
"Subaru Nishimiya!!" Upon hearing the loud howl of a certain person Subaru turned abort and stood straight facing the direction from where the roar came from. The still trembling and the dazed girl was sitting lifelessly at her place. The void of emotion from her turquoise eyes betrayed how heavy her mind at the moment was.

Subaru himself was highly complicated I did and he couldn't help but feel frustrated upon getting interrupted.

The fiery youth with a red-shaded katana standing some meter apart from the couple didn't wait for anything as he sensed a strange atmosphere between Subaru and the monster he desired to slay. By no means Kyojuro was capable to face Subaru that's why before anything could escalate wrong he made his move.

He disappeared from his spot using all the strength he had in his limbs and appeared just a meter apart from the horned girl. The latter one was so unstable at the moment that she never saw someone approaching her as her whole focus was situated only on the back of the raven-haired guy.

"Wait-" Even with the sudden burst of mana erupting from Subaru signifying that whatever was happening wasnt supposed to, Kyojuro didn't stop.

He took out his katana at a speed that normal humans couldn't even get a glimpse of and rained it down directly at the nape of the girl.


The whole thing happened in a mere 3 seconds as a lifeless body dropped to the ground with her head rolled just beside the foot of her murderer.

Kyojuro panted heavily as he used the last ounce of energy he had to mercilessly slay the demon he had grudge against for so long. The blood dripped down his blade which signified that his vengeance was finally concluded.

"I did it, father. I finally killed the monster who took you away from me! I avenged you father...." With a soft smile, he rejoiced in his heart and forgot where he was and what he did. For him slaying the girl was the goal he has preset for a long and finally he was out of misery.

He pulled his katana and stabbed the ground before his legs left his support as he fell on the ground. His eyes were filled with satisfaction and his lips curved in a smile.

"Ha....hahaha!! A menacing laugh resounded in the deeply enclosed cave as the young youth, who always brimmed with motivation somehow felt lost.

At the same time...

On a far corner side of the cave sat two people. One of them had beautiful sakura hair fallen below the boulder on which she was sitting. Sat behind her was a young man with inky black hair and cold blue eyes which for some reason was overflowing with murderous intent as they gawked at the laughing figure.

It was undoubtedly Subaru and the horned girl he has met some minutes ago. He was slowly caressing her sakura hairs as he tried to soothe his rage building inside.

" What is he doing darling...?" The girl innocently asked Subaru as she saw Kyojuro being so much happy for no reason.

It was strange how her darling pulled her to this side of the cave without her realizing and not only that her darling can change his color eyes too. So pretty!

"Something which he would probably regret," Subaru replied solemnly as he thought about something and looked at the girl sitting in between his legs while enjoying his touches jubilantly.

"Hey, you really are my Mira?" Even though Subaru got some of his confirmation from the unintentional confession she presented before, he was still finding it too good to be true for him to find her first love like this.

"Hmm...yep~yep. It's me, darling. Want me to confirm my identity?" A sudden round of jolt ran through Subaru as he heard a familiar way of talking but holding his elation he nodded toward her.

"Okay then. Let's start with your birth. Kim Joon-ho was born in Seoul Korea, City Hospital, ward 30-B, on 19th July 2001 at 5.36 in the evening. Except for you, your mother had also given birth to another boy two years before your birth, which makes you the youngest of the family. Now flashing forward, you were a bright student in school, and just 16 years finished high school and in the span of another 8 years got your Ph.D. diploma."

"Even sounding so nerd-like personality, you were quite into romantic stuff as you made a decent amount of girlfriends too before meeting me, which was on your birthday in the year 2023. " By the time she completed half of her verification Subaru already went in a state of complete stiffness. It was without a doubt personal information about his past self and with the details in which she stated everything, Subaru became even more sure about her being who he was expecting her to be.

