
(A/N: Here what you asked for;)

"O-Okay" This was the only word which came out of my mouth after a lot of efforts .

My mind was in chaos or to say my thought process got completely destroyed due to my son's unexpected actions. He left me on the couch and my body got frozen at that exact position like if i moved even an inch, this reality would get shattered in pieces, and I would wake up from the dream.

Even I had practiced for the possibilities that what if he suddenly confesses or something, however his wildness was something I could had ever prepared myself for.

Some days ago, I started to feel that the distance between us wasn't decreasing at all and in that way, we won't ever be able to cross the line. So I asked my friend Jeany about it who is also a hunter in the guild , about my situation and asked ways how to make someone fall in love completely, as even I am 35 right now, I didn't had any experience in romace at all.

She told me that men become very vulnerable when you mention about another man, and that is the best way to make them swoon on you. Ryuji san was the perfect bait for me at the time as he had invited me several times for being his secretary, and my baby also knew about it , so there won't be much problem to make my baby believe that I am really considering someone else's presence in my life .

And I gambled on that advice. That gamble could have completely destroyed my relation with my baby, if he didn't react to it . I was hardly able to stutter those words about someone else in a cheerful voice , but it did worked and I got the attention and affection which I never had imagined .

'I am not dreaming right? He really said that right ? But maybe I am under a spell or something'. I poked my finger on my nape and a sting feeling told me that all those sweet assaults, on me happened for real and I wasn't dreaming at all.

'My baby loves meeeee... I wish I could see that face of his, everyday. Hah.. baby you always drives your mama crazy, so you better take the responsibility ~'.

Our relation grew a bit closer as he started to cuddle me on his own initiative .

That night, he threw his shirt which made me melt in an instant, but nothing happened afterwards so I was little disappointed.

However when I laid down beside him , he immediately pulled me and put my head on his arm with his chest infront of my face.

His mascular body was really something I can stare at , for my whole life .

He roamed his hand my back and he placed his left leg between my thighs. I was in complete grasp of my son , throughout the night.

Cuddling to your loved ones and being cuddled by them are very ,veryyyy different things, i realised that night.


At that time, a late night meeting was being held at the HQ of Japanese Hunters Association. There were 12 men seated in a conference room with frown on their face as the matter in hand were slightly disturbing.

"We have spotted 8 red gates in the region near Tokyo and Kyoto and some small districts. There are not many S rank hunters in Japan who can handle them and sending A rank hunters will be just murdering them". A man with dark bags under his eyes spoke up with a file regarding the occurance of red gates, in hand.

" How many guilds have S rankers left in Japan?" The secretary of the Association Chairman , asked after sipping coffee .

"If we doesn't count the 4, ex S rank hunters then there are only 4 of them left here".

" Make a request to their respective guilds and mobilize them as soon as possible". The secretary said on behalf of chairman who barely speaks in meeting and let the secretary handle most of the 'small' matters.

The meeting went on for an hour more, discussing different matters , mostly related to dungeons and the emerging hunters which might join the hunters line up of Hunter Association in the future.

(A/N: Japan's greatest hunters is a part of the Association )

Concluding the meeting , the last topic of the night brought up by a blurry man who was responsible for the rules and regulations department.

"How many free lancers there are?" A man with glasses, asked the blurry man who had reported about the complaints from the guilds about the recents dungeons. The guilds obviously complaint about the empty dungeons they are getting recently.

Everyone knew about the free lancers clearing dungeons these days, but no one got captured until now.

"There are 8 of them , in which we have already tracked 4 of them and continuously tracking there activities. The rest of the 4 are still under investigation. "

" Any preculiarity of these four?" The chairman spoke suddenly , making everyone startled for a second.

" Um..yes sir. The first one always uses sharp equipment to cut down monsters in a unique precision, and have cleared 12 gates until now. "The blurry man folded the paper and continued.

" The second one is more brutal one. This one has clear 22 dungeons until now. This one doesn't have similar type of method to kill the monster and use anything to annihalte them . We even found the marks on hammers and some were killed with wall nails too". This information made some people gasp in astonishment as killing dunegone beasts with mere hardwares was nothing sort of ordinary.

" The third one always seemed impulsive as all the time this hunter cleared a dungeon, only ashes were left behind. Every monster whether got burnt completely or got turned into ashes , and it was same for their respective bosses too. This hunter has cleared 30 dungeons until now". This information made chairman looked curious all of sudden but he relaxed his mind for the last one.

" And what about the last one?" The man with glasses asked .

" We have very less information about this hunter who had cleared 52 dungeons up until now. The most mysterious thing is the condition of the monster from the dunegons he have cleared".

" What is it Ryota ?" Chairman asked in anticipation.

" Nothing was left behind. No bones , no ashes , no blood just like there was nothing inside the dungeon from the first place and it was consistent for all the 52 dungeons he had cleared . ." He spoke , making the chairman grin devilishly thinking about a certain thought.

' Seems like we have a little competition'.

(A/N: They counted the initial dunegons of Subaru as someone else's as he used different methods in the start)


A month passed in a blink , as my dunegon exploration increased from one dungeon to three a day. Theo was getting nervous like hell, as the day approached and finally today on 14 th February he gathered all the ounce of his courage to finally confess Rina .

"Do you think she will accept my confession?" Theo asked me in the class after taking out the love letter(s) he have prepared until now .

"Relax bud. See she hadn't gave any chocolate to anyone except you and me". I smiled wryly as my bag was already filled with lots of chocolates ,I had received since morning.

"But why you?"

"Obligatory, probably".

"Don't add something to make me more tensed. Shit , why this day had to come this early". After blaberring for another minute, he finally stood up and approached Rina with his shaky legs.

'Happy valentines, my little fairy'. A sudden stinging feeling came to my heart as I recalled her , and a little anticipation built inside me as I remembered that she was also present in this world too.

Since morning I have recieved 118 chocolates from the girls of my school and neighbourhood but I haven't got any from my mom.

(A/N: Theo ship sailed successfully , don't worry. )

She always gave me something sweet or made cakes in the past on Valentines but this year she didn't even mentioned about today.

I got back home, and late in the evening mom also returned back from her work.

After she started preparing dinner, I asked her after placing my hand on the slab and leaning toward her.

"Mom, are you forgetting about something?" I shamelessly tried to remind her.

"Really? I don't think so". She smiled mischievously, without looking toward my direction.

"Okay then, I am going to sleep". I turned my body when she suddenly grabbed my hand.

"No wait baby. I have something for you so please sit on the couch and close your eyes". After nodding in satisfaction, I sat on the couch before closing my eyes.

"Open your mouth, I have made something for you". Her voice sounded rough like she was excited.

I opened my mouth as I was sure that she had made chocolate of some new kind.

'But why close my eyes. A sudden whisper in my ear broke my thoughts.

"Happy valentine baby~"

I felt something soft on my lips with sweetness blended in it. The chocolate taste was really good but it wasn't the main focus, because of the things which pushed the chocolate in my mouth.

I opened my eyes and found mom's face an inch apart from me with her lips connected to mine.

My mind went blank, but I didn't let go of such a golden chance and returned her clumsy kiss with my tongue tangling with hers, playing with the chocolate in between.

'Now you have done it '.