Rank evaluation!

In the next two days, Subaru shifted his family of five to Seoul after helping his ladies finish their leftover work in Japan.

Ririka was instantly rejected when she told her father about moving to another nation. Not only her father but all the elders too got anxious and started panicking around the place upon hearing their next head casually changing her residence to a place which was outside their jurisdiction.

However, just as she told them who she was going to live with, they raised white flags and bid Ririka with a happy smile. The clan was important but not more than their life.

Fubuki didn't have much to stress about as her son had already taken over her school responsibility and surveillance was no longer necessary, so she was cool being disappearing all of a sudden.

Sasha was like a free bird. She just mailed her boss that she was resigning with a peace sign at the end of her letter which sorted her problem too. Well, from her end of course.

Subaru after cleaning up the residuals of the dimensional rift, left Japan with his women and finally entered his previous life's motherland this time as a resident, not a visitor.

Since he wasn't a hunter in official records there wasn't any need for a transfer or publicity about him changing nation. However, it wasn't like Subaru was unknown to the world. More like, he was the only hot topic that had revolved in most bulletins since the incident some days ago.

A mysterious young man came and saved the asses of elite hunters like it was just a walk in the park. Not to forget how he subdued the knights from the rift and annihilated such a huge army in so a short period.

For humanity, he has become an anomaly that was destined to shine in the future. It was still unknown about which country he belongs but through tracking records, some people have posted that this prominent entity belongs to Japanese lands.

But due to not having solid evidence no one was able to discern what Subaru's actual nationality was.

(A/N:- Fubuki is the one who erased such data without asking Subaru as she knew people will scorn him for leaving his nation in times of crisis.)

Subaru bought two apartment flats in the same building for his ladies to reside. Since it was impossible to make Sahsa and Mira get along this easily even though Subaru gave them such a warning, he asked Fubuki to stay with Mira and Ririka and Sahsa in another one.

Since Mira was vulnerable to open air in which normal human breathes, Subaru again created a barrier around the apartment so she doesn't feel uncomfortable. Since the barrier was a temporary remedy Subaru was continuously contemplating how to bring Mira's mana back without letting her stay in the dungeon.

But due to his continuous moving, he was barely getting any time to relax so he had kept it aside for now.

Sasha badly wanted to stay with Fubuki but the latter one kindly rejected such a proposal as she knew Ririka would be not comfortable with Mira and letting Mira be left alone was out of the question. Fubuki knew what importance she carries in Subaru's heart that's why she suggested such arrangements.

Mira wasn't bothered by whoever she was living with anymore. For her Subaru's presence was everything she could ask for and for that she could even tolerate some disturbance around her too.

Now when everything was settled Subaru left home with Ririka to head toward the evaluation center. From what he has heard from Mira there was something incoming to this side of the world that he still might not be able to handle all by himself.

So to gain more support he needed dungeon creatures and for that, he needed raid permits. He could have become a freelancer again here but when he has the opportunity to go through legal procedure why become a criminal?

Since they left the house earlier than they planned, Subaru pulled Ririka inside a cafè for breakfast which the latter accepted wordlessly.

Sitting face to face, Subaru was continuously looking at Ririka who currently was sipping on her drink with the round pipe connected with her small lips. She was glancing away while fidgeting, completely not in the mood to talk with Subaru.

Subaru felt the gesture so adorable that he thought of letting her angry for some more time but in the end, he wasn't a devil.

"You talk so less to me these days." He sighed as he leaned his chin on his intervened fingers with his whisper reaching the girl in front. Ririka raised her brows in complete amusement and disbelief.

Her whole expression was shouting, 'Says you?!', but Subaru completely turned blindfold to it and stared at her without breaking a blink.

Ririka even under the heavy blush of getting gazed upon didn't halt her sipping and just moved her body toward the right, ignoring Subaru's presence entirely.

With a slight frown, he again spoke up.

"You know what, I paid for that." Before she could have realized her cup wasn't in her hand anymore. Turning her head she found her drink being sipped by Subaru. No, more like he was just teasing the tip of the straw with his tongue just to make her flustered.

And as expected her moon white face took the whole crimson as her natural shade as she went 'Fue...!' with steams erupting over her head.

Subaru thought he went overboard with the teasing but he found it overly cute how she reacts to such gestures. He brought his hand helplessly and rubbed the top of her head in a gentle manner as he asked with a concerned filled in voice.

"Are you still angry because of Mira?"

In middle of bliss Ririka heard his voice and she very well knew how troubled he was upon seeing her acting like this. She also started feeling a little guilty about it.

"As I told before Ririka, I can't leave her just like I can't leave you guys. So please try to accept the situation."

"I am not upset because of that..." Muttering under her breathe Ririka turned her face away again, but this time her embarrassment was on full display to baffle Subaru before he asked.

"Then what is it bothering you so much?"

Subaru was complete oblivion why Ririka was pouting so much since ever and if Mira being in the family wasn't the issue then he wasn't able to realize what was.

Under the heavy gaze of Subaru, Ririka felt cornered before she finally decided to confess what the actual problem was with her. Sighing heavily she started her train of complaints.

"My problem is her entire existence. Why is she so damn beautiful?! Her horns, her hair, her skin...her fucking skin is almost transparent and not to talk about her canines, why is she so damn perfect in all sense. Argh! It's pissing me off even to think about it. Until we three were only present I was confident to not get outmatched by those two women but now...I am thrown into a state of self-denial. And the most dangerous thing ...she even know you from your last life. Ha! Can something go more wrong than this...?!"

Huffing, Ririka accepted the glass of water Subaru provided her before gulping it down in one go. Her face was red because of the rash way she used to talk.

