
"What should we do sir? Should we report this to Goto san?" The Chief of human resource asked Shigeo, who was currently thinking about something so deeply that his eyes seemed to drunken dark in contemplation.

"No. It will make the matter worse. We already had made a bad start with that brat and I don't want another impulsive action from our side or we might loose another potential hunter ". Shigeo didn't lifted his face and said in a low tone.

Everyone nodded as they knew Goto never took it on face from anyone and this association was the face which Goto was protecting under the name of Shigeo . The room went silent, only the cleaner device was buzzing silently in the corner, trashing out the broken glasses.

Shigeo thought for a while , before an agent came inside with hurried steps. No one was allowed to enter the meeting room casually , so the agent might loose his job depending the thing he had to present.

" Excuse for intrusion ". He bowed before glancing toward the secretary of Shigeo.

Secretary moved toward the man who had a black file in his hand .

The secretary just saw the front template of the file and with a wide eyes , walked toward Shigeo.

"Sir, i think you should see this". He said in a low tone but everyone in the room was a hunter so they heard it all and now their attention were pointed toward only one direction.

Shigeo rubbed his tamples before taking the file and placing it infront of him.

Shigeo turned the page one by one and his eyes became similar as his secretary. He read carefully the content written inside with a frown growing deeper in shades. He finished the whole file in a couple of minutes before closing it .

"Does anyone else know about it?" Shigeo asked his secretary.

"No sir. I have confirmed that except for Korean Association and us , no other countries knows about it. But it is certain that it will revealed to outside world real soon". His secretary replied.

"Hah...first that queen now this.." he turned his sight toward the people who were waiting in anticipation for the words of chairman.

"A mutant species of ants has completely took over the whole Jeju Island . The majority habitance of that place has been already evacuated yet those who stayed behind because of their stubborness are getting digested in acids . The hunters who were there gave these certain amount of pictures , before they were killed or escaped". Shigeo projected the the photo which he got from the file.

A huge A.I digital screen popped up infront of Shigeo on which several pictures of hundreds of ants were rampaging around the village situated in Jeju Island, killing everyone who came in their contact as well as the hunter who was filming all these. The size of the ants were about as same as an adult bear. The hunters who tried to fight back drastically failed , as the shell of the ends was visibly very tough for a C rank and in the end it concluded the same.

"It's been already 16 hours since the incident. The whole Island is a nest of monster now. "

" What should be our approach sir?"

" We can't do anything . Jeju Island comes in the Korean province and we are not responsible for it. Just station some high rank hunters at the coastal areas near the Hirado, Sasebo, Saikai and Nagasaki region for foreign invasion of these ants, as it seems that these monsters can evolve." A video popped up where the date mentioned was from six months ago .

The short video was from the forest of Jeju Island where a huge ant was chewing on a dead deer . It was not as massive like the current one they have saw before in the pictures, but still it was about the size of a wild boar. The hunter shot down the ant in an instant with a fireball before the video ended.

"So you can see, until the time Korea try and fail for twice or thrice, this filthy creatures will evolve surely and we can guarantee our own safety until..."


The meeting went for another three hours before all the officials left the building.

The head of HR department headed off toward the parking area to drive back to his house.

Like the other days , he got out of the elevator and weakly walked toward his car in slow steps. The head of HR was an A rank tank with strong built but due to heavy office work his eyes were sunken deep and dark circles made him look more like a panda.

*DAK* He opened his car door and sat on the driver seat after throwing all the files on the passenger seat.

"Today was hectic as ever".

As soon he lifted his face toward the windshield , his body froze not in shock but literally froze.

Subaru binded the HR chief with the freeze spell which locks a person movements and vocal cord so they won't shout before using knocking him out with a simple chop on the neck. In order to get assured that the man won't wake up unexpectedly, Subaru used airiel needles to point some specific nerves of the chief and made him pass out for as long he wanted.

After checking the surroundings , he placed the chief in the backseat and drove back to his home. As for the security then he already arranged something for it.

After returning back home, he used the atomic disintegration spell on the car , to keep the nosy Association away for some days.


I had already sensed the omnious aura of this man , which felt somewhat familiar, like i have saw someone with same aura but the other time it was heavier .

Soon enough i realised , the bastard who made my mom like this had the same type of aura but this one had a very thin familiarity to it.

And since there was no way to confirm my doubt until i made any move , i executed my first kidnapping in my both lives.

After entering the house, i took him inside the library where a seperate study table was placed vertically leaned over the wall.

After putting his massive body on the table ,i attached his limbs with the table corners using mana chains.

'He will kill himself as soon he wakes but how can I find whether he is one of the pawn or not? ' I knew that until I didn't wanted , he won't wake up from his slumber but without provoking or interacting with him, it would take long time.

'sigh..Guess I have no option after all". Soon I started various experiments .

From torturing slowly to piercing each bone . Every single method I knew which won't kill someone but surely show them how hell felt like, I tried all on him . His body reacted on each of them but nothing happened . He was still a blurry man , hanged unconsciously like a Christ cross .

After 8 hours of continuous striving , the result came out nada. I suddenly started feeling pity as if he really was a human then i meaninglessly tormented someone for this long.

'I guess I should return him tomorrow'. I checked the clock and it was 1 in the night.

Feeling tired I was about to close the library and go back to my room, but something came to mind.

'I still have that right.. 'i started searching my backpack in which I keep my miscellaneous things. Soon after I found what I was searching.

A piece of black metal which radiated with a strange energy which i was still unable to identify . It was the piece of armour which i obtained from the knight . Formation of mana absorbtion was not the only one which was imbuded in it. The other spell which was imprinted on the armour was unknown to me. I have never in my life have felt this kind of energy nor saw anyone using it. I tried various methods and searched books for it but nothing came out of it.

I let that for the later period at that time as I already had various things in hand.

I took the metal scrap in hand and moved toward the bulky .

Using the scrap , I slit a small cut on the side of his face and bingo , his body wriggled uncontrollably like never before.

His whole body got covered with weird patterns and soon enough the body got enveloped in dense light.

I waited for what show it had to present and for what fucking sake I wasted this much time.

After a minute the light subdued and the size of the man visibly reduced a little . In place of white shirt and black pant, his whole body was covered with a grey armour which seemed breakable in one decent hit. His face was now covered with a similar kind of helmet like the knights except for the fact that the knights had a more detailed one and this one was like the old Greek soldiers.

A thin gap was open from the nose region downward to the lower chin and two sockets for eyes.

However I saw nothing , even j tried peeking inside of it.

"Now I can go all out on you".


(A/N: There will be a short time skip in next chapter(maybe ). I will start the [Hunter School] arc after the two chapters in the new volume. And another character , i will introduce in the school but she won't be the love interest. Remeber , there will be women who will love Subaru and they might have sex with him but they won't be in harem (for some reasons) but don't worry I won't let them sleep with others , so no NTR. If you want to ask me then comment whatever it is.

The next thing is that the romance is bit lacking from my POV but don't worry I will add more to it in the school arc .

Remeber this is an AU of solo levelling so matters like Jeju Island and various other things will be altered as my will and as the story requires .

And lastly , thank you for the support you guys are giving. It motivates me keep on writing (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