Tracking down!

"That mean you can track any gate in the world , just with this ?" Subaru asked Theo , who had his watch transformed into a small digital screen.

Today , Suabru didn't went for dunegon search just after the lunch break arrived, as he found something more interesting at school . No one was bothering the duo who were sitting in the class , chatting like best friends all of a sudden.

Theo was the one who initiated the conversation by pulling out the topic which could allure a battle seeker the most and Subaru didn't disappointed his prediction.

Theo had his own motives to get in contact with Subaru, however Subaru was also well aware of that.

"Yeah and not only with this , I can track it from any device , until I have my brain at its place . And I think with this, I can help you , to save your time". He continued his tracking while he chatted with Subaru.

"How it would help me and in the first place how do you even know about me going to dungeon. I guess our principal have loose lips afterall". He sighed .

"She didn't told me , I figured it out. Want to know how?" Theo raised his brows.

"Cut the crap. Now tell me how can you help me. Even you track the dungeon, the Japanese Hunter's Association will assign it to other guilds before even I could reach there. And I don't have a guild nor I am hunter to bid for a dungeon right now".Theo thought for a second then answered.

"You are right that Japanese Association are responsible for tracking new dungeons and assign them to the guilds whoever pays the most. But it takes them atleast an hour to do all these procedure and stuff and about another hour before the guild could check on the dungeon and commision their hunters on it. Sometimes, it even takes a day or two to track down low rank gates as the IT department of JHA doesn't care much about those mines which won't bring them considerable amount of gold, however I am confident that my software can track any and every gate unbiasly". He said all while doing his stuff on the monitor which was totally bouncing over Subaru's head , however Suabru's whole focus was on the words which Theo had spoken.

"So practically , you are suggesting me to do crime?" Subaru asked something serious but his eyes were smiling as he couldn't care less until his purpose is getting fulfilled.

"It's upto you. If you clear the dungeon and leave the residues for the hunters then you might get yourself a search warrant but humans doesn't care about hardship until their bellies are getting full. Now choice is yours , I am just trying to make you my friend by doing all these illegal things , so I can ask you a favour". He said and finally closed the digital screen . The screen disappeared and the watch returned back to its original size.

Theo turned his head toward Subaru who had a faint twitching smile on his face .

"What favour?" Subaru asked indifferently as he could do more than one favour for the information , Theo would share.

"There is a girl in our class Rinka Otonari . I want you stay away from her. I have a crush on her and I will propose her if she won't join your fan page until next Valentine". He said with his gaze fixed toward Subaru's cold blue eyes.

"Who is this Rinka? And what do I look like , playboy or something who just fish any girl randomly?" Subaru leaned back on his chair while gazing toward the girls in the class.

"I just told you what concerned me the most right now . Anyway , what don't you do something about that, first?" Theo pointed with his eyes, toward the girl who was fidgeting at the classroom entrance with a letter in her hand. She was a second year senior in the school and slightly famous among the boys .It was obvious with her glances , that whome she was going to confess, as many girls who were pushing her from behind were giggling and whispering about Subaru , who heard them since a while ago but didn't cared much.

"What I can do? And I think it's good she didn't gave me that letter or else I would have rejected her. I mean I don't even know her name yet". Subaru spoke his mind as he couldn't get in relationship on a whim . Even in his past life , he only made someone his girlfriend after knowing them for a considerable amount of time.

"Is there anyone else you like , that's why you are avoiding other girls?" Theo touched a vital spot of Subaru , with his words.

A sudden picture of a calm and beautiful white haired girl whose smile was brighter than anything for Subaru , flashed in his mind. But soon after , he shook his head to erase those thoughts.

"Yeah I love someone. Anyway , can you tell me about the chance of any S rank lurking around. I mean I can handle some A ranks anyhow but I am not sure about S rank. " Subaru asked as he was still lacking behind his mother who was also a S rank .

"Excluding our moms , there are 15 S ranks in Japan and one War Hero (WCH) , Goto Ryuji.All the S ranks are either on vacation or handling dungeons in different countries as contract hunters. And about Goto san , then I can't track him, for some reasons". He said with a little disappointment in his tone.

"What is your skill by the way?" Subaru asked after all this , as he realised that these kind of things was over the top for someone who was only 14 years old.

"Wisdom. I can see variation in anything I study so I can create those variation with my intelligence and imagination. My adaptation and learning level is much more higher than any normal human being . Simple" . He adjusted his glasses like a nerd , he was.

"Then track me a gate now , I will check it out after the break ends". Subaru cracked his fingers with excitement in his tone.

"Ah are lucky that you don't have to go far away. A B rank gate is opening at the next block ." Subaru nodded and just before the bell rang, he left the class and same as before ,got out of the school.(still wearing the mask)


'This sure is better when I am alone'. I entered the gate which Theo mentioned in the class. The gate was abandoned and void of any presence, so after checking my surroundings once more thoroughly, I entered the gate.

The dungeon from inside was still old , black and cold but except for one fact.

'I am not alone here '. I sensed a faint mana fluctuations some distance ahead and I was sure it wasn't coming from a monster but from a person.

'But how? This gate appeared on the surface some minutes ago ,then who in the world was so fast?' I started dashing toward the fluctuation with quiet step .

After covering some distance, the bodies of half sliced wolves came into my vision.

The wolves were 2 m in size with dangerous fangs and claws on them which proved that these monsters were near A rank and could have easily killed a normal B rank team , yet however, these potential hunting monsters ,were lying powerlessly on the ground now.

'Is it A rank hunter? But no one bid for the dungeon then it could be a free lancer. However, there is only one presence and it's impossible even for an A rank freelance to do all this".

(A/N: Freelancer are the hunters who are not affiliated with any guild and always works on contract basis with those who needs urgent aid. Just like mercenary.)

I was calculating the possibilities of who could have done all this by themself .

As I moved forward dozens of cleaved bodies started increasing in numbers. The precision and the technique of blade used on the bodies told me that this person was no ordinary hunter.

It took me half minute to reach the place from where I was recieving the presence.

*Grrrr* The sound of growling and howling reached my ears and I took cover behind a rock to check what the heck was actually happening.

*Slash* A sudden blade slashing made another wolf seperated in half.

Finally I got the glimpse of the person who was performing the show up until now.

Her pink hairs were tied in twin tails .I didn't saw her face as she was continuously engaged in the assault. She was slicing the wolves with a long katana which people generally doesn't use these days. Her moves were very accurate and beautiful that I involuntarily started getting mesmerized by her.

The hunter was wearing a blue skirt and blue top which was normal for any girl to wear but soon I realised something and that made me utterly shocked. It was a school uniform , not a regular dress, that meant she wasn't a full fledged hunter but someone like me.

(A/N : Could be a cosplayer too...)

After killing the last wolf , she turned toward the direction where I was hiding , however she only turned back to pick the twin blade like the one she was using before. But that wasn't something I was concerned of right now. The first time I saw her face , I was sure that this person was none other than the yandere supremacy.

'Yuno Gasai'.