Subaru had his eyes a little wide open as he never thought that this could be Ririka's concern. He admits that Mira was beautiful but for him all his women were equally attractive enough to make his heart race. That's why he found Ririka's words a little exaggerated .

(A/N :- Problems with harem protag)

"Not only me but mom(Sasha) have also started feeling insecure because of her."

"Wait mom too? I mean isn't she already mature enough to not let these things get up to her head." If what Ririka said was true then Subaru might have to doubt whether Fubuki and Sasha were at same age or not.

However it wasnt the time for him to ponder about anything else. He just wanted to calm Ririka down so he brought her cold hand between his palms as she leaned forward following his lead.

"You know, even I have found Mira in an Ogre, slime or any living entity, I would still have loved her in the same way, I do now. For me appearance isn't the factor which makes me fall for someone. It's just those whome I have built romantic relations with are all exceptional beauties. So don't stress over something like that and smile like you always do. Your is my favourite you know."

Kissing her hand he connected her palm on top of his cheek and directed his warmth through a mere touch. His eyes unlike usual were awfully gentle peeking toward Ririka making the latter one forget all about her previous grumble as she found her getting lost in his eyes.

There was no word which traveled between them yet they shared quite lot emotions in silence. Sometimes to help someone precious to you, it's better just to sit by them until they don't feel your presence strongly around. And it goes for Ririka too.


[11.30 a.m]

[Hunter's Rank Evaluation Centre]

[Seoul, Korea]

By informing the surveillance chief of Korean Hunters Association, Subaru and Ririka already got their name registered as hunters in Association database. So there wasn't any requirement to go all the way to get their hunter's licence anymore.

The evaluation centre unlike always was almost empty today because of a certain someone arriving for their evaluation. It goes without saying that Subaru was a 'S' rank even him without getting tested that's why the site was kept free for tdoay. Well, helping Korea in time of crisis was a major factor too but the prior reason remained prominent .

Subaru along with Ririka drove to the evaluation centre. Subaru already knew that there would be cameras all around waiting to see the person getting evaluated by giving such special treatment, so he naturally covered himself as well his partner with a shrouding barrier.

It was impossible to hold their identity after evaluation but Subaru wanted to avoid crowd as much he could.

"Your spell chants have become so fluent that the thought of catching up with you have long exhausted." Ririka held his arm in her embrace as they walked forward as she whispered with a dry smile.

Subaru intervened the fingers of their connected hand before a smiling reply came from him.

"Well in my opinion you already are a very skilled Hunter, but the thing you lack is something I am expert in, so don't worry I will help you." Ririka smiled back on the honest words he shared. In place of using flowery word he chose to speak the truth, which made her fall in love with him all over again.

(A/N:- Eassssyy)

Halting their feet just on the entrance where black suit wearing men along with the Survelliance Chief Woo Jin-Chul at the centre, Subaru brought his hand over the goggle wearing handsome man.

Woo Jin-Chul immediately held his guard up as he grabbed the hand of Subaru back with intention to break it, but he wasn't able too.

"That's some serious strength you have Chief." Hearing a familiar voice Jin-Chul stiffened at his spot before he raised his voice not to the point to raise commotion, to confirm the unexpected presence's identity.

"Hunter Subaru? Is it you?"

"Yeah. Can we go inside before I show my face and you can get assured?" Woo Jin-Chul nodded before releasing Subaru's arm and directing them ...basically himself inside the building under the strange gaze of other guards around .

Subaru as soon stepping inside, dissolved the barrier and made his appearance, earning a gasp from the man infront.

"This is the first time I have ever seen such flawless barrier, Hunter." As in between the talk both men shook hands before Jin-Chul bowed slightly while muttering 'Morning Ma'am'.

Ririka nodded in response and remained silent during the whole exchange. Soon Jin-Chul led the pair further inside the building before they were greeted by a double locked gate at the end of passage.

"You will find the Chairman on the other side." Pushing the door for the two, Jin-Chul informed them about their further guide. Subaru thanked him for the hospitality before he along with Rrirkka entered inside.

There stood a white haired man, who by looks seemed in his early fifties yet his built never justified his age. Bearing a warm smile on his face Go Gun-Hee greeted the pair.

"Good morning Hunter. I hope you didn't had problem shifting your residence here."

"No it's was actually easier than you can expect." Subaru answered courteously before he introduced the person beside him .

"She is my girlfriend Momobami Ririka. She also have came here today for rank evaluation. I hope you don't mind." Go Gun-Hee shook his head before bowing toward Ririka in greetings .

"Lady Ririka, it's nice to meet you. I have heard a lot from Yama about you. I hope you can find this nation as your second home." Bowing back Ririka responded a little flusterdly.

"Likewise Sir. I also have heard father talking about you quite some time in past. Please take care of me from now on".

Subaru who was unaware of such connection stood silent as the two varying generation completed their too-formal greeting.

The two employee who were in charge of rank evaluation, standing on the back were called by Chairman. The glasswearing middle aged man was sweating profoundly as he stood between such prominent figures of Chairman and Subaru.

But being in the profession does have helped him build the facade which doesn't showed his inner anxiety at all. Adjusting his glasses he held a board in hand as he called for the first requirement he needed to discern in order to evaluate Subaru's rank.

"Good morning hunter-nim. First, please show what kind of skills you are most proficient with."

Ririka stiffened as she heard the request of the man as she slowly retreated quite few steps from Subaru. Others were clueless why she did so, but soon they would be regretting their position too.

"Skills huh. Very well."


A/N:- Some leisure SOL chapters before action would start. The romance with Cha-In would commence shortly so don't worry fellow blushing goddess' fans.

Anyway, drop a comment if you are looking forward to next chapter ~