Take care!

"Get in." Subaru opened the door of his car and invited Theo and Fubuki inside. Theo had a heavy backpack on his back which seemed to pull him toward the ground. Subaru sighed and took it from him and placed it inside the boot. Fubuki saw this and only felt helpless as even she tried to stop Theo, he end up packing almost half of his belongings in the bag.

The school rules didn't prohibited any student from taking their belongings however they would check on them before the student could board off, for the island.

Since Subaru had his own personal secretive storage he only took his school bag with him which had a simple face mask inside , nothing else. He didn't wanted to stand out that was why he even considered taking a bag with him.

Sasha was sitting on the passengers seat beside Subaru who was driving and another mother son duo on the back.

Sasha glanced at Fubuki with a smug like she was flaunting her position only to get smirk from Fubuki.

"What?" Sasha asked as Fubuki seemed to mean something with her look.

"Nothing ."

"Don't tell me yesterday..." Sasha immediately turned her eyes toward the boy who was driving calmly without any change of expression. He didn't said anything as it was between two friends but he was well aware who was in centre of the topic.

"I really miss my Rinka chan". Theo murmured silently and glared at Subaru .

Subaru was getting stared from all three sides but he just shrugged it off and drove through the city boundaries and took the highway. Since he was driving a SuV , not a sports car, he felt somewhat dull while driving.

After a long silence in the car and the stare battles between two love rivals, the car made its way toward the abandoned military runways. The military facilities were long off lost during the second year when the gate erupted. Now the hunters were the ultimate forces whether working as soldiers on the border or protecting cities inside the perimeters, hunters had a grasp everywhere.

The runway was filled with hundreds of people. Students as well as their parents were filling up the long runway like it was a picnic spot. Since the students were taken in 10 different choppers , everyone had to report their presence and sit according to the arrangement. The board simply couldn't take the risk of organising all students in the same flight as there was a slight chance of them loosing all the potential filled students at once. Subaru parked the car not so far from the crowd before he got out. He took out the bag from the boot , at the same time Theo also got out of the car and took the bag from Subaru's hand and landed it on his back.

Sasha already said that she won't go outside of the car as there were many people who knew her and she wasn't willing to meet them with her current condition. Subaru didn't asked any further and let her rest in the car.

Fubuki climbed out of the car and left the mother son duo alone.

"I will go ahead. You both take your time". Fubuki said on which Subaru only nodded .

Fubuki walked with Theo toward the crowd, and very soon various people started greeting her .

Subaru got inside the car again but not from the driver's side but from the opposite one. After adjusting the seat , he lifted Sasha lightly and placed her on his lap. Sasha already chanted a barrier around the car so no one would be able to see them, however Subaru didn't cared to be seen ,with Sasha like this.

Subaru held Sasha's soft body in his embrace putting her both legs over his left thigh as she put her arms around his abdomen. She leaned her face on his chest and started listening to his rythmic calm heartbeat.

"Sorry mom for leaving you when you are not well.." Subaru's words were interuppted with a sudden kiss on his lips .

"Don't say it like that baby. I am happy that you have taken a step forward to become more stronger. I don't want to hold you back anymore". She snuggled in his chest again. Her words sounded sincere . It must had felt heartwarming and certain to anyone who had heard it, but not the person who had spent his almost life with her. Subaru knew she deliberately averted her gaze as she spoke.

"Mom are you planning something again?" Subaru asked but he wasn't upset or angry. All he felt was amused .

"You know I can't lie when you come at me so directly...." She looked like a kitten in his embrace as she lifted her big eyes innocently toward the icy gaze of Subaru.

Subaru heart melted on seeing his mother acting like this. He held Sasha more tightly in his embrace.

"It's okay whatever you are planning , you can keep it to yourself. Just take care . Seeing you getting hurt is the last thing I want." Subaru intervened his finger with hers as he spoke.

" I love you baby. "

" I love you too mom. "


Getting off the car, he waved at Sasha before he made his way toward the group of people chatting leisurely. The officials were standing near the choppers with a list in their hand. Like Subaru, there were many students who didn't reported until now.The officials had the strict order from the school to wait for each student , so they were helpless . Subaru didn't went to them immediately but first he went to a certain group of middle aged people and snatched a beautiful woman from the group.

Fubuki excused herself before Subaru pulled her , infront of everyone.

"Subaru there are people around ". She said it like that but still was holding his hand tightly. Subaru frowned and wanted to retaliate her but he thought he should make the farewell sweet, so with a snap he made a barrier around them. This barrier not only made them invisible, it also made them non existing to anyone, like they were only souls. No one in the entire world was capable to crack this barrier , as this barrier took about a month time of Subaru to create .

"Now we are all alone. " Subaru lowered his face a little to match Fubuki's gaze. Fubuki blushed a little but she countered his attack by giving a seductive look.

"Take care of mom please." Subaru said while pressing his forehead against hers.

"And please look for Theo for me". She said in more softer tone.

"You won't ask me to take care".

"And what about you". They both glared playfully at each other before they broke into soft chuckle at the same.

"I will miss you Fubuki".

"I know ". Fubuki lifted her head and took his lips by surprise. Subaru didn't fell behind and returned her kiss with a more passionate one.

After making out for a minute they finally got out of their own world. Fubuki's lips were red due to intense kissing but she didn't cared about it as she was more than happy to get this memorable farewell from Subaru.

All the students including Subaru reported to the officials and finally boarded the choppers. Their bags and luggage were throroughly checked , especially Subaru's as the label of special case wasn't sufficient and now he had this mysterious bag which hid all the contents inside of it and only a mask was visible . Well that's what they thought .

Subaru's arrangment was with 19 other students like every other chopper had. After a quick instructions about safety and stuff, the chopper finally took off.

There were 4 members of the school HQ excluding the pilots. Subaru eyed them all and found their mana concealed like those who were at the exam centre. Each officials had a stern look on their face, total emotionless like even they loose a hand or two, they won't react at all. Subaru glanced at the other student and didn't found anyone recognisable. He met Ririka before boarding off but she had arrangement in other chopper .

Her curses and anger were so lethal toward the board people that Subaru only hoped that those officials just doesn't loose their head before reaching the island.

"Yo...are you nervous?" A cool spiky blonde boy asked Subaru with a excited tone.

Subaru glanced at him but didn't responded.

" I am excited to find a chick there. I heard that there are various hot teachers and seniors in the school". He literally started drooling as he spoke.

Subaru felt disgusted but thought to play along for now .

"Yeah i also heard it but you know, If they find a pervert by any chance , the people of disciplinary committe cuts it off , before the pervert could even notice that something went missing." The spiky boy shook his head and got back to the reality before Subaru said again.

" Cut 'it' off." Subaru gestured his index and middle finger like a scissor as he spoke .

The spiky boy gulped and stopped talking.

The total flight time was 4 hours as the island wasn't much far from Japan mainland so around 3 in the noon the chopper finally landed. Since Subaru was dozing off all the way to here, he didn't saw the scenary they passed by and the island in a full view from the air.

As the chopper landed , everyone got off except for the officials who were about to wake up Subaru but someone interuppted them.

"Let me wake him up". The officials only nodded to the little girl who seemed extra enthusiastic to do a simple job like this.

She was about to shook his body but his Limitless barrier prevented her to touch him. After trying really hard for half a minute she sighed and decided to call his name instead.

"Subaru .. Subaru". She softly called him before he opened his eyes before it went wide as he saw the face in front of him.