.

"Yeah mom I am fine. Can you get me some water". I said while lifting my numb body from the bed .

The memories of my past self which I spent as a cute little boy in this world , started penetrating inside my brain .

According to what I saw , I was living in a world almost identical to solo levelling where hunters and dungeons existed.

The intel I recieved from my memories generally contained information of what I got from tv news or heard vaguely from my mom. My mom never told me about monsters or dungeons but in case whenever I asked to play outside , she scared me with the topic of dungeons and monsters waiting to eat me and obviously it was too scary to handle for a young brat so I always agreed with her.

Since this body never went out , I never saw a dungeon through my own eyes .

It didn't hurt much when I received my memories and I was amazed how much I behaved maturly even I was only 4 years old.

"Subu Chan, do you want mama to accompany you today?" My mom, Sasha asked me while taking out her phone.

From my memories she is the manager of a hunter's guild and a very busy person.

"No mom I am fine. You should leave for work, it's already late." I said after glancing at the digital clock .

It was nearly 1 in the noon and from my memories my mom always left for work panctually everyday , even on weekends.

"Are you sure baby. Mama can take a day off you know". She hugged me while mumbling in sweet voice.

I felt warm from her hug and after assuring her for another minute, she left the house .

I started exploring my house even in my memories , I have spent my whole time here I have to check it myself .

The whole apartment flat was highly secured with AI installed security and the size of apartment told me that I was a rich kid.

According to my memories this body never faced a person whome he can call dad and his mother never talked about him.

"Well I couldn't care less . My previous dad was an asshole too". I sighed and opened the fridge to get something to drink .

My mom had several pictures of hers with me however one of her individual picture which was kept at the corner of the book shelf was standing out most.

In that picture mom was standing with a staff in her hand and a golden robe all over her body. Her face was beeaming with arrogance and pride .

Anyone could tell that she was looking like a mage . She was truly beautiful in that picture that I stared at her for some moments before realising what I was doing.

'I have to throw these thoughts and start to focus on my powers first".

I remembered my skill which I chose so I took a pen and notebook to write everything I know about those skills.

The growth potential of Sung Jin Woo was limitless so I knew , the more I will train my physical strength and push myself beyond my limits , the more I would get stronger.

I made a daily plan for my workout and how I will hide my training from my sharp mom as I knew she won't allow her cute boy to do harsh physical training.

Since I didn't had any system ,I had the freedom to neglect repeatation of same workout and I could change them according to my need .

Second skill was more complex. Spell weaving was one the coolest and op skill but if I don't utilise it properly then I will mess up a big time.

Spell weaving is just the combination of different simple spells to make something more complex yet more powerful spell. For that I needed tons of mana that's why I requested the mana from the goddess.

Since I was thinking about mana I closed my eyes and focused.

'Hmm, I don't feel anything'. I tried to focus on my mana or any slight feeling but nothing happened.

Only cool breeze of a/c passed by my face and nothing else

'Dont tell me , she scammed me". I thought and after trying for another minute I left that part for future.

'Now my sharingan'. I knew Sharingan needed something impulsive and stimulating to show it's presence for the first time and I never have faced anything like that until now .

"So I have to wait for that too huh". I sighed for the third time before closing the notebook.

I decided to gain some knowledge of this world' and train my physical body until I grow some older to finally able to wander in the outside world without restrictions.


"It really sucks". I was lying flat on the ground while panting like a dog.

I tried to do simple basic workout after strentching my body .

First it was really hard for me to accomodate myself in this child body as I was a full grwon up man some hours ago .

After just 5 normal push ups , I lost strength in my arms.

I had a great physique in my previous life and I was gym freak so I was confident to go for atleast 50 but I was wrong.

"Well I can't help it , I have to take it slowly". I got up and started my struggle again.

Sasha POV:

'My son is behaving unusual'. I frowned after I saw him doing work out.

His face was really cute when he was struggling during sit ups. I even took several pictures of his cute red face.

My house had 38 cameras spreaded in each corner of my house and with help of that I could watch every action of my beloved son.

'Fufu...he was staring at my picture'. I giggled as I recalled his face when he found out my picture in which I was wearing my hunter's uniform from some years ago.

'Ah..I wish I could always see you baby but mama have to do lot of work to keep you safe". I sighed in disappointment before closing my tab and returning to my work.


I studied various things during my free time. This place where I was living was Tokyo in Japan. In my previous life I once visited Japan becuase of the Anime fanfare . Since I was a fan of manga and anime , I knew various traditions of Japan , so I was kinda happy about the place where I got reincarnated.

Dungeon started appearing about 25 years ago in all over the world and government of Korea was the first to start the hunters organization . Like Korea , every other nations started to form their own hunter's guild and recruiting those special people who recieved the opportunity to awaken their mana and become a hunter .

Those who weren't able to adapt mana , faced several drawbacks in which eternal slumber was most common.

I haven't awakened my skill until now and what I have knew from the internet sources, a normal child awakens thier power after reaching the age of 10 or so .

Double awakening was a term which I had heard in my previous life where a person unlocks their second ability and that type of person are only few in this world or to say only 8 people have awakened their second ability up until now.

Those 8 people who have awakened two abilities are known as World Class Hunter (WCH) , in which Goto Ryuji, Japan's best hunter, also acquires a spot.

"Hmm ...but what about me. Why I can't feel mana ?" I frowned on the thought of not having mana in this dangerous world.

Forget about yandere girlfriend, I didnt knew whether I would be ever able to survive one day in this chaotic world of dunegons.