"Now about us. Then after meeting you on a rainy day, we did the deed and you finished inside me. So as being a responsible man, which my darling is, you asked me to give you a chance, and like that our ship started sailing. In two years, we become better halves of each other as we shared numerous memories which I dearly treasure until now too, and finally, in the last year of our lives, we decided to get engaged. But something happened and we decided to die so we never got married. How unfortunate."

As her words concluded she shook her head in disappointment as her horn moved just below Subaru's nose making him ticklish. But for some reason, he didn't have the sense to even feel the sensation.

"W-we decided...Mira? Didn't you just sound like we committed suicide at mutual consent? When did I ever agree on it?" It was so long since Subaru heard something so shameless and absurd.

"Oh I asked you didn't I...whether you wanted to be with me together and you said yes...then I took it as yes...did I do something wrong?" The woman in his embrace suddenly seemed weak as she rounded her eyes like a puppy with her lips drooping most destructively.

Subaru was at loss. He can't even complain about getting killed when the person was so adorable!

'It's unfair...'

"Anyway, how did you end up here?" Subaru didn't ponder upon his past life more than necessary as he asked with a sigh. He was concerned about the reason for his death but put that matter aside for now.

"Oh, that...well I was just told that if I can expand the mana of this place in the open world then I could go and find my darling that's why I started sending those useless jerks. Anyway, I don't want to talk about that now darling." She swayed her head left to right as she denied talking about her life until now before she leaned back on Subaru's sturdy chest.

"Tell me about you, Darling? You have changed in so many ways but still, some of the things haven't changed even a bit." Subaru raised his brows as he felt her playing with his fingers.

"And what is that?" Even Subaru didn't admit it, recently he came to realize that most things, be it his appearance or personality, his voice or tone of speech everything had altered or changed completely. So upon hearing her talking about something mutual between his new and old self, he couldn't help but ask her.

"Your kind and considerate nature which you showed some minutes ago by sparing my life even without knowing my identity. Your habit of hugging me from the back and playing with my hair. To be honest you are the same darling to me whome I love the most." Subaru helplessly smiled upon hearing the chants of the woman who always bewitched him with only her words in the past and even for now ur was the same.

"You also have quite changed from the appearance aspect but from the inside, you still are the same." A giggle left her lips as she held her hair in her clutch and showed it to Subaru.

"Aren't they pretty? I know I look like your favorite character from those cartoons you used to watch...so you can honestly tell me that I look better than in my previous life." Subaru itched to correct Mira regarding the cartoon she just mentioned, but he held his urge before placing his hand above her head.

"Don't be a nuisance. I admit I love the way you look right now but the Mira I fell in love with was more beautiful and you clearly know I dont concern myself with appearance. What I see is someone's inner self and my Mira has a rare and pure one." Upon hearing his sincere words her body trembled uncontrollably.

Wailing emotions overwhelmed her senses as large drops of tears got collected in her beautiful eye.

She turned her waist and immediately dipped her head on Subaru's warm chest as she wrapped her thin arms around him.

Subaru also saw her expression and contently filled the gap as he completely engulfed her small frame. Something which he always missed since the time he got reborn, now finally was in his arms. The gap in his heart was finally fixed as he felt her presence.

It was already some minutes passed since they embraced each other and wordlessly got immense in their own world.

Suddenly something popped inside the girl who was enjoying the presence of her favorite person as she voiced her question.

"That reminds me, darling, ~" Subaru, whose face was buried in the fluffy hair of his lover just hummed in question.

"Well, it's not like I distrust my darling. Nu-uh, not at all. But by any chance, you didn't get entangled with anyone here, right?"

Even she asked in a very sweet and uncaring voice only Subaru knew what weight her words carried. He felt the chillness that he mostly forgot, but hearing her words many of the memories flashed in his eyes, which made him physically shiver down the core.

'This is going to be messy....'


A/N: Sup bitches! Missed me?

Anyway, I am back. I just thought since I have ideas then why not write them down and continue this work.

But please dont expect me to publish daily, I will try one chapter in at least two days.

So if you are hyped for the upcoming chapters, let me know~