
"Please press that button if you feel uneasy or need assistant". With those words , the nurse who aided Subaru's wounds, left the hospital room.

He didn't responded just stared at the ceiling with his blue eyes , back to normal like the whole appearance of tomoes in his eyes was a lie.

'Now I know where I stand after all this time'. This was the thing which stood still in his mind after facing the knights today.

He was somewhat getting ahead that in this world , he was on the verge of reaching peak , where he wouldn't had to fear anything but now ...

'How the fuck , I was so childish'. Laughing at himself, Subaru closed his eyes and felt a presence approaching his room. Since he was familiar with the person , he didnt got up and stayed laid down on the bed with bandage all over his abdamon.

He didn't noticed but he recieved damage worth of 48 stitches all over the place. His body was healing but due to lots of mana loss, the process was rather slow.

"Are you okay?" Fubuki entered the room, with a distressed and fatigued look on her face.

"How is mom?" Subaru nodded before asking.

"She is fine , but it will take a long time for her to regain consciousness". She sat on a stool beside the bed .

"She will return to me, that's what matter the most". Subaru said with a little sadness in his tone.

After just a brief moment of silence, Subaru got up slowly and turned his head toward Fubuki.

"I want to ask two things and don't answer roundabout, just keep it direct". Asking in a serious tone, he pulled out the needle which was irritating him until now.

"It depends on your questiom , well I have an vague idea what you are going to ask. But I would like to know". Fubuki asked .

" First, how mom had a mana stone inside her when it could only be possessed by monsters? " Subaru asked the fact as he had too many loose threads right now which he wanted to connect as soon as possible.

Just after the death of the knight , a runic stone started floating over Sasha and all of a sudden , the light which disappeared from her , came back slowly, making her dead body which was out of human range to cure, alive again. Subaru felt a deep boulder from his heart was lifted and his whole world regained its colour, as soon he heard his mother's faint breathing. The red runic stone got absorbed inside her body, like it was natural for human to contain a mana stone or two.

"Who said it could only be possessed by mosnters or beats?"

"Books and the person in question". Subaru sneered as he was completely certain about this information .

"Hah..power doesnt bring experience ... Anyway whatever you have heard is not complete. Your mother only told you those things which a normal human should know and would know until they don't see it by themselves . No book will let people know about those things which can make them scared ,which could eventually lead to decreament of possible hunters by a massive margin. " Fubuki sighed.

Subaru just kept his mouth closed and continued listening to her.

" Listen , there are certain things which you could only know after you 'actually' step inside the dungeon not in the filtered one my son was helping you with until now. " Subaru felt a little surprised but didn't interrupted her . He had no idea that Theo was doing something like this and never doubted him.

" Don't be foolish to doubt on him or your friendship. I was the one who asked him to do so. Anyway back to the topic, did you heard what he said to Sasha before ..... sta- stabbing her? " She stammered a little as it was really painful for her to remember the moment when she almost lost her best friend.

Subaru only nodded without any change of expression.

" What that means, you know too. He was an ex hunter belonged to old time that is exactly the time when gates appeared . The things which he spoke only meant one thing , if it was true. "

" Lukariam Sanizawa". Subaru added on which Fubuki nodded with a sigh.

" A half Russian - Japanese man who was the first mage in hunter' s history and the one who created the very first of the elemental spells also known as 'The creator'. He was on his peak just an year after the dungeons appeared .People didn't knew how and why he had such great knowledge about gates and spells, inspite the fact that he was a regular translator before the appearance of the gates . No one asked as his glory was shutting mouths of people at that time and when you are under continuous fear, doubting the hero would be the last think you would want to do . Anyway, you know what happened to him in the end ?".

" The first mage got sucked in the first rift ". Subaru connected his first knot and looked toward Fubuki , asking about his main question through his eyes .

" Sorry I can't tell you how she have that, you have to ask Sasha by yourself". She said in a soft tone .

"I can wait for that. Now second, which spell mom was actually chanting which attracted that bastard attention all of a sudden? " Subaru knew Sasha died while mumbling something, which without a doubt was a chant which he never has saw her chanting before.

" That was the domain spell ". She lowered her gaze , like remembering about old days or something.

"What is that?" Subaru asked as he didn't had a faintest of idea what the spell was.

"It's not an offensive , nor a defensive rather it can termed as neutral. In domain, a person creates his own time and space and inside a domain, no one except for the chanter could move without permission . Domain could be the greatest weapon in any mage's arsenal , but there is a reason it is called the last resort of any mage , I think you understand how".

" So Lukariam was the one who created it?"

" Yeah. And the only one who used it and stayed alive but he used it only once . After that , even various lives on line, he never considered about it. This fact that he was able to use it and none other were, made many higher ups doubt on his origin and such but before the fire could have reached him, he just woosh~".

Again silence spreaded for a brief moment , when Subaru called .

" Principal Fubuki.." but he was interuppted by Fubuki instantly as she had an absolute idea why and for what he called her formaly right now.

"No, you can't leave the school". Her tone seemed serious unlike before.

"I don't care what you want or not , I am not oblige to get permission from you. I won't get anything from the school which I need in dungeon". Subaru determination was something , Fubuki already expected.

"You already know that hunter's school ask for mid school graduation and there isnt any point for me to tell you, what you will loose if you don't attend hunter's school next year". Fubuki said in a cold tone.

Subaru was well aware , what he could learn in the hunter's school and how many benefits he could attain there, that made him contemplate on his decision.

" Listen, you don't have to attend school everyday. Just twice a week and appear in the exams. I will handle the rest and for the dungeon you are venturing , I will ask Theo to remove the prohibition so you can face what actual high rank dungeons are".

" Did I ever had faced A rank gate?" Fubuki shook her head , that made Subaru clench his fist in anger.

(A/N: He never was able to differentiate between what was the rank of monsters and believed blindly on Theo that B ranks were actually A ranks. After D rank even the consecutive ranks has wide gaps, so Subaru knew what did he missed up until now and thought he was only some step apart from being best. And still you don't get it then blame the author ;)

Just after a second he chuckled , making Fubuki confused.

" What?"

" Nothing. Just realised what 'chunnibyou' word actually means. Anyway I will take up for the offer but I know it will cost me something, right?"

"Smart as ever huh. Yes, just a favour which I can ask anytime in future and you don't have the right to reject it. And don't worry it won't be any life threatening favour or something". She winked giving Subaru shivers.

"What about that red knight?" Subaru asked as the red knight was still uncouncious when they led Sasha to hospital.

"I have various toys to play with him and make him sing~" Fubuki stood up with a playful smile on her face and left .


"I am sorry mom , I wasn't able to protect you ." Subaru came to Sasha's ward , after he threatened the hospital staff to let him in. He wasn't allowed to leave his bed, but except for the person he was infront, no one could dare to make him follow the rules.

Sasha was in a state of comma where it was uncertain when she would wake up. But in common cases, people generally wake up after 4 to 6 months , which made Subaru relieved a little .

He held Sasha's hand firmly and tugged her hairs strands behind her ear before speaking.

"But I promise, I won't be like this anymore, so rest peacefully , your Subu will take care of everything ." Two tomoes appeared again in his eyes, which exactly was the main topic of the board meeting of the Hunter's Association, going on right now.