Crumbled Pride~1!

"A-are those summoned from a signal human?"

"Impossible. Even he is an S rank, summoning these many creatures are simply impossible". A silent shout spread among the group of a teacher standing in a cluster.

Standing before a group of black cladded beasts who easily were par A rank, the teachers held their breath in nervousness.

There were a total of three 'S' ranks among faculty excluding Natasha who could have handled the creature in front of them.


" That thing is definitely 'S' rank or maybe higher". Glaring at them, sat a humongous dragon with darkness covering its whole body and purple glint oozing out of its predatory eyes. Currently, it was resting at the end of the auditorium with its massive size spread across the 500 m width. Even with that, the swing of its girthy tail had already broken the side walls.

"What should we do headmaster". A teacher asked as he wiped the accumulated sweat from his forehead.

" We will wait. There is no way we could fight that thing while saving the students." A mutual nod traveled on his words except Natasha who was boasting about her son's capabilities in her own mind.

No one tried to move as the trident of the nagas stood at their place ready to pierce anyone who dares to interrupt. The whole school was now hijacked by a single person and that person was now standing with a bored expression.


'Is he out of his mind or he doesn't have a mana limit. No there must be an outbreak'. Jimmy thought upon seeing the massive amount of mana used and gasped on the appearance of a beast whose existence was making him shiver a little.

'No, get it together. Slapping himself he chanted another spell and directed it toward Subaru

[Lightning arrows] What traveled toward Subaru were half a dozen of yellow stick-like arrows at a speed of almost disappearance.

Subaru sighed for the nth time before wiping them out from existence with a swat of his hand.

Jimmy knew this would happen but he didn't think that it would take so little time. He was in the middle of his chant when he saw Subaru standing idly staring at him.

Jimmy grew anxious being so defenseless. He was fully exposed and could have died in that situation if Subaru was to attack him now. However...

"Take your time. I can wait." With a serene tone, Subaru said as he stood there aimlessly without a motive to act.

Jimmy felt more agitated on Subaru's reaction and his chant sped with ferociousness mingled with it. His breathing became shallow as his spell neared completion.

With a huge ball of electricity sizing about 5 m in diameter, stood Jimmy facing his opponent with a sneer and rage covering his whole atmosphere.

The ball of lightning was his ultimate move which he barely have used on a person before. It was a mass of raw mana gathered in a form of a huge ball of high-density bolts.

Its sheer force could destroy the whole Association building most devastatingly.

Subaru raised his brow but he wasn't bothered much and waited for it.

"Curse your ignorance". With a pale face and smirk on lips, Jimmy launched it toward Subaru.

[Purge Defination]

At a speed which one could see easily the lethal ball of destruction approached Subaru while ripping surrounding on the way. It was burning everything which came into contact whether furniture or surface.

Subaru smiled at the incoming attack and with a snap erected two thick walls of gravestones in the line of trajectory.


*CRASH* With ease, the bolts broke the walls and continued moving toward Subaru.

A nasty grin appeared on Jimmy's face as he saw the expected. Ririka had her eyes wide im fret and this time it was the same for Yunno too. The amount of mana applied to a single attack exceeds their whole reservoir.

However, Natasha never falter from her previous jolly emotions as better than her, no one knew Subaru's true might.

" You got my attention after all." A voice that wasn't said aloud however reached every ear, resounded. The owner of the voice has his hand raised with palm facing front.

A single black dot erupted from the surface of his skin which got detached very soon. The huge ball of electricity neared passing each second, however, upon clashing with the black dot which was suspended in mid-air, the yellow flashes along with the massive amount of mana disappeared.


"Eh?" This kind of confused and astonishing gasps surrounded the hall.

The whole eye-catching centric piece just vanished in thin air like it never existed.

"Im-impossible". Jimmy felt like having nightmares with his eyes open wide. He had expected somehow for Subaru to get past through his attack but this easily, without using an ounce of resistance.

The reactions of the onlooker were on the same scale as Jimmy which made them realize what kind of monster they were dealing with for a month.

" Ah, your times up. Since you didn't show me your true power, I will gently push you to the edge". With his words piercing the very existence of Jimmy, he felt something inside his body moving slowly yet painfully.

His eyes went shot red with blood pouring down his ears and mouth. The veins on his neck bulged out in an instant due to some unknown reason.

"It's your heart which is moving. It will take me one blink to end your life and the agony you are going through. " Immediately all of his teammates who were settled at their place became active.

It was Nanasahi whose hand fell on his blade, however before any of them could have moved, a fierce blaze erupted in front of them.

"It will be advisable to not interfere senpai". Rengoku said as he stood with his hand crossed in front of the four.

" And do you have the balls to stop me?" A howl came in response as the killing intent rose in an instant.

"Sure I won't be able to. But I don't think you will like to trigger that thing right?" Rengoku gestures with his thumb toward his right.

Following the line, Nanasahi as well other's eyes fell on the purple flame-like eyes, their body got stiff at their place.

"Wise decision".


" Kwak...Ki-kill me...kill me already". Jimmy was begging Subaru for his death as his life felt more miserable than anything. His whole body was soaked in blood with nails piercing his own chest. He was a complete mess and quite pitiful to look at.

"No, not now". Subaru suddenly used [Regressor] and in an instant, Jimmy returned to his senses with his body back to normal. The previous blood was still there but by no means did Jimmy feel weak or hypovolemia.

" Last chance. Show what you are hiding". Subaru's eyes were cold as ice as he spoke sternly without a single drop of empathy.

At this point, Jimmy lost everything. His pride. His arrogance. Everything.

He knew death was inevitable even he use what Subaru was asking but he doesn't have an option.

After all, his own life wasn't in his hands but at the mercy of his enemy.

"Never thought I would think this way". Muttering to himself, Jimmy closed his eyes. Opening them again, what appeared was a yellow glint in place of his pupil.

His body started floating in the air with tons of mana concentrating at his core. The surrounding started trembling as if responding to his call.

" Hngg". His flesh started ripping as yellow flashes tore it apart and took their place.

The site was something new for everyone present inside the hall, including Subaru.

Natasha had her eyes wide open as she gaze at the sudden development.

After a long half-minute, every corner of Jimmy's outer covering was shattered along with his clothes, and what stood there was anything but normal.

A humanoid figure made entirely with electricity was flying high in the air as it gazed with its visible clouded eyes toward the audience. Apart from his limbs, his eyes were the only distinctive thing.

[Elemental body manifestation]

"Isn't it...."

"How it can be....unbelievable". Awe of amazement spread across teachers as they saw Jimmy in this form.

" Hmm... Not bad." Subaru nodded as his wait paid worth it. However never did he imagine that the first thing which Jimmy would do after showcasing his whole potential was...



A/N: I want a serious vote about my pacing. Should I increase or let it be? But, before answering let me remind you that I will eventually shorten the sweet moments too if I increase the choose wisely

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)