
I saw Ririka standing at the door with a dark aura around her. I only have met her a bunch of times but still, I have started to understand her mood swings. And right now she was in a bad mood for sure.

"Come in". I didn't ask her reason to come here and invited her inside. I mean I couldn't behave like a stranger with her all of a sudden.

She walked behind me and locked the door immediately after stepping inside.

I just looked at her with an amused look and waited for her to speak first.

" Subaru kun, why were you talking to that girl at the helipad". I somehow knew what this all-dark mood was about but still coming from her, it felt threatening.

"Just casual greetings, why do you ask?" I reacted in an oblivious way but I guess it backfired in a wrong way or maybe right.

She lifted her eyes which were filled with moisture and glared at me intently.

"You know I would feel jealous, then why....why... why do you have to talk to other girls? Am I not enough for you? Tell me what I should do to keep you for myself. It hurts whenever I see you with someone else. " The large drop of tears started flowing out of her eyes uncontrollably. At the moment the best thing that could be was to pamper her and tell her that I won't do it again like something. But...

"Ririka let me tell you something. I am already in love with two women and Yuno is not one of them." Her body visibly trembled. Her gaze fell on the ground like what she heard was totally unbelievable.

"I would have told you this same thing if we were to start dating in the future. I can't belong to one person Ririka so before you decide whether you want a relationship with me or not, you should remember that my love will always be divided." I paused for a second and continued again.

"At this point, I also have started liking you and, believe me, I will give you my utmost attention if you become my girlfriend or maybe wife in future but..." I walked toward her and held her shoulders tightly.

"...if you ever try to restrain me then I will surely disappear from your life". Her legs gave out and she was about to fall on the ground. Since I was holding her shoulders, I supported her body and helped her stand up again.

"*sniff* I am going...." She was about to shake my hand and leave but I made grasp more rigid.

"You came here with your violation but will leave only when I give you the permission". My lips curved upward and I knew I must have looked evil in her eyes.

" Subaru kun I need to think various things right now. And I won't be able to do that if you are in front of me". I nodded but didn't let her go.

Reason? It's just that I had my insecurities. I was pretty much sure that she won't leave me even I let her go now and this wasn't arrogance or anything like that, just pure instincts. But still, a slightly disturbing feel was lingering inside me, and to subdue that feeling I needed her right now to stay with me.

"I can use my skill you know". She glanced upward into my eyes with a frown on her face.

" You can try".

Mana started forming around her and immediately it disappeared.

"I told you, this place is my domain, you need my permission to leave this place". I smiled proudly because of my creation.

" You got stronger again and here I was thinking that I finally caught up with you". She sneered and looked away.

Seriously, this was the first time I had seen this haughty side of her but I was liking it.

"Now sit down my guest". I dragged her toward my bed and made her sit down.

" Now what would you like to drink my lady?" I asked with crescent eyes and a sweet smile on my face.

" Alcohol". Since the mana inside us subdues all the effectiveness of alcohol, this request was just like asking for peculiar water.

I took out 2 beer cans from inventory and passed one of them to Ririka. We sat on the bed, side by side silently.

Ririka was spacing out continuously while I was checking on her expressions from time to time.

After an hour of total silence, she finally broke the ice.

"Subaru kun, can you tell me who do you, love ?" I shook my head before she turned her head in the opposite direction with a 'Hmph!' sound.

"Okay then can you promise something?" I nodded and replied.

"Only after I hear what I have to," I said after sipping on the beer.

" Can you promise to love me equally as the other girls?" She wasn't looking at me however her flushed ears gave away her serious facade.

" Yes I promise. That I will look at you only when we will be alone and give you the same amount of love and attention as I give to them". I agreed without hesitation as I had already decided this when the goddess asked me to create a harem in this world.

" And can you promise to...marry me". She literally mumbled at the end of her sentence. I was so amused at her cuteness that I end up hugging her from the side and got a cute yelp in return.

" Well, this escalated quickly. First, be my girlfriend and since we need to be adults first to marry, let's just date for a year. And even after a year, you think I am okay to become your husband then why not". I gave a smile of reassurance. I knew I was rushing various things at the moment but I couldn't help it. I couldn't go back on my words. And it's not like I was going to keep hanging her for my entire life then why not take impulsive decisions sometimes.

I hugged her for another hour before I let her go.

"Okay then I will meet you tomorrow " I was standing at the door, seeing her off.

"Mm". She tiptoed and gave me a quick peck on my left cheek before disappearing from my sight using her teleportation.

" Well, this really escalated quickly". I chuckled before returning inside my room.


The next day every first-year student, received a big black box with a letter on it.

The letter was an invitation to the welcome ceremony with a little map of the venue attached to it.

Subaru opened the box and found a black three-piece formal suit inside of it. Since the body measurement of every student was taken after the entrance exam, the fitting of the clothing was up to the mark.

The ceremony surprisingly wasn't in the evening but at 11 in the morning.

Subaru ate the breakfast which was delivered to every student's room through a magic portal and after freshening up changed his clothes.

Subaru barely had worn a suit in this life but it wasn't like he was new to wearing formal clothes. In his past life, he attained various ceremonies and exhibitions, so the suit seemed natural to him, not to mention his lean stature complimented the black suit.

At 10.50 he hovered toward the venue and after passing by various small noticeable places, he reached a big dome-like hall.

Various students were passing by him in similar clothing so he knew that he came to the right place.

He glanced toward the direction from where he came from before entering the hall.

A big stage at the end of the hall came into Subaru's vision. He walked inside while observing the surrounding. There were various beverages and snacks arranged for the students. Various students were chatting in groups at different spots of the hall.

Subaru didn't spot anyone he knew so he just walked aimlessly toward the beverage counter.

As he was about to pick the orange juice a hand grabbed the bottle first. Subaru's eyes went wide when he felt the mana of the person beside him. The most surprising thing was that he didn't feel this presence until he saw the hand.

"Oh, if you want then you can take it". A boy in a similar age as him was offering the orange juice with a beaming smile on his face. His hairs were like true flames as well as his eyes which were flaring with courage and determination.

' I finally found you '.


A/N: Leave a comment if you are liking the story and, If you think Ririka accepted this harem thing easily then you are wrong.ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

And do check my new novel. It's for free ya know~.