You aren't alone!

"You sure fine now?" Subaru asked Yuno again as she didnt look good or to say she was deliberately stealing her gaze from him, due to the distance between their faces.

The oblivion Subaru was observing her to see what his spell, missed to restore in her.

And the other party was in a state of destructive fluster upon seeing her love from this close.

"I-I am fine Subaru. Thank you for worrying about me". Her face was so red that it was almost camouflaged with her hair.

" Then that's that". Subaru stood up, as she sighed in relief. Her heartbeat was drumming like a festival was going to commence any moment.

"So what is this place?" Subaru asked as he again walked toward the glass bane and gawked at the surrounding. It was surprising for him to see every corner of this particular town, so calm and serene.

"This is my world. The one I wanted and I created for my selfish desire. The people here are either low-rank hunters, people who have mana but no proficiency in protecting themselves, or battle injured. I gave them home and a place to live peacefully. In return, they provide me the sense of familial love I always seek for". An unusual glint of warmness lingered in her eyes.

Her eyes were fixed on the habitat but not the person who was standing some foot apart. Due to some reason, Subaru couldn't take his eyes off her.

It seemed that she felt his gaze upon her as she turned her head hurriedly to her right and found a pair of bluestone starting at her.

" Please don't stare too hard". She immediately shrank while covering her face with her hair with face growing crimson again.

Subaru chuckled lightly before his mood flipped in an instant.

"So, why are you avoiding me?" Subaru asked as he stood straight while facing her.

"Huh? I am not avoiding you". Her body was stiff as she said in a baffled tone. She was stealing gazes again, trying to escape this topic but Subaru's determination was rigid. He pressed the matter again.

" After our talk near the fountain, you always stayed away from me, to the point that you didnt even took the sorcery as your subject even you were interested in the start. And what about today. There wasn't a rush for you to immediately walk back here. I mean, if that attack won't have happened then, you would have been still in school." As he talked he moved toward her and blocked her by moving his hand on either side and grabbing the edge of the glass bane.

She was physically cornered and in the literal mean too.

Her breathe was choked in the throat for various reasons, in which her being noticed by Subaru in school, was a major one.

She took some time to register his word and calm herself down.

"Because I can't make you mine". She mumbled under her breathe which Subaru heard clearly but waited for her to continue.

" I want to make you mine and want to become yours too, but not with any third wheel in the scene. From the time I realized who was going to become my rival, I lost my hope to be with you. I mean, they can snap me in two whenever they like, so I thought why not distance myself before that happens. Can't sacrifice me now right?" She gestures toward the town as she said. However, Subaru felt her worth more than she was giving herself.

"That's why I tried to stop loving you, but naturally I failed. So I concluded with my last hope, to love and admire you from far apart. But it seems god really hates me. When my resolve became somewhat firm, you came and broke it again." She raised her hand and punched it on Subaru, harmlessly.

"So you can't be with me when I am with someone else too?" Without hesitation, she nodded her head, with a painful smile on her face.

For some reason, Subaru's heart quenched like never before. He gathered himself before she could notice and leaned toward her even more.

"Sorry, Yuno but I can't leave them. Not for you nor for anyone. But if you change your mind then you are always welcome to be with me, with us. You will be a part of our family. So take your time, and think it out". He pecked her forehead as he hugged her lightly.

She comfortably snuggled and hummed in response.

" Don't worry, since these people are your responsibility, then I will take care of them too. You are not alone anymore". They stayed in silence for quite some time, before Subaru bid his farewell.

Yuno plopped down on the ground as soon his figure disappeared. Her legs were noodles right now, because of the nervousness and heat she felt some moments, ago.

She covered her face with her palms while fidgeting all on her own. However, soon her banter came to a pause and in place of a cheeky smile, a deadly grin took place.

"Oh, Subaru how easy it was to make you fall. I hope you will take care of me in the future too".

(A/N: Manipulation at its best-_-)


The place where Subaru teleported was not Tokyo but above the north Atlantic Ocean, miles apart from the mainland of the United Kingdoms.

The reason he came here was, to pay a heartwarming visit to the secret hideout of Hunter's Association. It didn't take for his recruit to scout the hidden base and inform Subaru.

Since Subaru was familiar with Jimmy's mana, so despite using shadow exchange, he tracked his shadow's mana and used teleportation. It was overwhelming even for him to know that he could easily teleport this far without losing even a percent of his reserve.

'My mana sure have increased after I got the necromancy. Are there other things I still don't know about?' It wasn't a question but a statement for himself that he still have to explore various things about his new adapted powers.

" Talk." A simple command traveled between the two figures before the later one, began to speak without its none existing mouth moving.

(A/N: I will refer to the shadows as 'it' )

[As you command, my king.] With a bow, it continued.

[As the supreme one could sense, there is a laboratory and test center at the bottom of the ocean where human experimentation takes place. It is the same place where I was made and trained. The other agents who were created here are widespread around the planet and doing their job beneath the shroud] Subaru pondered for a moment before he asked.

"So, are the subjects picked randomly or there is anything common in them?".

[Yes, my king. There is only one common thing among all the experiments which have gone until now, and that is the crime they have attained. Every test subject was once a criminal who had done an exceptional job in past to thrill out the masses in a fret. Of course, mana is also a factor] Subaru nodded in understanding before he raised his hand and faced his palm toward the open sky.

A single black pearly emitting loads of mana and destructiveness, formed over his palm.

" So basically killing them won't be a bad thing right?". Subaru asked for his soldier's view on this, but nonetheless, he couldn't care less.

[Absolutely no sire. Your grace will help them repent for the hideous deeds they have committed until now] Subaru gave a dry laugh because of Jimmy regarding himself differently from them.

Subaru shook his head and drop the pearl toward the water, and as soon it touched the water surface, Subaru created a huge dome-like barrier around the center of destruction.

[Atom Detonation]



The voice resounded heavily around, however, the blast happened inside the barrier only, eventually increasing the concentration of its demolition.

Only light fermented inside the barrier for quite a while with ear-piercing echoes reverberating.

After a full minute, the scene cleared and only a decayed piece of land remained.

The atomic detonation took the lives of hundreds of people before they could realize and react, evaporating the marine in the process too. Without the barrier, there could have disaster happened. However, the preparator was now facepalming himself even his exceptional spell could be counted as legend class.


"Shit, I forgot that I need their bodies to resurrect them".


[Breaking News:

A massive earthquake of intensity ranging around 7.5 was felt in the Atlantic Ocean and the ripples were felt by the people residing on the mainland of the United Kingdoms too. There isn't any news about dungeons break so researchers are taking it as a natural phenomenon]

[Moving onto the current hot topic, of the whole world. Jeju Island. Once a place where decency befell now is a living hell for us humans. Due to the previous two failures of Korean Hunters, our nation has extended a helping hand which they eventually accepted. Today, is a notable day in history as our 13 high-rank hunters along with our only national authority hunter, Mr. Goto Ryuji, is joining hands with Korean Hunters, to once again save humanity from extinction. Now we will move the screen toward the live scene of Japanese hunters who are about to depart...]


" Ah, the world is going shit again. Anyway, Riri chan wanna have some warm milk. Even for different reasons, both of us have a sore body due to some previous actions~. So why not recover together". Sasha winked.

"You bit-...


A/N: Long time. Sorry I was kinda fucked up so I had to delay the chapter. Anyway, Yuno will be part of the harem don't worry. And next chapter will be the commencement of the Jeju Island arc followed by the Great Cataclysm Arc.

Stay tuned and drop a comment on your way back~